“Where are you?”Cold feeling touched the jasper ring in his hand, whispering to himself, looking like a neuropathy.

    The jasper ring did not answer the words of the cold, but it was constantly shining with the green light, which seemed to guide the cold.

    what you were trying to tell me.Chilling off the jasper ring from the finger, and then put it in your palm, some silently said, “If the soul here is really your soul, then tell me where you are!”

    After finishing this sentence, the cold hand slowly lowered the hands that dragged the jasper ring, and the magical scene happened. With the palm of the cold hand, the green ring of his palm did not fall to the ground. Instead, it is suspended in the air quietly, as if there is a magical power to hold it.

    “Sure enough, you!”The cold showed some excitement, and the ring swayed slightly in the air, and immediately began to gallop in a certain direction.

    “Let’s go!”The cold immediately followed the guide of this jasper ring and chased it up.

    “Cold the cold!”I just sat down and found the cold movement, and immediately caught up behind the cold.

    “I really saw the ghost, this guy is really related to the running dog of the heaven!”Altolia smirked and spit, but it was impossible to let the other person leave, and he could only chase after the cold.

    The three men flew in the Kunlun Mountains, and finally the cold stopped on a mountainside, and the jasper ring also stopped, quietly suspended in front of the cold.

    “It seems to be here!”When the cold smiles, the sword in the hand emerges, and a fierce Sword Qi slams down. This Kunlun Mountain has a sky full of snowflakes…This sky of snow seems to roll up the entire Heaven and Earth, like a blizzard.

    But this blizzard is not caused by nature, but by the Sword Qi issued by human beings.

    But the magic is that such a powerful attack is bound to cause a strong mountain change, and finally triggered a catastrophe like avalanche. In fact, apart from the mountainside area, other areas appear unusually quiet and peaceful, without any change, which also highlights the terror control of the cold.

    And with the fall of the snow, a deep black hole appeared in front of everyone…This black hole doesn’t know how deep it is. Just three people standing in the hole can’t see anything in the black hole. All this represents the unknown.

    “I don’t think it’s good to go down!”Altolia said nervously that she could feel a powerful force coming from the depths of this cave, and this powerful force was even unbearable for Altolia. The power of heaven and earth.

    “I too…”I haven’t talked yet, and the cold has already rushed straight down. I can only turn a blind eye in the end of the year, still rushing down behind the cold…There is no way for Altolia, what else can you say, and then rush down!

    The three did not know how long they had been flying in this cave. They only knew that the cold air had become ordinary temperature, and then the temperature began to rise gradually, and soon exceeded the limit of 50 degrees. , reached a super high temperature of 500 degrees or more.

    As a normal human being, Liu Nian was the first to stick to it at such a temperature and had to open his own shield to isolate this terrible temperature.

    As for Altolia, there is not much change. As a ceremonial tier, such a temperature is not a small test for Altolia. Just what makes Altolia feel strange is why this cold is just like himself, not like his companions, supporting his own shield.

    The temperature is still rising. When everyone can see the flowing magma, the temperature has risen to about 3,000 degrees. The flow of the body shield has begun to sweat…Even close-fitting shields cannot effectively isolate these problems.

    And Altolia’s forehead also came out with sweat. In fact, Altolia can use the Wind King enchantment to isolate these temperatures, but at this time the cold does not mean the use of a personal shield, so because of this In the tone, Altolia is not willing to use his own wind king enchantment.

    Fortunately, at this time the cave has reached a magma river and will not continue down, but will follow the magma river.

    However, because the magma river is around, the temperature has risen further to 4000 degrees. At this time, Altolia can no longer persist in the tough, can only support his own wind king enchantment, but let Altolia Feeling frustrated, the cold does not mean the use of a personal shield.

    However, the situation of the embarrassing situation has become extremely bad. Under the isolation of the personal shield, the temperature has risen to about 500 degrees. Her clothes have become wet and affixed to her body. Your own skin.

    “Oh, or you should go up first!”The cold has noticed the situation of the passing of the year and actively persuaded.

    “You know my character! Is it interesting to say this? ”The flow of years has caught a cold eye.

    “I just want to talk about it!”The cold smiled, and the sword of the fairy smashed out more than a dozen Sword Qi, and firmly surrounded the flow of the year, and the temperature felt a few times lower in the meantime, and returned to the normal level that he could accept.

    “Who wants you to help me?”It’s even more uncomfortable…However, I have to admit that I have to pass the Sword Qi to isolate the temperature, and I can’t even do it myself…The Sword Skill cultivation base is still a little bit worse, which makes the flow of years feel extremely unhappy…I can think of this as helping the cold to help oneself, and a little warmth.

    “Arrived!” It’s hereThe cold slammed down and stopped, and everyone found himself in a white Heaven and Earth…It’s just that it’s hard to understand that it’s a magma river with temperatures of thousands of degrees behind it. How can there be a terrible world of snow flakes in front of you?

    One side is magma and the other is ice sheet, so the two extremely opposite environments appear in the same underground world at the same time…The closest positions of these two extreme environments are only less than ten centimeters…The shore of the magma river is facing the white snow, which is beyond the imagination of normal people.

    “Well, you don’t need your Sword Qi!”Although I don’t understand why there is an ice sheet here, but I have escaped from the cold Sword Qi and rushed into this ice sheet.

    “Oh my God!”The next second, I jumped back. The temperature of this ice sheet is already beyond absolute zero. The first time I flow into this ice sheet, I feel that my blood has begun to freeze…This scared the mile and jumped back directly. She hadn’t seen any big winds and waves, but it was really the first time I met this extremely cold environment.

    The environment that I felt so hot and unbearable has become so warm at the moment, as if it were the mother’s arms.

    “let’s go!”With a handful of cold hands, thousands of Sword Qi flew out, forming an oversized barrier, surrounded by three people, Altolia and Liu Nian.

    “Who wants you to manage it? I can go in by myself! ”Altolia groaned and wanted to rush out of the Sword Qi barrier.

    “Don’t be willful!”The cold screamed to Altolia, and the still agitated Altolia suddenly softened…Altolia didn’t know why she was soft, but she stopped her own steps and followed the pace of cold, and walked into the world of the icefield.

    “What is absolutely zero! It is a joke at all! ”Cold and care said, “There is at least three times the absolute zero. I have just escaped quickly. Now it has been frozen into ice sculptures. Even if your Wind King enchantment is stronger than our personal shield at the isolation temperature, it is the same ending at this temperature. ”

    请指定两种不同的语言Altolia stayed for a moment, then nodded and thanked.

    Right there! Someone there! ”Suddenly, Liu Nian suddenly said with amazement, looking at the fingers of the flowing years, I saw a lonely figure standing at the end of the line of sight, as if waiting for something silently.

    “let’s go!”The three men who were chilling immediately stepped forward. When they walked around the figure, they suddenly discovered that this is not a real person, but an ice sculpture…A sculpted, lively man.

    “More than this one! There are still a lot of ice sculptures inside! ”The flow of years is even more amazing, at first glance, more and more dense ice sculptures are arranged in the edge…These ice sculptures are dressed in different clothes and make different movements. They look like a living, real person at work.

    One thing is that the more you look at it, the more you feel flustered, because the appearances of these ice sculptures are all the same, they are all handsome and handsome, and how this young man looks and fixes the cold. More and more like.

    “Cold the cold! This person will not be you? ”At the end of the year, I finally asked the cold and couldn’t hold my doubts.

    “It should be me!”Cold nodded nod, with the appearance of these ice sculptures, the guess in the cold heart is more and more affirmed, yes, the human sword guard who died here must be her.

    Although I would like to ask the cold to understand, but the flow of years still resisted the doubts in the heart, continue and calm down, and finally saw a small and exquisite, completely made of ice igloo.

    Welcome back! Master! ”Yi Qing, who is generally a wife, stood at the door with a smile and smiled softly. She waited here for 800 years.

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