“Here is where you make a name for yourself in the game?”Standing side by side with the cold and cold shoulders, I saw the familiar scene in front of my eyes. I was very interested in talking about it, and Lucifer on the side was also curious.

    For the status of the Admiral, the most legendary story is the copy of the “Betrayal of Arthur’s Betrayal”. This is a story that every player who plays the game relishes. Even if the status of the Admiral is three years after the silence, there are occasional The player mentioned the amazing play of the Admiral.

    Therefore, whether it is the Lunar New Year or Lucifer, I am very curious about the story of the cold year.

    “Have you been here before, and have you made a name for yourself here?”When I heard the words of the rogue, Altolia on the side said incredulously.

    “This is impossible. We have been living here for hundreds of years. If he is stirring the wind here, how could Delanes not know?”DeLaus, who had a big axe, said with a look of disappointment.

    “It was another dimensional thing, or 3,000 ago, when the Altoria you because betrayed the spirit of the temple and was bound here in the underground palace ready to die, the result was my friends and I rescued together, will you back to Yanjing city, and then you cooperate with us yanjing City together evil The spirit of the temple! ”The cold smiled and said a letter to Hu.

    “You are going to talk nonsense here. The Hall of the Spirit is the ally of our sword-bearers. How can our sword-bearers annihilate the Hall of the Spirit!”A sword-bearer named Liu Qiao in the team said…This is the sword-bearer born in the human remnants of this world, and is also a sword-level sword-bearer.

    I just don’t know if this Liuqiao is the soul of the player or the NPC of this copy world.

    “I said that! That is another dimension. In that dimension, we humans have more than a dozen sword-level sword-bearers, and established ten base cities. All the aliens except humans are our enemies! ”The coldness is faint.

    “Isn’t that…In your dimension, we humans are like the present heaven…It’s so enviable, it seems to live in your world! ”When I heard the cold, Liuqiao showed a look of incomparable yearning.

    “Nothing, if I can open the door of the dimension back, then I will bring back the humans of this world and bring you a good life!”The cold is straightforward.

    “Really?”Liu Qiao’s emotions suddenly became very excited. It’s like living under the bridge, relying on junk and eating and eating, and suddenly found that his brother is a billionaire in another city, and this billion If the rich are going to pick up their own lives, you will become very excited.

    This is the case with the cold, which brings the human heart of this world closer to its own position.

    “Are you openly dig the wall?”Altolia had some anger and glanced at the cold.

    “Altolia, you have to change your mind. If I take all the human beings of this world, does this world really belong to your Lantern? You should be happy! ”The cold smiled and said, “Okay, I guess that if we don’t defeat the heavens, we can’t return to our own yuan.” So at least for now, our goal is the same. ”

    “So you forced us to bring you to Luban adults?”Altolia said with a look of disappointment.

    “No! Even if I don’t ask you to lead the way, I also know that Luban is in the underground palace under the Xianyang Airport. ”The cold smile laughs “The only difference is that if you lead me in, then we can talk friendly. If it is the three of us who have gone all the way, then I am afraid that good things will become bad things! ”

    “Alright!”Altolia has long known this point. This is why she has been in charge of the public and personally approached Xianyang Airport with people such as the cold. At the same time, she had already made a first step to Xianyang Airport to issue a warning, so that the threat of coldholds to their strongholds could be minimized.


    This is the third time for solid cold to Xianyang airport for different purposes, at this time of Xianyang airport still and “King Arthur’s Betrayal,” the beginning of a copy of the same, or more calm than ever, because this Xianyang airport even a yuan Kou also can not see, empty is just a piece of rubble.

    Under the leadership of Altolia, Gu Han and others once again entered the familiar T1 terminal, along the familiar path, and finally appeared again in the underground palace of the T1 terminal.

    It was only in the copy of “Betrayal of King Arthur” that I saw many strange martyrdoms. The underground palaces with many rooms were different. At this time, the underground of the T1 terminal was directly an extra large space supported by many columns.

    This huge underground palace seems to be invisible to an empty figure, but from the various wastes that have just been discarded on the ground and some messy escapes, this underground palace should have been filled with people not long ago. People just evacuated in a very short time.

    Apparently, it was Altolia’s men who came to the police and the rebels who lived in the underground palaces temporarily retreated, so as not to let the cold in the underground palace to kill.

    Of course, there is not a single person in this underground palace. In the center of the palace, Lu Ban, who has been looking forward to the cold for a long time, sat there, waiting for the arrival of the cold.

    “Luoban adults, follow your instructions, this person I have brought over!”Altolia said to Luban.

    “thank you! My king! ”Luban nodded and said, “The old man has some words to talk to him alone. Can you temporarily avoid it?”

    “Luban adults! This human being is very dangerous. I am still not sure of his identity. I am not sure which side he is standing on. It will be too dangerous to leave you alone. ”Altolia said a little nervous.

    “No matter, the old man believes his words, and even if we join forces, it is impossible for him to be his opponent. If you want to leave, I will leave with confidence, I believe the old man can handle it well!”Luban insisted.

    In the face of Luban’s insistence, Altolia had no choice but to give her a cold warning and leave her with her, leaving only the cold and others to stay alone with Luban.

    “Admiral Xiaoyou, I haven’t seen you for more than three years. I don’t think you are already strong enough. Even your teammates are much stronger than they were!”Seeing that Altolia left, Luban showed a long-lost smile and looked at the cold.

    “you are……”After listening to Luban’s words, the expression of the cold has changed greatly. This Luban actually knows himself and can say three years. Can it be said…

    “It seems that you have already guessed the little friend of the Admiral. However, I was the NPC Luban who gave you the orange egg behind you in this place three years ago!”Luban did not hesitate to show his identity, and he actually knew his identity as an NPC.

    “What’s going on here?”Liu Nian and Lu Xihua listened to the fog, and couldn’t help but look at the cold.

    So here’s the thing.The cold will tell the story of Luban in the copy that year, and then asked Luban, “Why? Why do you appear in this copy, why do you know your NPC identity? If you really know that you are an NPC, shouldn’t you be refreshed with the end of the copy three years ago? ”

    “The old man at the time has indeed been refreshed!”Lu Ban smiled. “The old man you see now is not the old man three years ago. This is a brand new body, but some memories have been preserved!”

    UnderstoodThe coldness nodded secretly in the heart. It turned out that the memory in the copy at that time was retained on the body of a brand new Luban.

    “In fact, the old man’s memory should not be preserved. Only after the admiral activated this copy, the old man’s memory was directly transferred to the body, and you have been in charge for three years!”Luban sighed. The reason why Lu Ban’s memory could be preserved was actually because the cold has triggered the imperial sword-level mission.

    “You have come to this copy world three years ago? Could it be said that this copy world has appeared three years ago? ”The cold has heard a crucial message from Luban’s words. If Luban’s memory was transferred to this body three years ago, wouldn’t it mean that this copy world was established three years ago? Now!

    “True.” At that time, the old man thought that the Admiral would immediately complete the Emperor’s sword-level copy task after receiving the copy of the Emperor’s sword level. However, he did not expect that the old man was three years! If it is not this time the copy world has changed, I am afraid that the Admiral has completely forgotten that this Emperor sword level copy is to be completed! ”Lu Ban, the old man said very sadly, let the cold can not help but a little embarrassed.

    The fact is like Luban said. If it wasn’t for the big problem in this game, I’m afraid that the cold will really throw this copy of the emperor’s sword to the back.

    “Since you know that this copy of the world has changed, you must know that millions of human souls are trapped in this copy and can’t be separated. Then you know that this is the cause of the world’s changes, and How to release these human souls?”The cold has asked for one of the most important issues.

    “Sure.Luban nodded cheerfully. “No matter the reason for this copy of the world, how to save the souls of these people, I know the answers to all the questions, this is what I want to tell you!”

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