“Xihua! Your body is weak and you need a good rest! ”Lu Xihua, who was crawling out of the medical cabin, pressed back to the chair.

    “Master, I am fine, something is my brother! My brother has not returned his soul! ”Lucifer was anxious to say cold.

“……”The coldness of the cold sounded a stagnation. “Are you sure that your brother’s soul is not in his body?”

    … yes, it is! I am his sister, I can feel that my brother has only one body left here, his soul is not here! ”Lucifer was full of anxiety.

    “It seems that my plan is still embarrassing!”The cold and helpless smile smiles “It seems that Zhou Yu is in the process of winning the house, the soul of Lu Yin has left his body!”

    “What! Then will my brother’s life be in danger? ”When I heard the cold, Lu Xihua was even more anxious.

    “This will not, I can guarantee that your brother’s soul is still alive, otherwise your brother’s body will immediately lose all vitality and become a dead person…There is no flesh that can survive after the destruction of the soul. Your brother’s soul must be somewhere…Mostly in the game…Can be cleared three times, all the souls have retired from the game…If you have the soul of your brother, he should go back, can you say the soul of your brother…”Fix the cold and sigh.

    It seems that when Zhou Yu was in the game, he directly lost the soul of Lu Yin into the game, and the soul of Lu Yin did not know how to enter the copy, so the staff responsible for clearing the game in the game only went from scratch. The tail did not find the soul of the road.

    Sifu My brother is for…”Lu Xihua looked at the cold with tears. The meaning of this is self-evident. It is the road that has hidden a huge risk and sacrificed himself to finally defeat Zhou Yu. The cold must be responsible for the life of Lu Yin!

    Hey, this time, there is one more reason to enter the copy of the cold, and it won’t work if you don’t enter the cold!


    “The empty city of Yuzhang! I saw it for the first time! ”Entering the game, the cold and a little looked at the surrounding environment with emotion. It’s been half a year before the game was locked in.

    No matter which time you enter the game, Yuzhang City is in a busy state. The continuous flow of people has passed through every place in Yuzhang City. The city in this game is not quiet at all.

    And now into the game, the whole of the city seems to have become a ghost town, the huge streets of a figure can not see, but it is strange that all the shops on both sides of the street are open, every store in the equipment, lights, kitchen and so on all the facilities are in normal operation, It’s just that there’s not a single figure in the store.

    In order to facilitate the search for the lost soul in the game, after regaining control of the game, the official let all the npcs and Lanterns in the game go offline, but the equipment of these stores did not have time to close, so it appeared. This is a very strange scene!

    SifuLucifer had some fear attached to the cold, and this strange scene made Lucifer feel instinctively afraid.

    AHEM! Two of your attention points! ”The dying year will appear in the side of the cold, and these three people also constitute the main force of this challenge copy of the cold!

    Originally, according to the meaning of cold, as long as he enters the game alone, it is completely unnecessary to use Lucifer and the rogue.

    However, Lucifer firmly stated that she must personally save her younger brother, while the old man said that the limelight could not let the cold out alone, and she would have to show her limelight.

    In this regard, the cold has no longer persisted after simply dissuading a few sentences. This is their own choice, and the cold will not stop them.

    “According to the information found by Xu Yang’s staff, the entrance to that copy is in the vicinity of Hengdian Film and Television City in Zhejiang Jinhua!”The cold is said to Lu Xihua and Liu Nian.

    Sifu How is the entrance to the copy going to be there? ”Lucifer asked curiously.

    “You don’t know this!”Not equal to the cold answer, fleeting Lin will be preemptive “in reality, Hengdian movie City is heaven in the world’s largest stronghold, the only one dimensional entrance to the heaven is located in Hengdian film and television city, we want to enter the” Destroy Heaven, “The emperor Sword level copy, it must be through the entrance of the dimensional gap. ”

    “In the information of Xu Yang, he entered the copy through that entrance!”The flow of years is fast.

    Ta-da! These things are slowly explained, we must now rush to Hengdian Studios! ”Chilling regularly took a clap, and then the sound of Chu Xuan sounded in the whole city. “Are you ready?”

    “Chu Xuan seniors, we are ready, please send us directly to Hengdian Studios!”The cold replied.

    “I wish you all the best!”The sound of Chu Xuan disappeared, and the three people who felt cold were feeling black in front of them. When the next second appeared bright again, they had already come to a large and magnificent building with Chinese classical style.

    Originally from Yuzhang City to Hengdian Film and Television City, the cold and other people will take the transportation, and it will take at least half a day to arrive. But here is the game, and it is still emptying all the players in the semi-closed game, Chu Xuan has mastered the highest control of the game, so it is simply not too simple to have a full map teleport, Chu Xuan’s thoughts The cold and other people teleported to the front of the copy entrance.

    “I have long heard that Hengdian Film and Television City is actually the best preserved place in the entire Yanhuang Continent. The most beautiful place in the building, I have long wanted to go here in the real world. I don’t think it is a step ahead in the game! ”Said cold and sighed.

    This Hengdian Film and Television City is the largest stronghold of Tianting in today, living a lot of Lanterns in the heavens. Unlike most other Yuanzheng forces, the Yuanxiao is also a smart Demon Beast. They need a good living environment.

    Not only will it not ruin the surrounding buildings, but they will repair them from time to time. Tianting has been in Hengdian Film and Television City for more than 900 years. The whole fantasy is naturally perfected by the heavenly court. There are pavilions and pavilions everywhere, and the dragons are painted, like a real heaven.

    Under normal circumstances, Hengdian Studios will refresh countless powerful Lantern Festivals. Even the Emperor Swords players in the game can’t do anything in Hengdian Studios, let alone near Hengdian Studios. The entrance to the gap between the heavens where the heavens are located.

    However, at this time all the Lantern Festivals have been refreshed by the game. The entire Hengdian Film and Television City is also in a state of being empty. The cold and others can enjoy the beautiful scenery of Hengdian Studios while quietly strolling in this Lantern Festival. Among the important strongholds, I finally arrived at the center of Hengdian Studios: Qin Palace.

    In the historical data of the era of incomplete disillusionment, it is faintly known that this Hengdian movie and television city was originally a small mountain village. Later, a film crew set up a new movie in this small mountain village in order to film the movie “Jingjing Qinhuang Emperor”. Large antique building: Qin Palace.

    Hengdian Film and Television City, with Qin Palace as the core, has gradually developed into a large-scale film and television base with more than a dozen characteristic buildings. It is freely available to various crews across the country, and Hengdian Studios also relies on the stars among these groups. They have attracted a large number of tourists, earning a lot of money, and achieving a win-win situation for both sides.

    [PS: Here is a special point. The first scenic spot in Hengdian Film and Television Town is the new Guangzhou Street for the filming of the Opium War. The Qin Palace was built in the second year. 】

    The gap between the yuan leading to the nest of the heavens is in the Qin Palace, but this gap entrance is not located in the most important palace of the Qin Palace: Four Seas. It was on an inconspicuous horse farm next to the Temple of Four Seas.

    This horse farm was originally used to perform the classic equestrian performance of the Qin Palace: Baqiu Wu…Don’t vomit why the Qin Palace will perform things in the Qing Dynasty. You have to ask the managers of Hengdian Studios…Before the big break, in this performance field, every day, equestrian stunt performers performed the big performances of the Eight Banners before the Sanqi.

    But as time went by, this film was not a military field for a long time, but it became a unique square. A new temple was built in the center of the square. The temple is dedicated to the gap to the heavenly court. The door.

    Without any hindrance, the cold and other people arrived in front of the door of this gap smoothly, and looked at the door that was flashing with faint light, and looked at Lu Xihua and Liu Nian from his side.

    “You two can think about it! Once I followed this door, you didn’t have any chance to escape the copy before the copy of the customs. It might even be like the millions of souls, forever in this copy. ”The cold is very solemn.

    “When are you cold, when did you become such a mother-in-law!”The dying year was white and cold, and then took the lead in the door of the gap.

    “She is worried!”After a cold smile, I didn’t say anything more. I pulled Lu Xihua’s hand and disappeared into the gap.

    “System Message: Player Admiral, welcome to the copy of “Sweeping the Heaven”, sweeping away the starting task of the heavens and stealing the mahogany.”

    “System News: Task 1 has been updated: stealing a thousand-year-old mahogany trunk in the Taoyuan of the Queen Mother in the Heavenly Court. After completing the mission, you can enter a copy of “Betrayal of Arthur King”, find Luban to receive the task reward, and accept the next A ring of tasks.”

    Here is theYuzhang City…”When the cold and the dying year saw the world at a glance, I suddenly found out that I actually returned to Yuzhang City, and it was still in Yuzhang City where people came and went, and the players were rampant!

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