Thanks for your hard work!!After one step of solidification, I stepped out of the door of the void, and with him came out with a flow of years…Obviously, the reason why the cold can enter the void is because of the help of the dying year, so the cold has been lurking in the void near here. It is no wonder that such an important occasion, the dying year has been in a state of disappearance, no longer appeared. .

    “No harm! We have nothing to say, and we are afraid that Zhou Yu will discover our flaws, so that the defeat will be successful! ”Big Day Sword Immortal said with a wry smile.

    “That is, I can’t think of the two acting artists. Actually, Zhou Yu also cheated the past!”Had a smile, haha.

    “Our acting is secondary. The key is to fix your acting skills. If you don’t really deceive Zhou Yu, let Zhou Yu believe that you are falling out of Yanjing City because you are not willing to dedicate yourself. You are still in Yanjing City. I am going to kill the ring, I am afraid that Zhou Yu will not believe us so easily!”Darius Sword Immortal exclaimed.

    “No! Big Day Sword Immortal You are wrong in this regard! ””Cold and shake your head” “I am not acting, because I can never give myself to myself. I am just showing my heart!”

    “In fact, this plan to steal the dragon and turn the phoenix is ​​not what I thought of at the beginning, but when I waved the first sword to those sad citizens, I thought of the trick! Before that, everything is my true reflection, there is no possibility of acting! ”The coldness is faint, and with the words of the cold, the whole scene is silent.

    After a few minutes, the big day Sword Immortal was incredibly looking at Chu Xuan, and asked Chu Xuan with his eyes.

    “True.” This plan is indeed a cold to find me after leaving Yanjing City, we jointly proposed! ”Chu Xuan nodded. “Before the cold and killing, I was also kept in the dark, thinking that the cold is really to kill people!”

    So all hail to that. You are not doing this for Zhou Yu! You really want to kill! That is the life of tens of thousands of people! ”I heard Chu Xuan say that the face of Sword Immortal suddenly became a purple sauce.

    When the cold-cold killing escaped from Yanjing City, Chu Xuan came to the door with a plan to fix the cold. Sword Immortal always thought that this was a move to fix the cold in order to win the letter Zhou Yu. However, Sword Immortal did not expect that this was not a plan to fix the cold, but a massacre that was really angered by the cold.

    If everything is really the case, then the cold weather in front of the big day Sword Immortal is not a hero to save Yanjing, but a murderer of red fruit, a person who does not put human life in his eyes. Executioner.

    Thinking of this, Daejeon Sword Immortal couldn’t help but pinch his fists and wanted to chill and chill.

    Enough is enough.Chu Xuan loudly screamed the big day Sword Immortal to stop the “cold” he just said, he never said a big kill, you think about those who broke their feet but did not hurt their lives… …If it is not cold, you can avoid the vitals of their bodies, otherwise they will die long ago, even if our medical technology is developed, they will not be able to save them! ”

    “But he still killed thousands of people!”Big Day Sword Immortal said angrily.

    Hey Look at this! ”Chu Xuan sighed, and all the projectors in the control room project countless pictures at the same time, and there are countless sounds.

    “Cold the bastard, why don’t you save us!”

    “Cold the cold, you can save tens of millions of lives with one life, you earn big, hurry to save people!”

    “Kill this woman…Kill this woman…Blame this woman for not agreeing to give her life.”

    “Hey! How can we keep the swordsmen of Yanjing City so garbage, even a sword-level sword-bearer can’t beat it?”

    Daejeon Sword Immortal looks at these pictures, and the protagonists in the picture all say that some of the protagonists in the mouth are full of malicious people, taking the other people’s efforts as a bastard beast. If such a person makes the big day Sword Immortal met, and Sword Immortal also wanted to kill them with a sword.

    “This is the video of the dead before the death of the deceased I re-started the BAT system. These deceased people are both swearing and swearing at the same time. It is a matter of course to kill these ungrateful guys!”Chu Xuan finally concluded, “I have already consulted, and the 1699 people who died in the cold hand are such beasts, not even a sudden death!”

    “Actually, I believe that the cold does not want to kill these people, but if one person does not die from beginning to end, Zhou Yu will never believe that the cold is really breaking with Yanjing City. So fixing the cold requires some guys to sacrifice the sword, and these sinister beasts are just right…Their death is not worthless, at least tens of millions of lives have been saved, and Sword Immortal is not so angry! ”Chu Xuan ended at the end.

    “What?”Daji Sword Immortal was frightened and took a few steps back. He looked at the cold and lost his soul. He never thought that the cold was already terrible.

    There are hundreds of thousands of people on the street. The cold can actually remember thousands of insults who are insulting him. They can control their own Sword Qi and kill those bastards. The accuracy rate is as high as 100%……This is a terrible ability to do things!

    “Heng!”Solid cold snorted “Okay, big day Sword Immortal If you are dissatisfied with me, want to avenge these guys, then you can kill me, I will stay with you at any time!”

    “Sea Sovereign is under the wrath! It is my fault! ”Big Day Sword Immortal bowed his head and his face was full of admiration and sorrow. “This time, Sea Sovereign saved us from Yanjing…No, this time Sea Sovereign has left you to save the eight base cities of mankind! This is all your credit from Sea Sovereign. We are grateful to Yanjing City for not forgetting! ”

    The conversation has arrived here and the facts have become clearer.

    Solid cold in and yanjing city of the Chinese Paladin Sword, when the confrontation with the fight to kill, thought of the way to deal with Zhou Yu, so in the escape from Yanjing City, immediately found the fleeting, and then in her help found Chu Xuan, the last two people to discuss the complete deal with Zhou Yu’s method, finally told the truth to the Big day sword Immortal.

    Then there are the good plays of the first two chapters, all of which are in the plan to fix the cold.

    “Day Sword Immortal don’t have to thank me, this time the most important credit is not mine!”The cold sighed and looked at Lu Yin and Lucifer lying in the medical cabin for recovery. He sighed, “This is thanks to the sacrifice of my brother and sister. If you don’t have them, this time I really don’t know what to do.” Solve Zhou Yu!”

    Yeah.When I heard the cold, Chu Xuan and Da Shi Sword Immortal also sighed at the same time, this is the first credit is really Lucy and Lu Yin.

    “Sea Sovereign Your Majesty! In fact, I don’t understand a bit. Why can you be sure that when Zhou Yu’s soul enters the hidden brain, he will definitely die in the hidden brain? What exactly are you using to determine this? ”Big Day Sword Immortal asked curiously.

    “This is what happened on the day I was enthroned!”The cold faint said, “I was rushing to find me in Xihua that day, and said that her brother’s performance was extremely abnormal, as if the spirit had a big problem. I used Sword Qi’s rule to test his soul and found that there is a rule of force hidden in the soul of Lu Yin, and the power of this rule has been merged with the soul of Lu Yin. The symbiosis of one person, once one of them is missing, will cause the other side to madly counterattack. ”

    “At the time, I tried to separate the two by the power of my own rules. Instead, the result was countered by the power of the rules hidden in the soul of the road, and lost a lot of power.”

    “So when I knew that Zhou Yu was trying to occupy the soul of a sword-bearer who had the potential to become an emperor, I thought of the road. If I could find a way to lead Zhou Yu’s soul into the hidden brain, then Lu Yin might You can directly kill Zhou Yu’s soul by the force of the rules in the brain. After all, Zhou Yu is only a Zhou dynasty, and has not yet grasped the power of the rules. In the face of the power of the rules, Zhou Yu’s soul has absolutely no resistance, and will be directly killed by the rules of the road hidden soul. ”

    “I was still worried about the fact that the power of the rules could not completely erase Zhou Yu’s soul. It seems that these concerns are superfluous now. ”

    “The power of the rule is to defeat the opponent from the rules, so no matter how many copies of the soul of the other party, no matter where they are hidden? Will be wiped out by the rules of the rules, so even if Zhou Yu left a third of the soul in the biological brain, but still killed by the power of the rule in a flash, we do not have to worry that Zhou Yu will kill Drop the rest of the soul stored in the biological brain! ”

    After finishing the cold, I once again glanced at Lucifer in the medical cabin, and his face showed a few sly expressions.

    “Just pity me this! In order to let Zhou Yu believe that he entered the body of my aunt, I can only cut off the head of her and her brother, and exchange the two with each other…Fortunately, they are a pair of brothers and sisters, so there is no strong rejection between the head and the body, which can be suppressed with a large amount of drugs after the body is fused. Otherwise, with the degree of Zhou Yu’s embarrassment, everything is exposed when testing DNA! ”

    Having said that, everything is in vain.

    Because only the soul of the road can kill Zhou Yu, it is necessary to let Zhou Yu enter the body of the road. It is impossible for Zhou Yu to keep the sword in his hand. Zhou Yu is unlikely to take the initiative to enter the body of the road. Only the four angel series swords have been synchronized. It is the goal of Zhou Yu who can be called the emperor.

    Therefore, one problem that must be solved by Gu Han and Chu Xuan is how to make Zhou Yu believe that Lu Yin is Lu Xihua.

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