“Save people!”In the first time when the cold left, Daejeon Sword Immortal began to lead everyone to help those injured humans…It took a few hours to get the ground cleaned up.

    After experiencing such a thrilling or frustrating thing, the people of Yanjing City no longer dared to appear on the street, and all the hustle and bustle retracted into the home, and the whole street instantly became very quiet, just like a ghost town.

    “How is the casualty today?”Back in the conference room of the General Committee of the Swordsmanship Committee, Sword Immortal sat down with all the sword-level sword-bearers and began to discuss and discuss.

    “Report Chairman, there were a total of 108,621 casualty reports, of which 54231 were minor injuries, 36,643 injuries, 16,258 serious injuries, and 1,699 deaths.”A staff member responsible for statistical casualties reported.

    Hey This cold has killed 1700 people directly! This genocidal bastard animal “Sword Immortal” slaps an angry slap on the table, knocking a new table that has just been replaced and smashing it into pieces. The other sword-level swordsmen around him are also a face. Indignation is filled with indignation, and I can’t wait to look like a cold.

    ChairmanThe situation may be different from what you think! ”The staff on the side said a little embarrassed.

    “What is different from what I imagined?”Big Day Sword Immortal asked curiously.

    “Chairman, you can read this document and you will understand!”The staff handed the documents in hand to Sword Immortal, and Sword Immortal just glanced at it, and the eyes were smashed out, and the face was unbelievable to the extreme expression.

    How did this happen?Big Day Sword Immortal Some powerless squats on the ground.

    ChairmanWell, it’s pretty clearSeeing the strange reaction of Sword Immortal, the other sword-bearers couldn’t help but curiously ask.

    “You all look at this document!”Daji Sword Immortal handed the document to other sword-level sword-bearers and circulated it to each other. Finally, everyone’s expression was the same as the big day Sword Immortal, an incredible expression.

    Chairman Will there be anything wrong with this? ”Asked Sword Immortal, the most radiant water in his head.

    “Is there not something wrong, there must be something wrong!”Daji Sword Immortal sighed, his eyes turned, and immediately jumped out of position, shouting loudly! Let’s go out today! I still have something to do! ”


    “Mr. Chu Xuan!This is the report of today’s casualties. There are tens of thousands of people who have died in the hands of the beast. It seems that he is ironic and does not want to make sacrifices for mankind! “What do we do now? How can we save those tens of millions of lives? ”In the core control room of the institute, Da Shi Sword Immortal asked Chu Xuan helplessly.

    Hey It is also shipped! What can I do? Still have a look at Zhou Yu how he said it! ”Chu Xuan also reluctantly threw the report in his hand on the table, and then shouted at the air in the control room. “You will come out every week. I know that the outside is not like you. Now things are like this, you are not Come out and discuss with us?”

    “It is Chu Xuan! How do you know that I am clear about the outside world! ”Sure enough, as Chu Xuan’s voice fell, Zhou Yu’s figure was automatically projected and appeared in the core control room.

    “What is strange about this? You are Zhou Yu, if you don’t put everything in place, you won’t be fully launched. Just like you secretly invaded our TV system and implanted a video that was prepared in advance. Well, I guess you set up a dark hand in each of our network systems first, even if we cut off the biological brain of the external network, you may also have the means to know the whole yanjing city, so I guess, you are now to the outside of the matter must know clearly, then you must know that we two now to find you what is it for? ”Chu Xuan said faintly.

    Clever! You and the cold are smart people! ”Zhou Yu sighed, “The Sea Sovereign is really unexpected. I thought he was just a normal person with some luck. At most, he was a Cao Cao. He was bound by the benevolence and righteousness of the world. It would be tens of millions. Listen to my words by the human life. It seems that I am wrong now. He is not Cao Cao at all, but Liu Daer, who is downright! ”

    “Oh ?” I thought you would say that he was Cao Cao, how did he become Liu Bei? Isn’t Liu Bei founded the country with benevolence, righteousness, and loyalty, and won the peace of mind and the people in peace? Isn’t he the most obeying the concept of benevolence, righteousness, justice, and wisdom? How can the cold be Liu Bei? ”Chu Xuan laughed.

    “That is nothing but a superficial view. Cao Cao looks a lot. He even said that I would rather have the world to take the rest of the world and take the words of me. But in fact, it is still a fool who is bound by traditional morality. The throne is already at your fingertips. It’s ridiculous to die, but it’s ridiculous!”Zhou Yu dismissively said, “As for Liu Bei, the mouth is full of morality and morality, Uncle Han. But no matter where he goes, he will rely on whoever he will, and in the end he will retaliate against his master, and his original father and daughter will die. ”

    “The most unfortunate is that Liu Jiyu and my lord, clearly said that the troops to help Liu Jiyu pacified Hanzhong, but in the end but swallowed the whole Yi state, said that after the benefit of the state will be Jingzhou back to our jiangdong, but in the end but tyrants in Jingzhou, and finally killed his confidant love Guan Yu, such a person is the real ganxiong, Do not put virtue in the heart of the Ganxiong …It’s a pity that he finally became a little arrogant. He tried to swallow our Jiangdong first, but it broke his own Qianxi Emperor. If it wasn’t for Zhuge Kongming’s life, his aunt had long since disappeared! ”

    Zhou Yu said a lot of the essence of the whole three countries in a few words, but unfortunately, apart from Chu Xuan, no one has any real understanding of the Three Kingdoms, otherwise they will feel that all of this passage is true. Deep slot.

    “It’s worth it! These nonsense are not worth mentioning. Since the situation is governed by Zhou Dudu, I will not repeat it. Let’s change a solution! You are counting on Sea Sovereign and you can’t hope it! ”Chu Xuan said.

    “Was I? If I have to fix the body of the cold is impossible? ”Zhou Yu’s expression changed, and it was extremely gloomy.

    “There is no way! You have also seen the ability to fix the cold. Even if the swordsman took the shot, he was not sure to take him to the wild. ”Chu Xuan licked his shoulders.

    “Yu doesn’t care, Yu is going to his body!”Zhou Yu replied with a strong voice, “If you don’t give me the cold, I will kill one million souls and kill one million tomorrow, until the killing of everyone is gone!”

    “That’s good! You kill! You will kill me now! TMD, you have to kill Laozi, I am trying to fight the tens of millions of people, I also cut this broken brain to you! ”The big day Sword Immortal can no longer afford such negotiations.

    For fear of the lives of tens of millions of of people, as well as in the solid cold body suffered injustice, now big day sword Immortal all broke out, he sent out crazy general waving the hands of the Paladin Sword Niang, the sword blade aimed at the room the core of the biological brain, Silver Snake general Sword Qi Huff and puff, Has apparently entered a state of readiness.

    “TMD, Lao Tzu tells you that if you dare to hurt Lao Tzu a soul, Lao Tzu will immediately ruin your mind, everyone will take a shot!”The big day Sword Immortal was frightened by all the people around him. The whole room was silent, including Zhou Yu and Chu Xuan. No one dared to say a word.

    “Why bother?” Yu is just a joke! ”In the end, Zhou Yu was soft, and he smiled and said, “Of course I know that Sea Sovereign is awesome, and I know that he will be surprised, so there is already a preparatory plan, or object!”

    “I have a precautionary plan to say it!” You don’t have to be like this! ”Chu Xuan heard Zhou Yu say this, immediately went to the side of the big day Sword Immortal, and comforted the big day Sword Immortal in anger, and then took the sword-level swordsman in his hand and collected it. The tone of the mouth is “what is the preparation plan, and please ask the Governor Zhou.”

    “It’s very simple. Since Sea Sovereign doesn’t work, give me another person’s health!” Her body is barely able to meet my requirements! ”Zhou Yu replied.

    “Who do you want?”As soon as Sword Immortal listened, he immediately walked to the side of Zhou Yu’s projection. He said, “I don’t want to hit other people’s ideas. You take my body! My body is for you! ”

    Zhou Yu listened and shook his head. “Day Sword Immortal Gao Yi, Yu admires.” However, if you say something bad, Sword Immortal will be like this in your life. It is impossible to enlighten the emperor, so Yu does not want your body! ”

    “So you have to be able to ascend the body of the sword-bearer of the emperor!”Sword Immortal listened a bit, and some stupidly said, “But in today’s world, besides that cold, who can guarantee that he can become the emperor?”

    “No! There is also one, and there is also a sword-bearer who is guaranteed to be able to ascend to the emperor! ”The voice of Da Shi Sword Immortal fell, and Chu Xuan immediately replied.

    “You mean…”At this time, the big day Sword Immortal also reacted, and there is indeed a second sword-bearer who can guarantee the emperor to be emperor.

    “But now it is already late! I am afraid that the woman has already ran with his master! ”Sword Immortal sat down with some powerlessness. The second goal is naturally Lucifer. In this world, only Lucifer has more than 95% of the grasp and can become a sword-level sword-bearer. But just fixing the cold and they made it look like that, Lucifer naturally also saw that the problem is wrong, and most of them have already escaped from Yanjing City.

    “No! Big Day Sword Immortal You see, who is that! ”Chu Xuan clap his hands with a faint smile, a secret door was opened, and Lucy, who was struggling, was escorted by a sword-level sword-bearer and came to the front of the big day Sword Immortal and Zhou Yu.

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