“暄缘姐姐…This can’t be…This is absolutely not good! ”Back to the car, Lucifer was caught in the ear and whispered a whisper. He suddenly turned red, pushed the solid edge away, and buried his head in his chest. “No, people still A big yellow niece, no.”

    “There is nothing wrong with me. I have no way to do it. I know that my identity has been unanimously wanted by the eight major base cities. It is no longer usable. For this matter, there is only one way to do this…Seeing that my sister saved Yuzhang City and saved your life, can you not help me even this little busy? ”Gu Yuyuan said with a dissatisfied face.

    “No…No, no.Even if the sword is under the fire and the sacrifice of his life, Xihua has no complaints. ”Lucifer explained quickly, “But my sister, this thing is really too shameful, this…ThisLu Xihua can’t say it, it seems that this matter has indeed greatly exceeded the bottom line of Lucifer.

    “Those are some useless points. You don’t have any loss in essence, aren’t you?” Moreover, you are the owner of the Sword Court. All your information is SSS+ secret. Even if the Dragon and Lion Sword Emperor is not qualified to check your information, this matter will not be exposed. You can put 10,000 hearts. ! ”The fate of the solid can not be refused.


    “There is nothing good, I am going to Glastonbury this time, for what purpose you are also clear. If you are not willing to help me even if you are too busy, then you and me will do everything right. From then on, you will be your chief of the sword, I will be my wanted, and we will not commit the river! ! ! ”Lucifer did not think that Gu Jieyuan actually said such a decisive statement…Where is Lucifer’s willingness to be in the same way as the solid shape? Even if she does not read the fate of his life, he must also read the coldness behind the solid body. This is Lu Xihua. Something that can’t be rejected.

    “Fine.Helpless, Lucifer can only nod his consent, but she immediately added a sentence, “Sister, you must explain today’s affairs to Master and his elderly, Xihua did not do the shameless things, Xihua is to help your sister. Yeah!”

    “This is your peace of mind!”The solid edge immediately put on an amiable expression. “If your master knows about this, you will not blame you, but will praise you greatly. I can swear to God!”

    “Fine.When I talked about this, Lu Xihua still had room for rejection. He could only accept his personal terminal, and after squeezing it in his hands for seven or eight minutes, he closed his eyes and prepared to operate.

    “And slow!”Gu Yuyuan immediately said, “Don’t use your idea to apply, directly project the application page, so I can help you watch it, so as to avoid any omissions, or the trouble will be big.”

“……”Lu Xihua listened and tangled, and applied for his own ideas, but if the application process was presented in front of the solid foundation, it would become a public punishment. This is to make Lucy shame to The rhythm of death.

    Obedient I don’t want to humiliate you! In fact, the humiliation I received was even worse! I just don’t want any flaws in it! ”When the solid edge was ringing in Lucifer’s ear, Lucifer sighed and clicked on the personal terminal, and the image of Xiang Feng Zhi Nai was projected from the personal terminal.

    “Respected Xihua Master, the main road of Jiangege, Yuzhang City, what can I do for you?”The voice of Xiang Feng Zhi is back to the original electronic sound, which is very mechanical, as if it is a simple low-level service intelligence. But only the solid side of the road is clear, this fragrant wind is not simply a low-level service intelligence, but the most superior intelligent fragrant wisdom is the deity, so interesting things, Xiang Fengzhi is how I would like to miss it.

    “I want to apply for an emergency report!”Lucifer took a deep breath and said.

    “Please ask the owner to choose the type of report, whether it is a public information report application or a private information report application.”

    “Private information reporting application!”

    “Private information reporting, please indicate the type of private information you are applying for!”

    PrivatePrivatePrivateLucifer was private for a long time, and under the gaze of the icy eager eyes of the solidarity, he still said that he had “reported private marriage and childbearing information.”

    “The application for marriage and childbirth information is reported, please specify the specific application.”

    I……I……I have a baby…Ask for personal identification information for your child…”Lucifer’s voice is as low as a mosquito, and it is artificial intelligence to give her a grade. If it is a staff member, I am afraid that I will be impatient.

    “Please note that Lu Xihua, the main adult, does not have a marriage registration, has no legal spouse, and does not have any pregnancy records. This does not comply with the normal married child status reporting process, and it is impossible to report the status of normal legitimate children!”Xiang Fengzhi said.

    “I am asking to use the authority of the Sword Court to report it according to the reporting process for children born out of wedlock!”When Lucifer said this, people were crying.

    “Understand that you are entering the reporting process for children born out of wedlock. The level of intelligence encryption is S-level. Do you want to increase the level of intelligence encryption?”

    up Give me the highest SSS+ level! ”This sentence Lucifer directly blurted out, if possible, Lucifer can’t wait for SSSS-level encryption, but unfortunately, no one can perform SSSS-level intelligence encryption unless the committee of the General Committee of the Swords Committee uses privileges. In fact, there is no SSS+ intelligence encryption right in the case of Lucifer, such as Lucifer. She can encrypt to the SSS level at most. However, because this is a very private privacy, Lucifer is eligible to encrypt the intelligence level of SSS+.

    Got you! Please fill out the following “Basic Registration Form for Children born out of wedlock”! ”Xiang Fengzhi soon projected a form to Lucifer, in addition to the most basic information on the registration of children, there are some registration questions that are irritating, some Jean Lucy. Hua does not know how to answer the question.

    For example, the second information bar in this form puts Lucifer in a state of utter disappointment.

    Sister Whose name should I write for my father? ”Lucifer asked helplessly.

    FATHER’S NAMEA glimpse of the shackles “This is a child born out of wedlock. Do children who are born out of wedlock have to fill in the name of their father?”

    ThisExcuse me, must the father column be filled? ”Lucifer turned the problem to Xiang Fengzhi.

    ‘Yes! Even if you are the chief of the sword, you must also fill in the child’s father. Any child born out of wedlock must complete the full parental information, and we will send a confirmation letter to the child’s father before his father receives the confirmation letter. The information on the children born out of wedlock cannot be reported normally. ”

    “What?” I send a confirmation message to my child’s father? ”Lucifer was shocked and she was going to fill in the name of a man. I didn’t expect to send a confirmation letter to the child’s father. Isn’t that exposing all the secrets?

    “If the child’s father is dead?”When Lu Xihua was at a loss, the solid side of the road asked him, and at the same time gave Xiang Fengzhi a warning look and warned her not to make fun of herself.

    ‘Yes! Even the father of a child born out of wedlock is eligible to know the information of his child. This matter cannot be violated in the marriage law. If the child’s father is dead, the information is passed on to the child’s father’s immediate family, and if all of his father’s immediate family members die, the information is automatically reported to the children’s welfare institution in the city of Henan, and the children’s welfare institution of the city of Henan will have three times a year. Provide a father’s warmth to the child who has lost his father. ”

    Sister I still think about it, I would rather die than to have such a strange father come out! ”After listening to Xiang Fengzhi, Lu Xihua was completely messy. So Lucy did not notice that the dialogue itself was somewhat unruly…It is reasonable to say that when Lu Xihua conducts private information reporting, even if others say more, the low-level service intelligence will not talk to the other party, and will not answer the other party’s questions.

    SorryI have not considered this beforehand…”Gu Yuyuan quickly comforted Lu Xihua’s fragile heart, and then his eyes and secretly communicated with Xiang Fengzhi. From the eyes of Xiang Feng Zhi Nai, he confirmed that the other party did not tell lies. This father’s option is a must. There is also some helplessness in the solid edge.

    Of course, it is clear that there is an inexplicable child for Lucifer. If there is another inexplicable father and the information cannot be concealed from the father, then the road is indeed Even the courage and shame of being a man…God knows that this suddenly surpassed father will be spread around the network as if he had discovered the New World after receiving confirmation from the system.

    The problem is that the father must exist again, and must also confirm the confirmation message sent by the system…If you want to let Lucifer continue, you must find a father who can accept Lucifer, and he can accept that he suddenly has an illegitimate child.

    These two conditions are put together, and in addition to a name, the second name can no longer be accepted by Lucifer.

    “It’s cold!”The helplessness of the solid edge is said.

    “What?”Lucifer was so frightened that he was shaking, and he looked incredulously and said, “Sister, what are you talking about?” What do you say about Master’s name? ”

    “You don’t want to fool me. I said that it is better to let the father of the child be a cold.” Anyway, it is to give his sister a back pot, I think he will not object to the cold! ”Gu Yuyuan squinted and said…Of course, the cold will not be opposed. After all, this proposal is proposed by the cold.

“……”Lucifer was completely stupid, and he couldn’t speak.

    Why? you are not willing? ”Gu Yuyuan looked at Lu Xihua and said, “Yes, he is your master after all, and this is ethically impossible to say.” If you don’t want to, I will go to find Renren again. You know him too, he also owes my brother a favor, I think he will be willing to carry this…”

    I don’t want itLucifer screamed loudly, then glared at his face and said, “Don’t be arrogant…OnOnAs for Master, he is good for the elderly…”

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