After the treatment of Lucifer and Shepherd Sword Spirit, Yi Wenjun quickly woke up and told Lucy Hua that he participated in the prospecting team in Yuzhang City. When the prospecting team returned, he would Teams separated from the three sword-level swordsmen are teamed up separately and want to venture around.

    It never occurred to them that they had met a powerful meteorite-class Yi Wenjun in the vicinity, and that they were not rivals of the meteor-grade. Those three sword-level sword-holders have died in the hands of Yuan Kou, but Yi Wenjun because of the possession of a god-sword passed down the treasures, reluctantly escaped out, but also because of the injury and fell into a coma, But for Lucifer them to save, he would have died here.

    After learning about the purpose of Lucifer and Shepherd Sword Spirit, Yi Wenjun expressed his willingness to follow the two people to the city of London, so that they can also take care of each other. Lu Xihua and Mu Xue Sword Spirit did not suspect him, and he agreed to Yi Wenjun temporarily joined the team.

    Later, in private, Yi Wenjun secretly told Lucy, if she needed it, Yi Wenjun was willing to help her drag the snow Sword Spirit, to create a chance to escape to Lucifer, not to let Lucifer go to London. Insulted by the people of London and the Emperor of the Dragon and Lion.

    However, Lu Xihua refused to give rumors, Lu Xihua is not stupid, and a small ancient sword-level swordsman who really escaped the control of She Xue Sword Spirit, then where can she escape? Moreover, there are about five Yuan Lanterns encountered on this road, which are more powerful than Lu Xihua. Compared with the hands of Yuan Zhen, it is not a big deal in London. Xihua also did not agree with Yi Wenjun’s opinion, but Lu Xihua did not suspect that Yi Wenjun was bad.

    Later that afternoon, Yi Wenjun suddenly told Lucifer and Shepherd Sword Spirit that he found a natural hot spring when he was adventurous nearby. The spring water was clear and exudes a strange fragrance, which is good for the skin. Ask Lu Xihua and She Xue Sword Spirit if they want to go to a hot spring.

    At that time, the sky was getting dark, there was no condition to continue the journey, and the woman could not resist the temptation of the hot springs, so She Xue Sword Spirit agreed to it after hesitating for a while.

    Under the guidance of Yi Wenjun, Lucifer and Shepherd Sword Spirit found a hot spring. This hot spring also exudes a strange fragrance like Yi Wenjun said. However, this hot spring is not big, it is only about half the size of an ordinary swimming pool. If you have a man and two women at the same time, there will be great inconvenience. And at this time, both Lucy and Shepherd Sword Spirit suddenly realized that they did not carry a swimsuit.

    So Yi Wenjun said very interestingly that he had already spent many times here before, there is no need to soak again, he can wait on the shore, but also can play a role of vigilance, beware of the sudden emergence of the Lantern.

    Shepherd Sword Spirit is naturally indispensable. Let Yi Wenjun be alert in a position about 100 meters away from the hot spring. She and her sword-level swordsman and Lu Xihua’s own ancient sword-level double-winged angel sword are taken off. The clothes are launched.

    and the sword Spirit only let his sword class sword Niang bubble hot springs, instead of higher grade sword and sword-level sword Niang bubble hot Springs, because these two sword Niang are artificial sword Niang, personality is not complete, bubble not bubble hot spring for them said no meaning, so sword Spirit It is simply put these sword niang into the dimensional pocket inside.

    This hot spring is really the best solution for the world. Lucifer and Shepherd Sword Spirit have been on the road for a long time. In the hot springs, they only feel that the exhaustion under the body has disappeared with the hot springs. Some are sleepy, and Shepherd Sword Spirit has just slept in the hot springs…Anyway, Yi Wenjun is out of the whistle, and they are not worried that the Lantern Festival will suddenly appear.

    This bubble was soaked for four or five hours. When Shepherd Sword Spirit and Lucifer felt that their skin could not stand it, they hurriedly climbed out of the hot spring…Until this time, these two careless women were shocked to find that their clothes on the shore were gone.

    The bad thing is that Shepherd Sword Spirit habitually took down her pockets while taking a bath, and most of the swordsman of Shepherd Sword Spirit is placed directly in her pocket. In addition to the sword-level swordswoman who was soaked in the hot spring with her, Shepherd Sword Spirit suddenly lost all her belongings.

    Fortunately, Lucifer firmly remembers the point that some of the sword-bearers who had taught her to keep her must always remember.One of them is that the sword-bearer must carry his personal terminal and the pocket of the pocket at all times. These two are things that the sword-bearer must not lose.

    Therefore, Lucifer has been carrying his own pockets in the hot springs. Fortunately, Lucifer and Shepherd Sword Spirit can also have clothes to wear, otherwise the two will have naked bodies in this desert. Streaking in the middle.

    When they put on their clothes, they immediately began to look for Yi Wenjun, who was responsible for the care, and asked him where his clothes went. At that time, Lucifer and Shepherd Sword Spirit never thought about the fact that Yi Wenjun might betray humans.

    As a result, they looked around the hot springs to find a full morning also did not find the traces of Yi Wenjun, but even at this time, in addition to occasionally a little suspicion, they still did not consider the Yi Wenjun is deliberately disappeared, suspected Yi Wenjun is encountering what powerful Yuan Kou, It was too late to alert them to be taken by Yuan-kou …Of course, the reason is hard to explain. If this Yuanxiao is powerful and can quietly take away Yi Wenjun, who is a sword-level sword-bearer, why not take Lu Xihua and She Xue Sword Spirit together. Have you caught the past?

    Besides, this Lantern does not sneak away the clothes of Lucifer and Shepherd Sword Spirit! Is there any abnormal fetish among the Lantern Festival?

    In this case, Shepherd Sword Spirit is almost going crazy, and other things are lost and lost. Shepherd Sword Spirit does not feel any pain. Only his own sword-level swordsman and spirit sword-level swordswoman, this is the lifeblood of a sword-bearer. Losing these two swordsmen, Mu Xue Sword Spirit has once again become a sword-level sword-bearer. This is absolutely unacceptable for Shepherd Sword Spirit.

    After discussing it for a while, She Xue Sword Spirit decided to go directly to the ruins of Lanzhou, which is closest to here…It is the only gathering point where the human sword-bearers will gather on a large scale, and maybe find other human sword-bearers to get their help.

    There is also a great reason to go to the ruins of Lanzhou City. When Lu Xihua, even if he had his own pocket, he told Hu Xue Sword Spirit that she had less than one liter of pure water left in her pocket. .

    In this case, Shepherd Sword Spirit naturally complained very much, complaining that Lucifer went out without actually carrying enough water. As a result, Lucifer could only helplessly say that she was worried about the escape of Lucifer Sword Spirit and forcibly leaving all the pure water in the pockets of Lucifer Diyuan…Shepherd Sword Spirit thinks that as long as there is no water in Lucifer’s pocket, then the road will be thirsty in the desert if it escapes…It is for this reason that Lucifer’s magnetic levitation speed was also taken away by Shepherd Sword Spirit, and it was named after the care.

    At this time, Shepherd Sword Spirit completely understood the meaning of the words “self-acceptance”, which also became the reason why they had to go to the ruins of Lanzhou City to find other sword-bearers.

    After a long walk on the road, Lucifer and Shepherd Sword Spirit finally arrived in the ruins of Lanzhou, but they turned around in the ruins for several hours, only to draw a very sad conclusion, that is this There was no second human sword-bearer in the ruins of Lanzhou.

    At that time, the sky was already dark, and they could only temporarily hide in the ruins found in the cold, relying on some cooked food, instant noodles, and dry bread, fruit and the like for a night.

    At this time, another advantage of Lucifer’s character is also revealed. Lucy Hua likes to bring two things, that is, a spare tire, so that once something is damaged, then Xixi will not be helpless. ……This is the reason why the two tents were found in the ruins of the ruins. In fact, both of them were Lucy, and Lu Xihua temporarily loaned the Sword Spirit.

    As a result, the night after Lu Xihua’s only one liter of water was almost consumed. In desperation, She Xue Sword Spirit could only temporarily give up the idea of ​​finding Yi Wenjun, but followed Lucifer to Lanzhou. The source of water, first find enough water to sustain life needs.

    Lucifer is an apprentice who teaches the cold, and even the path to find an oasis is the same as that of the cold plan. After a dozen failures and a night in the desert, Lucifer finally found the desert. Oasis in the middle.

    The first time I saw the oasis, Mu Xue Sword Spirit couldn’t wait to run over, and drank a swig of water to relieve his thirsty lips. Lucifer first cleaned the last remaining pure water in the sword bottle, and then found the container full of enough water to drink.

    However, when Lucifer just put the water into the pocket of the yuan, the Sword Spirit, who first drank the water in the oasis, suddenly fainted in front of Lucifer. At this time, Lucifer discovered that this water may have big problems.

    But that time was already late, sword Spirit has fainted in the past, it is at this time, behind the Yi Wenjun finally jumped out, his first words is to tell Lucifer “if you don’t want two people are dead here, will be the city of Jiange of the Court of the Lord Pass to him.” ”

    The original purpose of Yi Wenjun was to become the owner of the Jiange Pavilion in Yuzhang City.

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