Yi Wenjun still did not die under Li Bai’s sword, because a sword was blocked by Li Bai’s blade, but this sword was not the black sword of the Swordmaster, but the sword of the shackles in the hands of the shackles. .

    When Li Bai looked up, he saw that the body was covered with sand and some solid shackles stood behind Yi Wenjun, and his sword in his hand blocked his sword of quicksand.

    Why? Is this old man white? ”Li Bai smiled at some self-deprecating, and then dispersed the sword of quicksand. Since the victims have prevented themselves from killing the beast, why should they be the bad guy who does not know the current affairs?

    “Sorry, Li Bai, I still have some words to ask him, he can’t die now.”Gu Yuyuan said with apologetic.

    “Ahhhh……Ghost…? ”In response, Yi Wenjun turned his head and saw a calm, solid edge. The whole person jumped up like a ghost and began to run wildly backwards. The solid edge is not chasing, but a Sword Qi is shaken from the 诛 剑 sword in the hand, and it is split on the legs of Yi Wenjun, and the ribs of Yi Wenjun in the middle. So Hu Yiwenjun fell forward and lost his ability to act. He could only kneel on the ground and wait for the trial of the shackles.

    “What for? I obviously see your blood flowing, why are you still alive? This is impossible…This is impossible…”Yi Wenjun, who lost his ability to act, muttered to himself on the ground. He still couldn’t believe the fact that the solid edge was intact.

    “My blood does drain, but it doesn’t mean I am dead!”In the hands of the solid edge, a small capsule of the size of a bb bomb suddenly appeared. It can be seen through the transparent capsule casing that the capsule contains some golden liquid.

    “The blood of the emperor!”After all, Yi Wenjun is the descendant of the Noble Family of the Emperor Sword. His knowledge far exceeds that of other sword-bearers. Therefore, he recognized the real thing in the hands of Gu Yuyuan in the first time, and he also understood that he was calculated by the Gu Yuyuan. .

    In the mouth of the solid sputum, Yi Wenjun used the medical cabin to save himself. The mouth contained a capsule containing the blood of the emperor. This is to test the reaction of Yi Wenjun and see if Yi Wenjun has the heart to kill himself. As a result, the innocent Yi Wenjun counted, and he really thought that this was a good time to kill the shackles, so instead of putting the shackles into the medical compartment in time, he was desperately shaking the body of the shackles. The blood in the body of the sputum was shaken out.

    Results in the solid Xuan margin is about to completely lose consciousness at that moment, bite the mouth of the Emperor Blood capsule hidden, originally become an empty shell of the body in the role of the Emperor’s blood began to create a crazy fresh blood, and this is Yi Wenjun has believed the Xuan edge of the false blood, panic without further confirmation, exposed their true face. Under Li Bai’s assists, he said a lot of facts that are hard to imagine, and also said the identity of the black hand behind the scenes.

    “You said this, is it white for you?”After listening to the dialogue between Gu Yuyuan and Yi Wenjun, Li Bai said with some dissatisfaction, “Have you already discovered that I was hiding in the bunker, but deliberately did not find me, the purpose is to let me help you. Forced to ask the truth?”

    “This is not…I did not think that Li Bai adults would actually stand on the side of justice! ”The solid edge spreads his hands. “To tell the truth, I thought that Li Bai and his wife were together, just want to see it!”

    “You are wrong, how can there be a righteous person in the world?” It’s just that Bai Zi thinks justice! ”Li Bai’s face is a sardonic expression.

    “No!When I heard Li Bai’s ridicule, the solid foundation suddenly became very serious, and seriously said, “I am justice! I am a partner of justice! ”

    “Do I?”Hearing the words of Gu Yu, Li Bai was indifferent on the surface, but his heart was filled with waves. Li Bai himself had to admit that he was impressed by this sentence.

    “Next is your business!”Li Bai said, solid Xuan Edge and walked to Yi Wenjun side, looking at the ground constantly struggling to climb up the Yi Wenjun, solid xuan margin long sigh, some callous said “if you are not the future generations of the Sword Emperor, if you are not the only descendants of Yi Qing, I will kill you, for mankind to remove you this scourge.” ”

    “But since you are the only descendant of Yi Qing, then I will open the side to you. You tell me what I have in the original, I can let you live.”

    “If you promise, promise not to say what happened today, then I can tell you the truth inside…”Yi Wenjun’s words have not been finished yet. The black sword suddenly jumped out of the void and said in a sharp and gloomy voice, “Yi Wenjun, don’t forget your beloved woman.”

    “Noisy!”No one can see what the movement of the solid edge is like. He saw that the black sword was caught in the hand by the solid edge of the next second. Even the black sword itself was too unprepared, and there was no reaction at all. Still talking about threatening Yi Wenjun’s words.

    “I have to see, what is your true face!”When the voice of the shackles falls, it is a large amount of sapphire that is injected into the black sword through the right hand of the shackles. Because this black sword is not the swordsman of the solid edge, or this flying sword is not a swordsman, so when the massive swordsman is forced to inject, the black sword will face the collapse of the end.

    Sure enough, after the shackles lived for about 10,000 quarks of swordsman, the whole black sword began to tremble violently, and the black surface of the blade actually began to fall off a little, revealing the color of the white iron inside.

    “Ahhhh…”The black sword made a scream, it seems that this person hiding behind the black sword is suffering enormous pain.

    “The solid edge! Keep cold! You are just a part of your destiny, you can’t escape the end of fate for you…AhAfter leaving a scream of heartbreaking, the black sword never made any more noise. At this time, the black skin of the black sword also completely fell off, revealing her true blade.

    “Artificial swordswoman blue sword?”Looking at the true meaning of the black sword, the fate of the solid edge, I have long guessed the expression, the solid edge has long guessed that the true body of this black sword is likely to be artificial sword.

    Obviously, this black sword can talk like a human being, and even open the void, because the hidden fragments of the black hand behind the scenes are hidden in this black sword. The ordinary sword can’t store the consciousness fragments, only the artificial swordsman can do this…Of course, the natural swordsman can also do this, but it is too extravagant to use a natural sword to store the consciousness fragments.

    What’s more, Tiansheng Jianniang itself has a strong sense of consciousness, unless the swordsman does not want to live, or the entire natural swordsman is destroyed together, otherwise it will not be able to directly wipe out the natural swordsman’s Consciousness, so the true body of this black sword can only be artificial swordswoman.

    “I don’t know if this artificial swordswoman can still be used normally!”Looking at this artificial swordsman who reveals the true feelings, the solid sorcerer hesitates. This artificial swordswoman looks like the new one now. There is absolutely no abnormality at all. If it is so ruined, it would be a pity, after all, after all, Every time you create a artificial sword, you need to consume a lot of resources.

    But this is after all, is behind the consciousness fragment to occupy the artificial sword Niang, in case that the Black Hand in the sword inside put some traps, such as the new bearer and the artificial sword after coordination, will not be the same as the present Yi Wenjun, by that consciousness fragment to temptation, thus degenerate into a traitor to mankind?

    “Put this sword on my body.” Suddenly, the sacred sword in the hands of Gu Yuyuan said.

    As soon as the solid edge was heard, it was done without thinking, and the two swords were put together. I saw a golden light from the body of the sacred sword into the artificial swordsman blue sword, and then exported back, then listened to the sacred sword said faintly “no problem, this artificial swordswoman inside is very clean, no consciousness remains in it.”

    “It seems that Zhu Xianjian let himself realize that this artificial swordsman has gone inside!”Gu Yuyuan secretly guessed the road, and at the same time, he was even more surprised by the origin and ability of Zhu Xianjian. This is the ability that I have never heard of it. I have never heard that the natural swordsman can freely break through the shackles of his body and sneak into the body of another swordsman…Although the shards of consciousness of the king of the king also did this, but it was done without the sword body, and the swordsman who was not completely completed in synchronization with the 诛仙剑 is very different.

    However, since the sword of Xian Xian has already confirmed the safety of this artificial sword, the solid edge will be put into the pocket of the yuan, ready to find an opportunity to use in Yuzhang City.

    After solving the black sword, Gu Yuyuan re-focused his attention on Yi Wenjun. However, at this time Yi Wenjun apparently had been affected by the last sentence of Black Sword. The whole person lowered his head, tightened his body and face, and had a look that I had nothing to say.

    “Yi Wenjun, don’t forget your beloved woman.”

    When I think of this sentence, Yi Wenjun shuts up, and the solid point is thoughtfully nodded. Obviously, the person Yi Wenjun loves is controlled by his emperor in his own hands. I am afraid it is also Yi Wenjun. One of the reasons for betraying himself, betraying human beings, and secretly killing himself.

    Then the key to the problem lies in the woman who Yi Wenjun loves. Who is this woman?

    The beginning of the instinct of Gu Gu Yuan recalled the time he had experienced with Yi Wenjun. When he went to the Changyang Mountains, he, Yi Wenjun, Song Yifei, and the four men who finally fought together…


    A flash of lightning in the mind of Gu Yuyuan, she suddenly reacted, who is the woman Yi Wenjun likes.

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