“The mayor of the free city and Gecheng Miri?”Ling Xu Sword Immortal did not expect that Ling Bo Li said that the object of identification is actually a free city. At this time, the free city holds an absolutely neutral position…In order to maintain a neutral position, the free city will certainly tell the truth rather than the lie, otherwise there will be a suspicion of favoring one side.

    In order to maintain an absolutely neutral position, the communication channels between free cities and humans are very rare, and only through the SCC committee can communicate this method. But if you really wait until the Swordsman General Committee will contact the free city, then it is estimated that the time spent will go to sea. ,

    “Right, I don’t just have a free city!”Ling Xu Sword Immortal suddenly remembered that the free city of Yu Mi Meiqin is in Yuzhang City, there is no more suitable object than her, so Ling Xu Sword Immortal quickly invited Yu Yumei Qin.

    “Miss Ling Bo Li, we haven’t seen you for a long time!”I don’t think that Yu Mi Meiqin seems to be very familiar with Ling Bo Li. After the first meeting, he immediately greeted him. But the tone of this speech is a bit strange, as if there are hidden very interesting things.

    “Miss Yu Yu, hello!”Ling Bo Li nodded cautiously.

    Next, there was no interaction between Yumi Meiqin and Ling Bo Li, and Ling Xu Sword Immortal informed Ling Yu Li of the whole thing. After listening to the statement of Ling Xu Sword Immortal, Yu Mi Meiqin said with certainty that “you don’t have to ask the mayor, you don’t have to ask Miss Miri. I know that Adam really has the ability to blew himself.”

    “Miss Meiqin, can you confirm this?”Ling Xu Sword Immortal looked cautiously and confirmed again.

    “I can be sure!”Yu Mi Meiqin nodded again, revealing a little bit of recollection. “If it wasn’t the case, it’s time to respond, and cover Adam’s body with his right hand. I’m afraid Ling Sword Immortal, you can’t see me today.”

    “When is the top? But the free man who is known as the fantasy killer? ”Ling Xu Sword Immortal recalls the information on the slap in the mind. He is a literary genius in the free city, but his ability is very special. His right hand can erase all supernatural abilities, just like the sky. The same is true of the circle of the circle.

    But unlike the circle of the circle, the ring of the circle is the ability to cover the area. As long as it is under the power of it, all the supernatural powers will disappear. However, it is still possible to do this when the shackles must use their right hand to reach the target.

    It seems that it seems that he is not qualified to become a Yuyuan Lantern, but since he has been assessed as a Yuyuan Lantern by human beings, his ability must have its special features…The ability to be on the top of the line is to ignore the level of the other party. The ability of the circle of the circle of the circle will be greatly weakened in the face of the flood level or the sword-level sword holder. It is no effect in the face of the absurd or top-level sword holder.

    However, the ability to be used for arranging is different. Even the most powerful savage squad or the sword-level sword-holding person can be erased by the other party’s ability. After numerous verifications, there is no need for any doubt.

    and “Fantasy killer on the line when hemp,” “Super Electromagnetic cannon Imperial Sakamoto”, “Constant temperature death God in the early spring decoration” and so on a number of people from the same world are very good friends, from the Royal Sakamoto just can be heard in the words, Adam once and on the article when hemp and other people had a fight, the last moment also forced Adam to carry out the self explosion, Finally, when the hemp in time to wipe out the ability of Adam’s self explosion, this let the Royal Sakamoto and other people did not die in Adam’s own explosion under.

    “That is really as long as this woman has a thought, will Adam be exposed?”Ling Xu Sword Immortal asked very reluctantly.

    YesYu Mi Meiqin nodded again. “The situation is almost the development at that time. At that time, Adam was also out of control. We also seized Ling Bo Li, and Ling Bo Li also ordered Adam to run out of control…Ling Xu Sword Immortal, I am an outsider should not say more, but this is after all the place I have fought, so I hope that Ling Sword Immortal adults believe what I said, I will never lie to you. ”

    ThisLing Virtual Sword Immortal at this time heart already have 80% believe Limpori said words, but think in the battle just in the great loss of Yu Chapter city, think of now the cold and the face of this coldly written disdain, Ling virtual sword Immortal Heart is also a strong angry fierce, Let him compromise agreed, Ling Xu Sword Immortal always very unwilling.

    “This matter must be consulted by Miss Yan Yuan!”After thinking for a long time, Ling Sword Immortal finally decided to throw this problem to the forefront. However, at this time, the body of the shackles did not carry a personal terminal, and the shackles of the shackles were now in the mouth of Connor to command Connor to fight, and it was impossible to send people to deliver the news.

    Helpless Sword Immortal can only find a huge high-pitched gun, pointing to Connor’s position, using a huge volume of thousands of decibels, to pass these things to the solid edge of Connor’s mouth.

    “Lingx Sword Immortal this guy, is it getting older and more confused? Actually use this way to convey the message! ”Stay in the dragon mouth inside the solid Xuan edge in through the loudspeakers heard the whole news, immediately frowned on a meal.

    That’s right, through this method, Gu Yuyuan really knows this important thing. But in this way, this matter is also known to all other human beings. The humans who had just been immersed in the joy of victory suddenly fell into fear. They looked at the giant in front of them in horror, as if the giant would explode in the next second.

    “No, this old man is not stupid. He wants to completely blame the responsibility!”When I thought about it, I found out that this was not a temporary mistake of Ling Sword Immortal, but a means of smashing Sword Immortal. Because in this way all human beings know that the final decision was made by her solidarity, then all the consequences of this decision will be directed at her, and Sword Immortal is at best a conveyer, perfect. Put the pot on the head of the solid edge.

    “This guy, the battle has just begun to count!”At the moment, the relationship between the solid and the scorpion was shocked, and the friendly relationship with Lingxie Sword Immortal has embarked on the downhill path from the peak. This is also the nature of human beings. Once the external crisis has passed, it will begin to think of ways to calculate their own people.

    In fact, the idea of ​​Gu Yuyuan is still a bit more extreme. In the case of Ling Sword Immortal, although he also has the idea of ​​shaving, the root cause is because he really does not know what decision to make, and he is one and a half. It is only through this means that people can’t think of a better way to inform the fate of the land.

    “Connor! You are next…such……such……”Gu Yuyuan also told Connor some means of how to involve Adam. He climbed directly from Kangna’s mouth, jumped to a nearby building, and then rushed down from the building. .

    “How do you decide?”Ling Bo Li, who stood on the wall of the core area, has become impatient and constantly urged Sword Immortal to make a decision, but Ling Sword Immortal has always been able to make decisions on the road that is still on the way. By, refuse to give the Ling Lili answer.

    By the time the distance to the super-dimensional wall protection system is estimated to be less than three minutes, the sturdy and fast-moving sturdy edge finally came to the wall, and even though it was anxious, it still maintained a cold ice state. Polly.

    “Give me an answer now!”Seeing that the solid edge has finally appeared, Ling Boli immediately could not wait to ask.

    “hmm… In fact, I have already thought of the answer on the way. ”Solidly nodded, then walked to Ling Bo Li’s side, suddenly put his face on Ling Bo Li’s face, staring at Ling Bo Li’s eyes with a distance only loved by the talent, a touch Said, “The hand is sticking out.”

    “What do you want to do?”Ling Bo Li immediately asked.

    “Of course it is to catch you!”The solid shackles raised the seal of the hands of Talisman, which was specifically used to control the seal of the Lantern. Originally, the Yuyuan Lantern Festival required the professional equipment to be banned. It was like the purpose of restricting the power of Connor before the shackles, but specially used a set of equipment left over a long time to ban.

    However, Ling Bo Li at this time is actually just a tiger-level Lantern, so that an ordinary talisman can seal Ling Bo Li very simply.

    “This is your answer?”Ling Bo Li suddenly stepped back a few steps, clenching his fists and watching Adam at the other end of the battle. “If this is the case, I will only be with you.”

    “Mr. Be careful! ”Ling Xu Sword Immortal never imagined that the fate of the shackles had to catch Ling Lili directly, and did not care about the safety of Yuzhang City. Suddenly, he was so scared that he was so afraid that the next second Ling Bo Li would be forced by the solid edge and could not directly command Adam to blew himself.

    “Miss Yan Yuan, please believe me, Ling Bo Li, she did not lie, she said it is true!”Yu Yumeiqin also said quickly.

    “Lingxu adults, since you have been given such power to give me the decision, please believe me!”The solid edge does not give Ling Xing Sword Immortal and Yu Mi Meiqin the opportunity to go forward, the body directly forward a span, the seal of the hand talisman caught the hands of Ling Bo Li.

    What kind of character is the solid edge? Even if there is no sword in the hand, it is not that Ling Bo Li, who relies on foreign objects, can resist. Therefore, Ling Boli struggled a few times, but in the blink of an eye, he was controlled by the shackles. Talisman was not accidentally attached to Ling Bo Li’s hand.

    No … Will Yuzhang City be destroyed? ”At this moment, Lingxie Sword Immortal turned his eyes and prepared to welcome the destruction of Yuzhang City.

    Of course, the result is of course nothing, Yuzhang City is still good, and Adam is still good, everything is still good, but Ling Bo Li’s expression is stunned, at this time she has been successfully sealed. Talisman gave control and became a prisoner.

    “What for? Why do you have confidence in catching me? ”Ling Bo Li asked very unwillingly.

    “Do you still think about it? Since the fantasies of the top can ban Adam’s self-explosive ability, can the circle of the circle on the sky also ban the power of Adam’s self-explosion? ”After the completion of the shackles, a hilt was knocked on Ling Bo Li’s head, and the unlucky guy was directly stunned, completely severing all the possibilities of Ling Bo Li.

    And just at this time, the earth suddenly came a huge tremor, and a glimpse of the film in the entire sky began to envelope Yuzhang City.

    The Super Dimensional Wall Protection System in Yuzhang City has finally recovered!

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