For the time being, let’s put aside the thoughts about Hong Meng’s purple gas and primal chaos. There are some strange discoveries about this. This is enough to kill any human radiation warehouse. Connor’s performance is like a fish, as if the radiation does not exist.

    “Connor, do you feel the radiation around you?”Gu Yuyuan asked Connor, “Is there any discomfort in your body?”

    “Yes!”Connor nodded hard. “After smelling these fragrances, Connor was even more hungry.”

    It seems that radiation does not have any negative impact on Connor. It is also a normal thing to think about it carefully. After all, how can Connor be afraid of the radiation emitted by these foods by using high-purity nuclear fuel rods?

    The last door of the warehouse was slowly opened, and the final warehouse for storing high-purity nuclear fuel rods was finally displayed in front of the solid edge.

    A silver-white high-purity nuclear fuel rod is inserted into the fuel rack made of lead, leaving only a silver-white handle exposed, and the nuclear fuel rod can be taken out by pulling the handle.

    Roughly estimated with the naked eye, more than 100,000 high-purity nuclear fuel rods are inserted in a row of shelves. From the perspective of the solid edge, it looks like a row of neat cells, and it looks like an ice shelf with popsicles.

    “It’s gone…”After Kangna saw this high-purity nuclear fuel rod, the whole dragon seemed to be faintly faint. If it wasn’t for the tight resilience of Connor’s reins, it was estimated that Connor had already rushed to these highs. The purity of the nuclear fuel rod is in front of you.

    Get off me.I want to eat……”Connor struggled, but unfortunately, under the imprisonment of this set of imprisonment equipment, Conna is now just a little bit of little loli, and she can’t break free from the control of Gu Yuyuan.

    “Do we both discuss things well?”Gu Yuyuan held Connor in his arms and said with a smile on his face.

    “Is it possible to eat if you have a good deal?”Connor’s small eyes turned up and down, and she couldn’t wait.

    “hmm…The solid point nodded, then whispered in Connor’s ear.

    “Nothing…”Connor said with a sigh of relief.

    “speak English!”The solid edge was shot on Connor’s dragon fart.

    No problemConnor showed a sharp, everything was given to my eyes.


    Before the catastrophe, the fuel rod uranium-235 content of the nuclear reactor was about 3%, which is considered to be a very low purity fuel rod. But now the super nuclear reactor used in Yuzhang City is different. This nuclear reactor requires a nuclear fuel rod with a uranium-235 content of more than 95% to work properly. This is a high-purity nuclear fuel rod.

    Every such nuclear fuel rod is taken out of this warehouse and placed in the outside world. All of the human beings in the entire building can be killed in an instant, and the population of the entire core area is affected. In the next 50 years, It is possible to create tens of millions of deformed children, which is a very terrible consequence.

    And these high-purity nuclear fuel rods can’t be stored in the pockets of the Dimensions. A high-purity nuclear fuel rod can completely destroy the space structure of the pockets in three days, turning the pockets into a normal pocket, and the pockets. The things stored in the original will also disappear completely into the dimensional space.

    Therefore, humans will establish such a special physical warehouse to store high-purity nuclear fuel rods, otherwise it will be safer and not occupying the place directly in the pocket of the Dimension.

    It’s such a horrible high-purity nuclear fuel stick that even the pockets of the second dollar can’t cope with. In the hands of Connor, it’s no different from a pop-up stick sold in the store. Connor’s small hand often catches at the same time. More than a dozen high-purity nuclear fuel rods, and then all into one’s mouth.

    By the way, Connor’s mouth is also very distinctive. She usually looks small and can’t even insert one of her fists. When eating these fuel rods, Connor’s mouth was enlarged to the size of a volleyball. In one bite, the long nuclear fuel rod was bitten off halfway, and both of them were eaten into the stomach.

    The solid edge is too lazy to take care of Connor, who is rushing to the front. She walked alone in front of a row of fuel rods and pulled out a nuclear fuel rod. Even if the handle made of lead behind the fuel rod is held, the solid edge feels like a burning pain, as if it were a burning wooden stick in his hand.

    The sturdy edge tentatively slammed one of his fingers directly on the high-purity nuclear fuel rod, and as a result, his finger lost all consciousness in an instant. The original flesh-and-blood finger seemed to touch the high-temperature popsicle. Quickly dissolved and melted, and finally turned into a rancid gravy that dripped on the ground.

    The body of the sputum is far more powerful than the body of ordinary people, but still can not withstand the erosion of this high-purity nuclear fuel rod, but I do not know how such high-purity nuclear fuel rods kill the Lantern.

    The harm of nuclear weapons to the Lantern Festival has always been a focus of human controversy. According to the records in the history book, when the Great-Stage was smashed and the country was about to become extinct, North Korea took the lead in using nuclear weapons. Later, other countries used nuclear weapons to try to use nuclear weapons to eliminate the Lantern Festival.

    However, after the explosion of nuclear weapons, humans were surprised to find that even the Lantern Festival in the center of the explosion survived a lot and suffered no fatal injuries. When nuclear weapons, the last man’s ultimate pressure-bottom trick, also loses its role, the entire human government has completely collapsed, only the Chinese government because of its own cohesion ability, as well as Sword Niang first appeared in the Chinese cause, finally guarding the human last capital of the old Yanjing city for three years, until the old yanjing city collapse, The sword ancestor Stream calendar leads the remnant population into the dimensional gap.

    Therefore, humans have always believed that nuclear weapons have no lethality against the Lantern Festival. This is an irrefutable truth for a certain period of time. But after humans made high-purity nuclear fuel rods, they found that this was not the case. The reason why a nuclear weapon such as an atomic bomb has no effect on the Lantern Festival is because the radiation emitted after it exploded is far less high-purity.

    Conversely, as long as the purity of the nuclear fuel rod is high enough, it can still cause damage to the Lantern. 95% is the limit that humans can do now, but after experimentation, it only has a little effect on the tiger’s Lantern. However, studies have shown that if the purity can be increased to 98%, then it can cause fatal damage to the dragon. If you increase it to 99%, you will be able to deal damage to the 寇 level 寇; increase to 99.9% will cause damage to the 寇 寇 ;;

    Anyway, if you can maximize the concentration of nuclear fuel, so that the last thing has increased to 100%, then it is a ridiculous Yuanxiao also has the ability to kill you. But this is only a scientist’s inference from beginning to end, because no one has been able to increase the purity to more than 95%, and no one can really verify these guesses. The scientific community has been arguing about the damage of nuclear fuel to the Lantern Festival.

    The topic returned to the body of Gu Yu, after a high-purity nuclear fuel rod was touched, a large amount of primal chaos gas entered the body of the solid sputum through the rotting fingers, and the red scent of the stagnation of the body began to madly devour. Infiltrate into the primal chaos of the solid body.

    Suddenly, there was an idea to slowly bring the high-purity nuclear fuel rod closer to the heart of the heart, because this qi and qi is usually hidden in the heart of the solid edge. It is very hard to know what effect it will have if Hongmeng purple gas is directly in contact with high-purity nuclear fuel rods.

    As a result, it turns out that the solid sputum edge is killing itself. When the high-purity nuclear fuel rod is close to the chest of the sputum, the solid sputum immediately feels that its heart begins to succumb, and the blink of an eye turns into a blackened mud. People must pass out.

    Fortunately, the solid edge of the sputum has been prepared, containing a capsule of blood, directly crushing the capsule when it is about to stun, and throwing out the high-purity nuclear fuel rod in the hand. Under the influence of the blood of the emperor, the necrotic heart was repaired again, and the sputum was very thrilling and returned to a life.

    After finding the high-purity nuclear fuel rod that was thrown out by the solid edge, it was found that about half of the high-purity nuclear fuel rod was gone, and then the root of the solid sputum was found to disappear again. There is no trace of interest, and there is no interest in the primal chaos in the body.

    The solid sputum edge immediately reacted. It should be that Hongmeng Ziqi swallowed up the half-rooted high-purity nuclear fuel rod. As a result, Hongmeng purple gas was completely fed, and no longer interested in the primal chaos that did not fill the stomach.

    After discovering this, I know that I can no longer stay in this warehouse. Otherwise, the primal chaos in my body will accumulate too much, which may cause inevitable damage to my body. I don’t want to waste too much precious blood on these things.

    Confucius found a quick way to find Kangna, who is still a big fan. Connor is a dragon. In just a few minutes, she will eat all the high-purity nuclear fuel rods in the warehouse. Seeing her look, it seems that she looks like her. Even if all the fuel rods here are eaten clean, it is no big deal.

    “Connor, are you full?”Asked about the solid edge.

    “It’s gone…Connor’s stomach is still hungry! ”Connor said rosy.

    “Let’s eat later! Save you from eating too much. ”Regardless of Conner’s strong opposition, the firm’s fate was taken away from the warehouse in Conna’s reluctance, and the high-purity nuclear fuel rods that were eaten were handed over to Lingxie Sword Immortal.

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