“诛仙剑!”When I saw this mysterious swordswoman rising in the desert, I couldn’t help but blurt out. No way, who makes Zhu Xianjian one of the most famous swordsmen in human history.

    In history, the sword of Xian Xian was only coordinated once with the sword-bearer, and her sword-bearer was the bloody swordsman. It is said that the bloody Sword Emperor, who was a sword-level sword-bearer at the time, met the Xianjian sword in a place where the extremely sinister bloody Sword Emperor was no longer willing to mention.

    At that time, the bloody Sword Spirit was being chased by powerful enemies, and his famous sword-level swordsman and spirit sword-level swordsmen were broken. After encountering the Sui Xianjian, the Swordsman surpassed the millions of quarks of the swordsman, but he did not have the qualification to coordinate with the Sui Sword. Yan Xianjian did not recognize the sword-bearer. The helpless bloody swordsman can only fight with the sword that temporarily uses the sword.

    Results later, Blood Cuckoo sword Spirit Life and death, punish the paladin somehow and suddenly recognized the blood cuckoo Sword Spirit, in a moment between the complete and Blood Cuckoo sword Spirit synchronous coordination process, and then kill special Kill, will blood Juan Sword Spirit abruptly of the belt Out of that dangerous place, and from then on the Blood Cuckoo Sword Spirit became the Blood Cuckoo Sword Immortal, and the sword also became The Blood Cuckoo Sword Immortal of the Paladin-Class Jian Niang.

    By virtue of this sword, Blood Cuckoo Sword Immortal became the most powerful among all the Chinese Paladin Sword, at that time all of the Chinese Paladin Sword holders are not blood cuckoo sword immortal Opponents, no one of the Chinese Paladin Sword can be in the blood Juan Sword Immortal of the sword under the 10 minutes of time, so later The Blood Cuckoo sword Immortal also logically ascended the throne, became the blood of the emperor of Juan.

    However, in the battle of the Alps in the past, the bloody swordsman of the last battle was still unable to escape her destiny. The powerful 诛 剑 sword was broken under the siege of the three ridiculous Yuan Zhen, the bloody swordsman Also bloody in the sand, almost died in the Alps. If it wasn’t for her son Jiuyi Sword Emperor’s desperate fight, he would save the bloody Sword Emperor, or else the battle man would sacrifice two Swordsmen.

    And then, because of that sudden sword Qi, which transcends the sword-class bearer of the Emperor, the final dramatic end of the Battle of the Alps, Blood Cuckoo Sword Emperor with the Swords of the Chinese paladin back to the time of the mountain, since then rarely from the time to leave the mountains, and when the Blood Cuckoo Sword Emperor Soaring, the debris of the Paladin is increasing multiplicity, Now it seems that the sword should be the blood of the emperor was sent to the Tomb of the Sword, hope to be able to bury the sword in this mysterious and unpredictable strength to repair the precious Chinese paladin Sword Niang.

    The Battle of the Alps is the most tragic war in human history, but also a relationship between the fate of the war, so the Battle of the Alps each of the details of the descendants have studied countless times, which is vital to the sword is also the key to the future generations of research, the network on the relevant pictures of the Paladin is So the solid cold can recognize the Paladin and no strange, on the contrary, if the solid cold do not recognize the strange.

    It is worth mentioning that the bloody swordsman broke his ancient sword-level swordswoman at the level of the sword, and broke his sword-level swordswoman at the sword-level level. His own sword-level swordsman and spirit sword-level swordswoman, the result of the emperor sword level actually broke the sword-level swordsman. Therefore, when the bloody Sword Emperor soared, she only had the sword-level swordsman, and the bloody swordsman also won the nickname of a “Jian Niang Terminator”.

    It’s just curious that the bloody swordsman is a sword-bearer belonging to Yanjing City. Why not put the Xianjian sword in the funeral swords of Yanjing City, but instead What is the relationship between the funeral swords of Yuzhang City.

    “This is not right!”Looking at the 诛 剑 sword, the cold can not help but wrinkled his brows. “I want to synchronize now is the sword-level swordswoman, this 诛 剑 sword is the sword-level swordsman, how can I synchronize? Besides, my sword-level swordsman has already had a sword of victory. I can’t coordinate the second sword-level swordsman. ”

    “Nothing, the strength of the whole body has only recovered a little and a half. Now it is a sword-level swordswoman. You just need to hold your body and you don’t have to worry too much!”Yan Xianjian said faintly…It is really strange that a sword-level swordsman can speak without coordination.

    And is the level of the sword mother not constant? Even after the Jianjian-level swordsman was broken, it was still a sword-level swordswoman. How could the level change with the recovery of any power, which is contrary to the common sense of Jianniang.

    However, I think of many things happening in my own life, especially when I think that I am only a sword-level sword-bearer but I have six swordsmen. It seems that I am more contrary to the common sense of the sword-sisters than the swordsman!

    Since Zhu Xianjian said that she can coordinate with the cold, there is nothing to say about the cold, just try it, even if it can’t be synchronized, there will be no loss.

    Ever since, the cold has quickly walked to the side of the sword, and stretched out his right hand and held it on the sword handle of the sword.Five seconds…Ten seconds…a minuteFive minutesA long time has passed, and nothing has changed between the cold and the sword.

    According to common sense, the success of the synchronization between the swordsman and the swordsman depends only on the first minute they contact. Some people start to coordinate at the moment of contact, and some people need to wait for tens of seconds before they can start synchronous coordination. But the waiting tens of seconds never took more than a minute.

    Now that the cold has held the 诛 剑 sword for five minutes, but the two still have no changes, this fact has clearly indicated that the cold can not be synchronized with the 诛 剑 sword, everything is just a wishful thinking of poverty.

    Improbable How can you keep up with the cold? ”Poor and confessing to the poor.

    “Don’t ask about the whole body, I have tried to suppress my heart’s restraint on her.”Zhu Xianjian’s plain tone is also full of doubts. Obviously she also wonders why synchronous coordination has not succeeded.

    “It’s worth it! Since it is not successful, I still have to coordinate the development of the demon knife village just fine! ”The cold sighed, it seems that this sword was not with him, and directly released his right hand, ready to re-insert the sword into the desert…At the moment when the cold is released, the cold suddenly finds that something is wrong, and his right hand seems to have merged with the Jianxian sword, and the cold can no longer control his right hand.

    How did this happen?Hold the cold and stick out his left hand, trying to help his right hand loosen the hilt of the sword. But at the moment when the cold left hand touched the right hand, I found that my right hand became hard and hard, and it was no longer a flesh and blood, but a hard stone.

    “My right hand is petrified…”It is incredible to say that the petrochemical is not a rare thing for a sword-bearer. After all, every time the sword-bearer and his sword-woman are in sync, the body of the sword-bearer needs petrification once. As it is now, there is only one petrochemical completed by the right hand, but the rest of the body is still a normal person, but it has never happened. It is often against the existence of the common sense of Jian Niang.

    “I am going to talk about what is going on? How has your body become so weird again? ”The Xuanyuan sword in the cold-blooded purple house began to toss up. It seems that the emperor-level sword-naughter also found that the body of the solid-skinned edge is in a strange state.

    “The power of this habit is so familiar…Could it be thatChilling, what is your guy now synchronizing with the swordsman? ”Xuanyuanjian suddenly asked with amazement.

    “punish……Fairy…The sword replied in a word of cold.

    “The trough your old hen…How did you get involved with that woman! ”Xuanyuanjian was shocked and jumped, and immediately shouted, “Hurry up and release my body from the pocket of the yuan. I want to see the sword.”

    If you don’t talk about the cold, you will immediately release the Xuanyuan sword from your own pocket. This is the sword that has not been synchronized yet. It is suspended in the air, and it has been turned around several times in the hands of the cold hand. I’m surprised to say, “I’m not really thinking about you.”

    “Xuanyuan sword? I didn’t even think that you were here too! ”Although the two swordsmen are in shock, but the shock of the sword is obviously calmer than the Xuanyuan sword, and the words are still in a mess.

    “What is your situation? How did you fall to the point where you want to coordinate with a sword-level sword holder? If your old master knows that it is estimated that you will be mad at you. ”Xuanyuanjian is very schadenfreaked.

    “Don’t mention that person, and he has nothing to do with him. It doesn’t matter if he is in sync with the swordsman of any rank.”The speed of the sword is slightly increased. It is obvious that the old master in Xuanyuan’s sword does not have anything to do with her, as she said, and you don’t care.

    “It’s your Xuanyuan sword. What do you look like now? Where do you still have a little Human Race? ”A sarcasm of Zhu Xianshun.

    “Oh, no matter what you say, the old lady is always the Human Race!”Xuanyuanjian smiled and said, “The two of us are born from the same origin. Your four sisters were born tens of millions of years earlier than me, and they have occupied more than half of the origin of the source. The aging mother is always lower than you.” Fortunately, the mother’s luck is not bad, and it becomes a human race. It can also press you with the help of Human Race. Are you particularly envious of the old lady? ”

    “What is the use of these previous things?”The sound of the fairy sword is hidden in flames. “If you have the ability to defeat our four sisters, then why do we lower your head?”

“……What a joke…When you are full, you will be at the same time as your four sisters. ”Xuanyuanjian involuntarily said a soft word, it seems that the four sisters of Xian Xianjian have already formed a huge shadow in the mind of Xuanyuanjian.

    “But Zhu Xian, what is your current situation? How to synchronize and coordinate to half of it? ”Xuanyuanjian said a little bit.

    “I don’t know all about it!”Yan Xianjian said with some helplessness.

    Tee hee. You don’t know, it doesn’t matter, I know it will do! ”Xuanyuanjian has turned a few more laps for this sacred sword. It is as exciting as dancing. “You beg me, if you ask me, I will tell you what to do.”

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