“I really don’t know about this…”As a result, the teacher of the raccoon said so much, the result of the beginning of the problem can not give the answer to the cold. “Yesterday, the gate was locked, and the owner of Lu Xihua was never seen.” Besides, I am not a member of the Jiange, how could I know what happened to the Jiange. ”

    Forget it Teacher Zhuo Xuan take care! ”The solid edge of the shackles waved and walked back to the gate of the sword. Although the raccoon wants to be close to the beauty, but thinks that the other is a cold-sister sister, suddenly this kind of mind is absolutely, three steps and two steps to escape from here.

    Looking at the gate of the Jiange, which was tightly locked, the cold was caught in contemplation. As the former chief of the sword, the cold is very familiar with the sword. Although the Jiange Pavilion is a huge and magnificent building, there is no window except the top-level cabinet owner’s office. The gate of the Jiange Pavilion is locked by a door lock made of a king alloy. Unless it is authorized by the chief of the sword, it is absolutely impossible to unlock the door lock.

    As a result, how to enter the Jiange has become a problem. It is not impossible to forcibly break through the door, or simply break a hole in the wall of the Jiange. This is a somewhat funny place in the Jiange Pavilion. That is, the door lock of the Jiange Pavilion is the strongest thing in the Jiange Pavilion. The rest of the Jiange Pavilion is made of Dimension Alloy. A master can easily break the walls of the Jiange Pavilion.

    If this is the Jiange of Yanjing City, the consideration of the cold is not considered, and it is directly broken into the wall. But the problem is that this is the sword pavilion in Yuzhang City. It is also a cold-fixing site. How can you cruelly destroy your own things?

    So for a moment, between the half and the gang, the cold is actually blocked by the hard-working outside the door of the sword. If you are cold, you will forcibly destroy the walls of the sword court, or you will not want to enter the sword court if you are cold.

    When the cold is worried, the Yitian in the purple house suddenly said to the cold. “You go to the northwest corner of the sword court. There is a wall on the wall where you can write a day word. You can find the hard-working one. You can enter Sword Court!”

    “You mean that there is a secret door in the sword court?”After listening to the words of Yitian, I felt very strange, but I still did it according to Yitian’s words. I found a small word in the corner of the northwest corner that was like a beetle. I used it on this day. Press, the wall in front of the cold is automatically opened, and a secret door leading to the interior of the sword court appears.

    “Why does the sword pavilion have such a secret door? How can I not even know that I am the chief of the sword? ”Entering the sword court from this hidden door, the cold is very strange. After the cold has become the chief of the Sword Court, all the confidential information that only the cabinet owner can see can be seen again, but the secret door has never been mentioned in the secret information.

    “This is the guy who covered the sky when he built the sword. I can’t think of it for so many years. This secret door is still here!”Yitian faintly explained that the cold has only come to mind. Yitian is experiencing the process of Yuzhang City from scratch with the Emperor of Heaven. It can be said that Yitian is looking at the entire Yuzhang City. It seems that At the beginning, the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor left a lot of secrets in the Pavilion.

    For the time being, I don’t think about the things about the Emperor of Heaven. The cold man walks in this huge sword court. The whole sword court is empty, even those beauty waiters are gone. Only one of the lonely swordsmen were placed on their respective stands for the enjoyment of the cold.

    The cold has come to the sword court many times. But as it is now, there is only one person who exists in the sword court. It has never happened. So, there is a very different feeling.

    It’s a pity that the current time does not allow the cold to slowly appreciate the strange atmosphere, and the cold and fast walks to the fourth floor of the Jiange. The fourth floor is the place where the sword-level natural swordsman is placed. It is also the goal of fixing the cold this time. To fix the cold, we must find a sword-level swordsman to coordinate with ourselves.

    When the cold weather set foot on the fourth floor, a burst of familiar impulses filled the whole body with cold and cold. Any one of the swordsmen on the fourth floor seemed to want to rush to them and coordinate with them.

    “I can’t think of the spirit sword level, the sword edge sensor is still so strong! Am I so popular? ”I feel the impulse of the familiarity of the sword in the body, and some of the stinking farts that can’t help but feel cold.

    I don’t know, you still can’t remember this sword-edge sensor. Any sword-in-law who takes the initiative and the sword-bearing swordsmanship has a much greater chance of synchronization and success than the normal situation. The stronger the intensity of the induction. The success rate will be greater.

    Now, almost all of the sword-level swordsmen on the fourth floor have produced a strong sense of sword edge, which means that the cold can choose a sword-level swordsman to coordinate with themselves on the fourth floor.

    The importance of the sword-level swordsman is self-evident. Of course, it is necessary to choose one of the most suitable swordsmen to become their own sword-level swordswoman. It is a pity that the sword-level swordsman who is most suitable for himself in the cold-hearted mind is not in the swords of Yuzhang City, but in the base city of Moscow. Originally, according to the plan of fixing the cold, he is not a sword-level sword-bearer for the time being, but must go to Moscow to synchronize the sword-level swordswoman.

    Unfortunately, Yuzhang City has encountered a huge crisis. The cold has to give up its insistence. In order to sacrifice some of its future, Yuzhang City is looking for the most suitable sword-level swordsman in Yuzhang City.

    There are not many natural sword-level swordsmen in Yuzhang City, which is the ten-year-old. After some selection of the cold, the cold-sinking found that the most suitable sword-level swordsman has two.

    A name called the sword, it is said that the once artifacts of the god whip, the power is endless, is the highest ranking of all the sword-level swordsmen in Yuzhang City. However, Gu Han feels that this swordsman is not suitable for himself, because the characteristics of this sword are very strange.

    Playing the sword is killing the sword, and her murder characteristics are like this.

    “Fighting God: All damage to the Taoist and Buddhist related Lanterns is increased by 1000%, and all damage to non-Taoism and Buddhism related Lanterns is reduced by 1000%.”

    This sword-level swordsman is obviously used to deal with the forces of the heavenly courts such as Tianting and Lingshan. When dealing with these lanterns, the role of playing the sword is very obvious. It can be described as an invincible artifact against these Lanterns, and its role is not even weaker than the sword-level swordswoman.

    The problem is that the Lantern Festival of Heaven and Lingshan is only a small part of all the Lantern Festivals, so when the Shenjian is facing most of the Lantern Festival, the attack power is reduced by 1000%!

    So what is the difference between a sword-level swordsman in the hands of the cold and a sword-level sword-woman? Even said that it is not as useful as a sword-level swordsman. At least when facing the thunder and lightning dragon, the role of playing the sword is not as useful as oranges.

    So soon after the cold, he gave up the idea of ​​using the sword, and turned to another sword-level swordsman who suited himself: the demon knife village.

    It can be seen from this name, this is also a swordsman of the Fusang system, and also the most famous swordswoman in addition to the Tian Congyun sword in the Fusang system. This sword-level swordsman is said to have been called the demon knife before the big break, because all the masters who hold the demon knife in the hand all died under the sword of this demon knife, which is called the sword of the lord. After the great destruction, the demon knife village is re-born, and her murder characteristics once again prove that she is indeed a master sword-level swordswoman.

    “Hey Lord: Intersect with the village’s swordsman, let the village absorb the blood and essence of the sword-bearer through the lower body, so that the attack power of the monster knife village will be permanently strengthened by 10%-1500%. According to the different blood consumption of the sword-bearer, the monster knife village can be attacked and strengthened. ”

    The power of this feature is vividly expressed through the word “permanent”, and among all the swordsmen, it can be permanently strengthened…And it is still a permanent reinforcement of the attack attribute up to 1500% of the swordswoman, but the family has no semicolon.

    As long as the sword-bearer consumes his own blood and essence, he can make his strength up to fifteen times higher…Sorry, it is not so simple to increase the attack power by 1500%. This kind of attack promotion can even make the sword-level sword-bearer reach the attack power of the sword-level sword-bearer.

    Such a terrible increase will inevitably have to pay a heavy price, and this heavy price is that these consumed blood and essence can not be recovered through medical equipment, and even through the body itself can not reply, the village is the sword-bearer is equivalent to a lifetime I can’t recover these blood…According to estimates, to achieve the highest 1500% permanent reinforcement, the sword-bearer needs to consume 70% of its own blood volume…This is equivalent to the reduction of qi and blood in the game, but the problem is that you only have one drop of blood in the game, you are still alive. But if you only have 30% of the blood in reality, then you are already dead.

    In history, there was such a fool trying to strengthen it to 1500%. As a result, this fool died on the day of strengthening because of severe anemia.

    Some sword-level sword-bearers directly declared that they suffered from severe anemia after the completion of the intensification. The body of these sword-bearers became extremely weak in an instant, and often these two sword-bearers died young in two or three years. Therefore, the power of the village is completely replaced by the swordsman’s own life.

    At the same time, some eggs hurt that after giving their blood and essence to the village, the sword-bearer will lose the ability to give birth forever. If you don’t have your own child before you coordinate with the village, then the sword-bearer will be 100%.

    In fact, even if the village does not absorb the blood of the sword-bearer, its own attacking ability is among the best among all the sword-level swordsmen, so these sword-level sword-bearers do not have to sacrifice their lives in exchange for more. A tremendous strength.

    There are some very sane sword-bearers who are confident in the coordination with the village. They are also very confident that they will never use their own blood and life to strengthen the attack of the knives and villages. Sheets. In the end, the sword-bearers all ate their words and made a crazy use of their own blood and essence to permanently strengthen the village.

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