“It’s gone! Really hard to eat! ”The unlucky Li Xiangtian was only chewed in Connor’s mouth, and was directly spit out by Connor. It is obvious that Li Xiangtian did not meet Kangna’s appetite. When the cold was noticed, when Li Xiangtian was spit out, his upper body and lower body had already been separated, and finally landed in two different positions, about two or three kilometers apart, unless someone immediately put Li Xiangtian’s upper body into the medical compartment. Otherwise, Li Xiangtian is dead.

    “Hungry! Connor is going to starve! ”Kang Na, who spit out Li Xiangtian, became more hungry. She was very anxious and fanned her wings. She looked around for a moment, and finally fluttered, and only a few seconds of work disappeared in the cold. There was no trace of sight within the line of sight.

    “Have she gone like this?”Shang Hao looked dull and looked at the direction in which Connor disappeared. He could hardly believe that this powerful Lantern Festival had gone so far. He did not eat himself and the cold.

    Why? Do you still want her to come back? ”The cold and white merchants glanced at “No time to talk nonsense, but also hurry to find the guys who have just fallen, I hope they are still alive.”

    “Yes!”It’s only when Shang Yang remembers that other teammates were still alive and dead, and ran away to save people.

    It’s been busy until about dark, and it’s only after the business team has found all the teammates.

    Yu Yue and Qin Liang very unfortunate, they in the solid cold witnessed by a huge stone smashed into a beach of meat mud, later, the solid cold also found this boulder, also found that pond absolutely not recognize the original appearance of the corpse, can only their belongings, sword Niang and the dimensional pockets to tidy up, ready to bring back to their families.

    According to the law of the General Committee of the Swordsman, if there are sword-bearers among the descendants of the sword-bearers, then the relics of the sword-bearers will be handed to the hands of his descendants, and only the blood of his descendants can be used. Open this dimension pocket and inherit the property inside the pocket. Only Jian Niang is a public property, and later generations are not qualified to inherit, and must be returned to the sword.

    If the sword-bearer’s descendants do not have a sword-bearer, then after the descendants use their own blood to cooperate with the Secret Technique’s Secret Technique to open the pocket, all the items in it will be converted into RMB, and then half of the RMB will be given to The latter part of the sword-bearer, the other half is the inheritance tax. Aside from these 50% estate taxes, any only with heroic coins can buy rare resources, according to the official price converted into RMB is an absolute loss of the sale, there is absolutely no sword holders are willing to exchange renminbi, but unfortunately this one of the sword-bearer has died, The family had no bargaining power with the Sword Commission.

    Therefore, it is crucial that a descendant of a sword-bearer eventually becomes a sword-bearer, and that there is no difference between it and the sky.

    If the sword bearer does not even have a bloodline, then the trouble is big, because this means that the sword holders of the dimensional pocket outsiders very difficult to open, even if the sword Emperor shot is so, only the use of the Sword committee in the Wash sword pool can be washed to the sub-yuan pockets belong to the sword holder’s brand, and then can take out the contents of the bag. However, if you want to use the shampoo pool, you must consume a hundred drops of imperial blood to do it. This is undoubtedly a huge consumption. Even if the Swordsman Committee is reluctant to spend such money, it cannot be opened in the pocket of the Dimension. Wealth is also very coveted.

    After the calculation, the Swordsman General Committee decided not to complete the 10,000 pockets that could not be opened to start the shampoo pool once, and remove all the branding of all the pockets at once. Since 1000, the sword-washing pool is said to have been opened only five times, and the last time is 80 years ago, according to solid cold or Jiange the time to see the data show that, at this time the Sword committee has accumulated because there is no future generations and can not open the dimensional pocket 7,000, the solid cold estimate may be another twenty or thirty years time, The sword-washing pool will never be opened again.

    Next, Li Xiangtian, the upper part of the hapless was found, but the lower body was gone, but some traces of the Lanterns were found in the position where he fell in the lower part of his body. It seems that Li Xiangtian’s lower body was not eaten by Connor. But it was eaten by other Yuanxiao. It’s been an hour since I found Li Xiangtian. Li Xiangtian is naturally dead and can’t die anymore. The merchants wiped a few tears, then used the coffin to pack Li Xiangtian’s body and put it in the pocket of Yuyuan, ready to bring it back to Yuzhang City. Go to burial.

    This is the tradition between every sword-bearer. The sword-man outside battle is a thing that can be sacrificed at any time. Every sword-bearer has encountered his teammates in front of themselves. After the death of these teammates, the only thing the survivors can do is to help them recover their bodies. Even if the two swordsmen were originally the enemy of life and death, as long as one party dies, the other party will put down hatred to help the other party to collect the body, so that the other party can fall back to the roots, and return to their base is the final burial.

    Everyone says that there are three things that must be brought in the pocket of the sword-bearer. One is food, the third is a medical warehouse, and the third is a coffin. These three things are the same in the pocket of the dimension. This time, when the merchant went out, he brought twelve coffins in his pocket. This shows that Shanghao has already made plans for the entire team to be completely destroyed.

    Before I cleaned up the body of Yuehe Qinliang, I used two coffins. Li Xiangtian used one more. The four sword-bearers who died before joining the team also occupied four coffins, so now they have even pockets. There are seven corpses with coffins in it, and it’s confusing to think about it.

    Xu Junjie also died. The young man slammed into a stump when he landed. The result was a hard stump that penetrated the abdominal cavity. At this point, Shangyu had become accustomed to death. After seeing Xu Junjie’s body, he sighed and helped the other party to collect the body. The body in the pocket of the second dollar was one more.

    Zuo Zong Sun and Moon were very lucky to survive. When he landed, his legs hit the stone. Although his life was saved, his legs were completely abolished. The whole person fell into a coma because he lost too much blood. In the middle, Shangyu can only contribute his own medical cabin to put him in, and carry him to continue the difficult search.

    Then I was found to be Chu Hanming. This guy was very lucky. When he fell, he was blocked by a giant tree and finally fell into a wet swamp. When the shackles and the tyrannical powers pulled her out of the swamp, Chu Hanming’s body was intact and there was no injury. It was a miracle.

    When we get here, there’s Melaur and Liuyun months, and there’s no trace of two. But according to the Chu Han Ming said, he was trapped in the swamp, once saw Melaur quickly from his side run away, his struggling to shout hope Melaur can save himself out, but Melaur didn’t pay attention to Chu Han Ming, the Chu Han Ming qi was half dead.

    “It seems that Miss Merrow must have discovered something worthwhile!”The cold is presumed.

    “What can be worthwhile in the neighborhood?”The merchant sighed, suddenly realized that “I understand, the most valuable thing in the vicinity is probably the second-generation kit. Mellau must have found the position where the dip kit fell, looking for the next-generation kit.” ”

    Although everyone had a lot of speculation, but until the sky was completely dark, the cold and the merchants did not find the shadow of Merauer and Liu Yunyue, things can only be given up.

    And this night, no one made a sound, and there was a deep sadness in my heart. Although this squad is a temporary team, each person has their own plans. There is not much trust between the players, but it is still a team that has lived and fought for nearly 20 days.

    At the moment of victory, when all men are ready to reap the riches, but encountered such a huge change, put aside the cold, the whole team only two people survived intact, a person lying in the medical cabin in a coma, and two people disappeared without a trace, the rest of the people died completely on this land, You can only bring back eight dead bodies that don’t know what they are.

    Crying is crying out, only one night without words.

    In the middle of the night, the cold of the whistle was awakened in a ring of rush in his personal terminal. The personal terminal would wake up on his own initiative. This made the cold understand immediately that something was wrong.

    Because of fear of his own whereabouts, the cold-holding initiative has effectively closed the external contact function of the personal terminal…I also actively blocked the communication that everyone sent to myself, but only three people did not block it. That is his good apprentice Lucifer and Song Yifei who had disappeared for three years, and there was no contact after the underground palace. The flow of years.

    In other words, only these three people can find the cold through the personal terminal. They look at the personal terminal and find that they are calling Lucifer. After fixing his own purple house was sealed, he gave a message to Lucifer, telling her that she would find a way to return to Yuzhang City, so that she should not contact herself under normal circumstances, but if something major happens, You must inform him, is there any major change happening now?

    The cold did not dare to neglect, immediately connected to Lucifer’s newsletter, only to hear the other side of the communication, Lucifer’s voice was very urgent, and there was fear in the rush. “Master is not good! Hong grade yuan 寇! There is a white flood dragon that is attacking us in Yuzhang City. Our energy consumption of the secondary wall is very fast, and we are almost unable to stand up! ”

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