“It’s the Sword Spirit, it’s right!”

    “I rub! This is really the Sword Spirit! ”

    As the host said the name of Sword Spirit! The rest of the sword-holders were also reacting, and the naked man was not black Temple sword Spirit who could it be? Because the number of sword-level sword-bearers is very rare, every sword-level sword-bearer has been quite concerned by sword-bearers. Most sword-bearers can recognize some sword-level sword-bearers.

    What’s more, it is the so-called sword-level sword-bearer of Sword Spirit, the former Shanhaiguan Management Committee’s amnesty, and the Sword Spirit is the nightmare of every sword-level sword-bearer. The thing they were most afraid of was that they were recorded in his black book by Sword Spirit, and then became a member of Shanhaiguan.

    Although a year and a half ago, the Wu people were wiped out by the efforts of the Qin Emperor, the Shanhaiguan has changed from an extremely dangerous place to a place where the sword-level swordsman is supporting the elderly. Sword Spirit also lost him. The greatest deterrent. However, the shadow of Sword Spirit in the temple still exists in the heart of every sword-level sword-bearer. This face of Sword Spirit is the face of a sword-level sword-bearer.

    It’s just that they couldn’t imagine that the powerful Sword Spirit would have been stripped of their clothes and lost their heads. They didn’t even have the name of Sword Spirit in the head, so they felt that this person was very I am familiar with it, but I can’t recognize it.

    In fact, none of the sword-bearers present at the scene recognized the Sword Spirit in the first place, but these people closed their mouths more closely after recognizing the Sword Spirit, lest they should say the true identity of the other party. Although the biggest deterrent of the Sword Spirit in the temple has disappeared, the problem is that the good man’s house, Sword Spirit, is the son of the dragon lion, and he was thrown down by the clothes…If such a shameful thing is to expose the identity directly in the live broadcast, then imagine the first tragic treatment of the swordsman of Sword Spirit.

    That is, the fear of Sword Spirit is not so deep, and I don’t know that Sword Spirit is a sword-level sword-seller of the Dragon Swordsman’s son. He did not hesitate to practice the name of Sword Spirit. The sword-bearers who were present at the scene showed a sudden realization, as if they had just discovered the same.

    The sword-bearers present were only revealing the expression of the sudden realization, but those who paid attention to the live broadcast exploded directly. Many people who knew the background of the Sword Spirit of the temple fell scared directly from the chair.

    What kind of joke? The son of the Shanhaiguan Management Committee, the son of the Dragon Lion Sword Emperor was actually thrown away from the sky! It was also deliberately thrown into a live TV show, allowing millions of viewers to see this shame at the same time. It is conceivable that after the TV program was broadcast live, even if the TV station immediately banned it, the impact of this incident will inevitably spread through the network. In less than a day, everyone will know that the son of the Dragon Lion Sword Emperor was actually stunned by the clothes, and sealed the whole body with the seal talisman, which is a complete defeat!

    “Hurry up and get a new piece of clothing…There are also new panties! ”After confirming that the slick person was S黒 Spirit, the captain immediately said loudly to his teammates.

    “Oh ?” OThe players quickly began to look for their own pockets and wanted to find a new outfit. As a result, they found that there were a lot of new clothes in their pockets, but the new underwear did not exist at all. They were all underwear that passed through once or twice…Such underwear is worn by Sword Spirit, and Sword Spirit knows that you should not hate yourself?

    “I said you guys…”The team members were unable to get their clothes, and the team leader slammed his feet and simply took out a brand new bath towel from his pocket. He temporarily wrapped the body of Sword Spirit, so that there would be no more. The risk of spring venting…It’s just that the Sword Spirit, a scene wrapped in a bath towel, appears in the camera. It looks like a hacker who gets out of the hotel when the police uncle is smashing the yellow.

    “Seal talisman! Who of you will lift the seal talisman? Hurry up and help Snick Spirit to dismiss this talisman! ”After the captain wrapped the towel on the Sword Spirit, he said to his team members.

    “Captain, you don’t know!” This seal talisman is so good to lift it! If you don’t know what the other party’s seal is, you can’t unblock it, and you may even inevitably cause permanent damage to Sword Spirit. Only professionals can lift it! ”One of the players replied in a whisper, he said the truth. The seal talisman has different methods for releasing the seal depending on the method used in the seal.

    If the seal is unblocked without knowing the other’s seal, the 90% chance will not only unblock the seal, but also cause permanent damage to the opponent.

    So the best solution is to Black Temple sword Spirit escort back to Yanjing city, and then please yanjing City professionals with professional equipment to resolve this seal talisman seal method, and then by the professional to release the seal, they are still not the sword-bearer good, Otherwise it will be black Temple sword Spirit and Dragon Lion Sword Emperor to deep grudge.

    “No! It’s okay to lift this talisman directly in the easiest way! ”Sword Spirit, who has never said a word, suddenly said the first sentence after he saw these swordsmen.

    Although the seal talisman can seal the swordsman of the sword-bearer, it cannot seal the mouth of the sword-bearer. During the whole process of the captain’s fiddling with Sword Spirit, Sword Spirit closed his mouth and his face was as stagnation as a stone, and did not stop the captain’s actions. At the mercy, it seems that it still loses its mind.

    Until the other sword-bearers present at the scene said that they would send the Sword Spirit back to Yanjing City to release the seal, the Sword Spirit couldn’t help but say the first sentence. At this moment, the scene has already caused the Sword Spirit to be tortured. If you want to let him go to Yanjing City and then be given some research, then there is no difference between the Sword Spirit and the Sword Spirit.

    “Can you use the easiest way directly?”The captain couldn’t help but confirm that the easiest way was to send his swordsman directly into the talisman and then remove the seal of talisman. But the premise of this is that the sealer did not use any special sealing techniques, otherwise rushing to send his own swordsman into the talisman would cause the bad consequences that were said before.

    “Let you use it with you!”Sword Spirit, the temple, bit his teeth and said that at this time he obviously suppressed the great anger in his heart. The captain did not dare to ask more questions, and directly sent his swordsman into the talisman. As the Sword Spirit said, the talisman was easily removed. This once again proves that the swordman of Sword Spirit, who was just the seal, just used to humiliate the Sword Spirit, so he used this simplest seal, because this is the most humiliating means.

    As the seal talisman was untied, Sword Spirit gave the towel wrapped around him and then picked up a pocket from where he had just fallen. The eye-opening effort was put on, and the white-flowered temple Sword Spirit was once again wrapped in a handsome and handsome dress.

    “Cold the cold! Keep cold! ”Sword Spirit, who wore clothes, held his fist tightly and recited the name over and over again. Moreover, the voice of the statement is not small, and even other sword-bearers around can hear it clearly.

    “Cold cold? Could it be said that this guy named Gu Han is on the hand of Sword Spirit? ”Seeing the expression of Sword Spirit in the temple, other sword-bearers can guess that the guy who is so humiliated by Sword Spirit is the one who is called the cold.

    “Oh ?” Did the audience friends hear it? The culprit in causing all this is a person called the cold. We will immediately start to contact the guide and let the guide help us to check the information called the cold. ”The host on the other side immediately began to talk excitedly. At this time, Sword Spirit found that the situation seemed to be beyond his imagination.

    “Who is this guy? What are you doing here? ”Sword Spirit asked quickly.

    ThisThe captain of the swordsman began to hesitate. He knew that once the truth was told, Sword Spirit found that his affairs had been broadcast live, and the other party estimated that he would directly vomit blood.

    But the captain of the sword-bearer can’t help but say, he can only hesitate to say, “He is the host of the “Rules of the Ruins” program group…We are currently broadcasting the show…”

    If the face of Sword Spirit in the previous hall is like the winter of December, then the face of Sword Spirit in the temple is like the 10 8 Layer hell. The Sword Spirit, the temple, said nothing, but rushed to the side of the host. In the hands of Sword Qi, the live-tracking automatic tracking camera was cut into pieces, and the audience who were watching the development of the matter nervously It was also discovered in an instant that the entire TV set was black.

    But it doesn’t matter, because the most critical information has been broadcast live on TV, and the live video was diagnosed and recorded completely, and then directly posted on the Internet, and went to a very eye-catching name. “Spiritual sword-level swordsman fruit live broadcast? The Sword Emperor was ruined by the most cruel shame in the world.

    Ever since, as mentioned before, this video began to spread quickly on the Internet at a speed that was unimaginable, and this time the protagonist is the sword-level sword-bearer or the dragon-lion sword. Prince of the Emperor.

    This is a news that is extremely popular, so in just one day, more than 50% of the world’s human beings know this news. They all know that the son of the Dragon and Lion Swordsman was thrown away from the sky and lost. .

    Naturally, the name of the Sword Spirit, which was finally smothered, was once again revealed in the attention of the audience with the spread of this news.


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