Unexpectedly, the Xuan Tie Epee actually became Song Haima’s famous sword-level swordswoman, which made the cold and can’t help but laugh. I want to know that the mysterious iron epee was the swordsman of my own enemy, Long Yu. I believe that when the deity of the Xuan Tie Epee was coordinated by Song Hama, Long Yu found that the Xuan iron epee in his hand became a soulless man. When the sword is pregnant, the expression must be very rich.

    “You are actually a skunk friend, this is a narrow road!”The mysterious iron sorcerer looked at the cold and gnashing teeth. It seems that the mysterious iron sorcerer did not forget the fact that she was defeated in the hands of the cold for more than three years…Although it was only a piece of consciousness of the Xuan Tie Epee that was fighting with the cold, it was not the deity consciousness of the Xuan Tie Epee. But the fact that the shard of consciousness has returned to the deity of the Xuan Tie Epee, so this memory is also clearly remembered by the deity of the Xuan Tie Epee, even if I think of it at this time, I feel very uncomfortable.

“……”The cold smiled slightly, but did not say much. After all, the facts of the Xuan Tie Epee are the swordsmen of Song Hama. They are already in the category of their own people. They are too lazy to argue with her again. But the Xuan iron is still a pair of not to say “the original is you shameless steal learned my consciousness fragments of solitary nine swords, however, this time different from the past, my consciousness fragments of the sword is not enough of my one-second, I must let you see what is the real solitary nine swords, you ignorant children can steal to learn! ”

    “Do you want to fight with me? It is not suitable here! ”The cold brow wrinkled, just at this time the waiter of the teahouse sent a few cups of green tea. The green tea floated on the tea like a boat, which seemed to be quiet and elegant.

    “How can we compare this tea?”Seeing this cup of tea, the eyes of the mysterious iron sculpt goddess suddenly appeared.

    “How do you want to compete?”Asked about the cold and curious.

    “We use this chopstick as a sword. What is the goal of tea in tea?”The mysterious iron sorcerer took out two chopsticks from the chopsticks next to it and pulled out one to put it in front of the cold. “I will shake the cup of tea into the air later, then both of us use this chopstick to absorb the tea floating in the air. Let’s see who is the most adsorbed tea on the chopsticks. Who will win?”

    “What is this ghost than the test?”Song Hama and Zhu Yuntie, Zhenshan sword face each other. They have never heard of such a sword-like method, using chopsticks to absorb the floating tea leaves in the air. This is indeed an unheard of battle, and it can indeed be done without hurting the harmony between the two sides. It is the best test. The way, but is this really something humans can do?

    “Good to say!”Nodded to the cold, it was agreed to the requirements of the Xuanthai Epee.

    “Therefore…This is it.The voice of the cold is falling, and the mysterious sorcerer immediately casts a shot on the table…Six cups of tea were placed on the table, but only a cup of tea from the Xuan Tie sculpt goddess flew into the air. The rest of the tea still stood on the table. It is obvious that the control of the power of the sacred iron sculpt has arrived. A very high level that can shrink huge forces at one point.

    When the teacup rushed to a height of about one meter from the tabletop, the whole teacup suddenly burst open, and the tea in the tea and tea water began to fall like raindrops. The Xuan iron epee maiden directly took the chopsticks in his hand. The tea in the air poked in the past.

    I saw the blink of an eye, the chopsticks in the hands of the mysterious iron sorcerer had already absorbed seven or eight tea leaves. This shows that the speed of the black iron sorcerer swordsmanship is fast and the goal is fine. What surprised the mysterious iron maiden was that the chopsticks on the other side of the cold hand were not moving, and there seemed to be no intention to compete with the mysterious sorcerer.

    “Does this guy look down on me? Want to deliberately lose to me? ”The mysterious iron sorcerer’s heart was angry and no longer absorbed the tea, and poked the chopsticks directly to the cold eyes.

    heyIn the heart of the cold, he lamented that he had deliberately lost to the mysterious sorcerer, so that he would reveal the past things, so as not to hurt his feelings with Song Hama. However, the mysterious iron sorcerer used the chopsticks to poke his own eyes. If he could bear it, he would not be cold.

    But there is no other movement to see the cold, just a slight shot on the table, the chopsticks that were originally placed at your own hand are like a spring, and are instantly bombed into the air, just in the air of the mysterious sorcerer On the way to the chopsticks, two chopsticks hit each other in an instant.

    The violent impact caused the two chopsticks to lose their strength and fell on the table.

    Ta-da! Ta-da! so far. Xuan Tie Epee you…Forget itEveryone is equally divided…have equal shares! ”Song Hama said quickly, Song Hama was so eager to sweat all over his head, he did not think that his famous sword-level swordsman actually used chopsticks to attack the cold, has been separated from the scope of discussion, a little dark arrow hurts the meaning among them. But Song Hama has some obvious fears of the black iron epee. Originally, I wanted to yell at each other, but when I got to the mouth, I shrank back. It seems that Song Hama has no status in front of the Xuan Tie epee. .

    “No! I lost! ”Song Hama originally wanted to let the two sides recognize the tie, but I did not expect that the Xuan Tie sorcerer had a bleak initiative to admit defeat, which made Song Hama amazed, when did his ancestor learn to take the initiative to admit defeat? ?

    Song Hama immediately looked at the chopsticks on the table, and suddenly found that the chopsticks of the black iron epee that had absorbed seven or eight teas were not at the same time, but there was no chopsticks on the cold. There are seven or eight teas…Apparently these teas came from the chopsticks of the Xuan Tie Epee. Just in the moment when the two chopsticks confronted each other, the chopsticks that were cold and cold actually took away all the tea on the chopsticks of the Xuan Tie.

    Song Hama is dumb, and this kind of smart Sword Skill is needed to do this. I don’t think I have seen it for three years. The Sword Skill has a horrible improvement. It’s no wonder that I can make the Xuan Iron Epee. The niece is convinced by oral administration.

    “Good swordsmanship, these Sword Skills are afraid that Donghua Emperor is also out of reach!”A voice is crazy, said that when the cold looked up, he found this sentence from Song Hama’s sword-level swordswoman. Song Hama quickly introduced, “This is my sword-level swordsman.”

    “It turned out to be her!”The heart of the cold is suddenly clear. The Scorpio sword is the legendary Middle Eastern Emperor, the first sword of the Eight Immortals, the pure Yang Taoren Lu Dongbin’s sabre. It is said to be a peerless warrior made by the Fire Dragon Taoist.

    Lu Dongbin is famous for his skill in flying swords. He is a master of swords in history. Jian Niang will not lie, since Lu Dongbin’s Sabre Scorpio Sword has said that the Sword Skill has been surpassed by Lu Dongbin, the Sword Skill of the cold must be beyond Lu Dongbin.

    “Scorpio, what you said is true, his Sword Skill has really surpassed the East China Emperor?”Song Hama still asked in some unbelievable ways.

    “Lv Dongbin didn’t have to fight with Du Gu, but he wasn’t looking for a tooth in the land. Lv Dongbin has a lot of pounds. I am even more clear than Tianzhu. The three Lu Dongbin are not the opponents of your brother! ”The Xuan Tie martial arts maiden is very impatient, and apparently does not see the eyes of Lu Dongbin.

    MAYBECalm smiles, “Is it not useless for the opponent to use his mouth? You will know when you fight one!”

    Song Hama: “…”


    Song Hama and Gu Han said something that happened in these two or three years. It felt that the brotherhood of some of the original students had become intimate again, so Song Hama asked, “The time brothers are also in Shanhaiguan. Staying for three years, when did you come out from Shanhaiguan? There is no need for a master like you to sit down there! ”

    “Soon! Just these days. ”No cold nod. “I haven’t returned to Yuzhang City for three years. I miss the grass and trees there. I should go back and see.”

    It makes senseYour apprentice has been suffering too much in the past three years, especially the new chairman of the Jian Jian Committee, who has simply regarded the apprentice as a stab in the eyes and stabbed in the flesh. You guys are also very big, actually let your apprentice a pitiful sword-level swordsman sitting in the position of the chief of the sword for three years, if I have been driven crazy. ”Song Hama said with a lingering heart.

    “What?”The brow of the cold has wrinkled for a moment. “You said Lucifer, she is still a sword-level swordman?”

    Yeah. Why don’t you know? ”Song Hama is also a glimpse.

    “Xihua clearly told me that two years ago, she had become a sword-level sword-bearer. Last year she became a sword-level sword-bearer. She was able to coordinate with the sword-level swordsman immediately. I always thought she was the third. The year passed very smoothly!”The cold is lost.

    “Impossible, she is still an ancient sword-level sword-bearer can’t be fake!”Song Hama is indignant. “You don’t know how much the new chairman of the Jian Jian and the old guys are too much. What do they say? Since Lucifer took over the position of the chief of the sword, they should do everything and do it. It’s perfect to be perfect. So they forced Lucy to ask everything to be done by personally, and even found nothing to do for Lucifer, so that Lucifer could only stay in the swordhouse for three years, and even the door of the sword could not be seen. Not to mention the city to fight with the Lantern Festival. ”

    “You said that if you don’t fight with Yuan Zhen, then where is the sword? How can Lucifer improve his level without Swordsman? ”Songhama laments “more excessively, those people also constantly preach that Lucifer is lazy, talent is very poor incomparable, simply do not have the ability to become sword-class bearer, only know to hide in the Jiange inside happy, make Yu chapter of the city to Lucifer complaining, Jiange internal is also a variety of storm constantly, your apprentice is only 20 in his early age, But now it looks like a 30-year-old woman, it’s so pathetic! ”

    “Xihua she…”The cold can’t help but pinch the fist. In the past three years, the cold has also passed Lu Xihua several times. Every time Luci Hua told me that it is very good, the situation in Yuzhang City is also good. Everything is fine.

    In addition to the three years of solid cold, immersed in combat and sword Skill of self, hear Lucifer said Yu Zhang City very good, solid cold also not too much care about the city of things, so a full three years of time unexpectedly did not hear a little about the encounter, this let solid cold have deep guilt, He originally placed the Lucifer in the Jiange of the city of Yu-Zhang, perhaps just for the sake of a momentary calculation, did not consider too long, but did not calculate how fast they will enter the Shanhaiguan, so that Lucifer with a no background of the young ancient sword-class bearer of the identity of the sword, In countless old Fox’s conspiracy calculation under the difficult to endure three years, can imagine the three years Lucifer in the end suffered what kind of pain and torment.

    “Some people need to pay the price!”The cold-cold one took the tea in front of him and drank it. When his strength was insufficient, he could only cope with the old fox’s offensive through various means. But now it is different. It seems that it is necessary for some animals to pay their own price.

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