“The “Swordsman Grafting Dafa” is a good thing, allowing the sword-bearer to break through the upper limit of his own swordsman and have an additional swordsman.”Zheng Zheng looked at the cold and smiled. “If you want to keep the cold, you can teach this Dafa to you for free. After all, we are still good friends!”

    “no! I’m not interestedThe cold face is not red and does not jump.

    “That’s a pity!”The government shrugged his shoulders. “At the beginning, it took a lot of effort to get it from the hands of the calendar. I can’t think of you.”

    “Sword ancestors?”Looking at the chilling doubts, “Wang Zu will also be the “Jian Niang Grafting Dafa”?”

    “hmm…I have nodded in the flow of years. “I have seen it in the internal materials. The ancestors did indeed “Jian Niang Grafting Dafa.” However, his ancestors later warned future generations that “Jian Niang Grafting Dafa” is a very evil method that must not be circulated, so he did not even teach us. I always thought that “Jian Niang Grafting Dafa” has completely disappeared, and I still can’t think of it now. ”

    “To tell the truth, this set of “Swordsman’s Grafting Dafa” created by your swordsman is not so good. Not only can you not be deeply impressed, but sometimes you don’t listen to the command, and you like to give a lot of noise.”The government was very helpless and shook his head. “Thanks to the talents of the day, the “Jian Niang Grafting Dafa” was slightly modified. You can have such a obedient, but like a real man, it is really Convenient to the extreme, so you really don’t want to learn the improved “Jian Niang Grafting Dafa”?”

    “No need!”Once again, the cold has clearly rejected the government, leaving only a very pity expression.

    “What happened to the emperors of the Qing Dynasty? Why do they collectively appear here? Don’t tell me it’s just a coincidence. ”The cold reminded the Qing emperors who were still trapped by the government.

    “They are just the sacrifices that the great witches used to resurrect!”The government has spread the stalls. “You also found that the time for the resurrection of these big witches is much shorter than before! That is because they forcibly squeeze the power of the ancestral spirit to accelerate their resurrection. ”

    “What is the relationship between the power of squeezing the ancestral spirit and the emperors of the Qing Dynasty??”Asked inexplicably.

    “Miss Yan, do you think that these great witches will hide the blood of the ancestors in this palace?” Is it just because it is very secret? You may not know that except for the tombs of Nurhachi and Huang Taiji, it is indeed outside Shanhaiguan. All the other tombs are actually in Guanzhong, which is the area near the old Yanjing City. ”

    “It is those ancestors who forced the use of the big Mana to move those mausoleums to Shanhaiguan when they were not yet sealed by the Sunday Stars, in order to be able to deposit their own ancestral blood in the bodies of these emperors. Among them.”

    “Because only the bodies of the descendants of the Witches who are tempted by the Emperor and the descendants of the Witches can guarantee that the ancestral blood can be preserved for a long time, and will not gradually dissipate their strength as time goes by. The whole world is outside the Qing emperor, and no other dynasty can make up 12 emperors with the blood of the Witch…Well, Daqin’s Daqin is a person who can’t get it out, because until now, I haven’t found the mausoleum of the poor child Hu Hai and the poor grandson’s son. It’s estimated that Xiang Yu’s guy has been frustrated. ”Ruan Zheng talked about his son and grandson without any sad feelings. Obviously, in the past three thousand years, the family’s affection has been almost wiped out.

    “And if you want to let the ancestral spirits accelerate the resurrection of the great witch, then the best way is of course to sacrifice the soul of the witches who have nurtured the ancestral blood to the ancestors.”The ruling government looked at the faces of the Qing emperors with endless ridicule. “They are just sacrifices that are summoned from another dimension by secret surgery.” Originally, Jiufeng planned to wait until noon today to bring these people to sacrifice to the blood of the ancestors. But you have taken a step earlier, but instead killed Jiufeng, and the witches who sacrificed these Qing emperors were gone, so they survived. ”

    “So it is also the reason why the criminal day and the remaining ten great sorcerers have to send Jiufeng to leave the Taiyin town government!”It’s hard to think about it. It’s no wonder that the big witch has to find a way to send a big witch to escape. The original thing is to save a big witch who can help them to resurrect at an early date.

    “It seems that this method is also what you told the witches!”It’s cold and cold, looking at the political road. “Otherwise, why the witches of the previous 100 years have never used this method to accelerate the resurrection of the great witch.”

    “There is no way. In order to win them, these things must be done. It took a few hundred years to come up with this method.”After Zheng Zheng finished, the net that lived in these Qing emperors suddenly gave off a golden thunder, and the emperors who were still struggling in the net instantly became a pile of coke and died in the net. Then the vortex of the second dimension appeared, and the bodies of the emperors who had soy sauce were sent back.

    Ta-da! This squat really should go, I have to go there and take the last drop of ancestral blood! ”After that, the government went to the blood array on the wall.

    “Wait, are you still forgetting one thing?”Once again, the cold has stopped the “Black Black Tortoise”? You promised me to tell me about Black Tortoise, have you forgotten? ”

    Yikes! I have never said that I must tell you, I think it is better to leave this secret in my heart. When you have to use it someday, come back and make a deal with you again! ”Hezheng replied cheerfully.

    “Then I will re-do a deal with you now!”Of course, it is impossible for the cold to use the Black Tortoise to entice itself, so the decision to take the initiative to attack and re-establish a deal with the government.

    “Oh ?” What do you want to trade with? ”Ruan asked with interest.

    “How can I and I promise you to take things forever?”The cold has said a plan that cannot be refused by the government. “If you want, then you are still the sword-bearer Bright Jade. Today I am saving you from the land of the ancestors, and the ancestors are all blood.” I was ruined by me. Since then, there is no more ancestral blood in the world, you can still be free and your Bright Jade.”

    “Or, from today on, you can be a bright and honest person, and I will tell the General Committee of the Swordsman. I am in a hard battle with the great witches in the land of the ancestral witch. It was your ruling that helped me at the last minute and helped me kill all the big witches. The only human traitor is Ye Fan. You just came to the Shanhai Customs to find the ancestral witch’s blood. ”

    “I believe that with this kind of rhetoric, human beings will take the initiative to admit that you are a real human being. After you become a ancestral witch, it is the new generation of the strongest force that human beings can match against the swordsman. You can even become an emperor in any base city and become the third emperor of mankind. Since then, he has become one of the Supreme Leaders of human beings, so that you want to be a new emperor will be a lot easier, and you can take a lot less. Detour. ”

    92: What do you think? Is this a good deal? ”

    “This…”The government was deeply meditation, and he had to admit that the words of the cold did indeed move him. He had already been deeply attracted by the conditions of the cold.

    “But doesn’t it mean that you have a handle in your hand?”The government snorted coldly. “Even if you help me today, but in the future you can always reveal the things of today to the world, then is it for you?” Besides, it’s not only you who are here today, but also the big lady of the Noble Family. If she reveals it, what should she do? She said a word, no one dared not believe this day. ”

    “With the skill of His Majesty, as long as he has made great achievements for mankind. That is to say that I will tell you what happened today, but what can be said about this mistake in front of His Majesty? ”The cold is faintly saying that “human beings are a kind of profitable animal. As long as something is good for human beings, human beings will look down on its harm. As long as His Majesty is still fighting for mankind, I believe that this little thing will not be taken care of by human beings. Moreover, there has never been a real personal killing of any human being. ”

    It’s true that the cold is true. As long as the government has won the trust of all human beings in the early stage and made great contributions to humanity, then today’s things will not have much impact even if they go out.

    Just as Liu Bang became an emperor, would anyone care about the idiots he did when he was a gangster? Does anyone care that he actually relied on deception to get support from Lu’s family?

    No one cares about this. They only know that the power of the government can protect their security. As long as this is the case, the status of the government will be stable.

    However, in order to achieve this kind of expected situation, the most important thing is to win the trust of mankind in the early stage. Otherwise, once the judges of the Swordsman Committee judge that the government is in a hurry, then the government will make a contribution to the people and will be suspected by human beings. There are plots, so that the human world cannot truly accept the government. Therefore, in order to achieve the expected situation, the cold must help the government to conceal his true actions.

    “You make your little girlfriend swear, and guarantee the reputation of Noble Family in the current year, to ensure that you will not tell today’s things within twenty years, and you will tell you about Black Tortoise.”The government finally said.

    Ever since, the eyes of some people in the place have been concentrated on the body of the dying year. The embarrassment of the dying year looked at the cold, and said with a low head, “No, I have to tell the truth of today. This is my year.” Noble Family is rooted in the millennium and how can I…”

    Hmmm…I haven’t finished talking about it, but I’ve been blocked by a cold mouth. Yes, it’s blocked with a mouth.

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