“The same as I guessed!”The cold eyes glanced at the sword of the sword, revealing a look that was so beautiful.

    Then the cold sprites the details of the sword blade to everyone, at this time everyone found in the sword blade on the sprites actually affixed a silver-white talisman, this Fu Lu color and the blade itself the same color, plus talisman is also a silver ink outlined, So if you do not close to a closer look at the other people will not find sprites sword on top of the blade incredibly affixed to such a Fu Lu.

    “Comrade Ye Fan, I don’t know if you can tell me, what role does this talisman play on the blade?”Asked to hold the neck of Ye Fan.

“……”Ye Fan didn’t talk because he knew that the explanation was pale at this time. The role of talisman only needs to be clearly judged by the most intelligent scanning. He can’t hide the role of talisman.

    “This is a forbidden talisman that is banned!”After scanning this talisman, the most superior intelligent tone said seriously. Although talisman is widely used by human swordsmen, because some talisman’s effects are too evil, they are banned from use by the Swordsman General Council. Such talisman is called a ban.

    “This is a sword, as long as this talisman is attached, the swordsman can no longer be liberated into a form of a sword, and can only exist in the form of a sword forever!”Then the top intelligence explained the role of this talisman on the sword.

    “What! This is actually a sword! No wonder I have never seen Ye Fan’s swordsman, which has always been sealed. ”

    “I was the first to hear of such a talisman.”

    “Weird, why did Ye Fan use such a talisman to make his swordsman unable to liberate, which has no benefit at all!”

    “You are stupid! Ye Fan, he really wants to be a traitor, then his actions can’t escape the eyes of the swordsman who lived with him day and night. And the swordsman will never betray humans. As long as the swordswoman exists in the form of a swordswoman, she will tell us that Ye Fan is a traitor, so Ye Fan must seal his swordsman forever as a sword form, let him The swordsman will not jump out to poke his true face. ”

    The sword-bearer’s words are very accurate. The explanation explains why Ye Fan wants to seal the sword. In addition to some swordsmen who have deep feelings with their sword-bearers, most of them are sword-bearers and humans. All options will choose the human option to protect human peace. Therefore, after discovering Ye Fan’s betrayal, Yan Jian will inevitably announce Ye Fan’s affairs to human beings, so Ye Fan had to seal the sword directly so that she could not tell anyone about it.

    Some readers may be curious to ask, can the sword maiden not be liberated not controlled by the sword-bearer? As long as the sword-bearer does not let the maiden liberation, the sword-woman will not be liberated, why should we use the sword talisman?

    This is true, but also said that the bearer of the sword can indeed use their own ideas to prevent the liberation of the sword Niang, but once the sword-bearer’s idea of a negligence, or simply into the sleep or coma state, the loss of the sword-holding the mind of the Sprites sword can be liberated himself, and then find the other sword-bearer around to tell everything.

    Therefore, in order to be on the safe side, Ye Fan must seal the sword shape of the sword to ensure that the sword will not liberate itself when he falls asleep, and inform the other sword-bearers.

    Then, if you want to judge whether Ye Fan is a traitor or not, it is very simple. To fix the cold, you only need to remove the talisman from the sword, and then use some means to force the liberation of the sword and let the sword change back. The form of the sword mother, then everything is really white.

    “Tear it!”The cold movement was very clean and neatly tearing down the talisman of the sword. Just as he was preparing to force the sword to release the seal, Ye Fan, who had been still arguing, suddenly slammed down and held the cold. The thigh pleads “I beg you!” Do not liberate…Don’t liberate you. I admit that everything is done by me. I am the damn traitor. It is indeed that I betrayed everyone. Six months ago, I was told the time when the Wow human reinforcements arrived. I also helped the witches to kill the poor drivers. I also leaked the position of Bright Jade and Lilith to the witches; I also did the poisoning in the wine, telling Jiu Feng that the Jade was transferred to the White Tiger town or me, I was deliberately given by the witches. Take the hostage, everything is done by me, I admit it all, please don’t take it…I really have no face to see her! ”

    After finishing this passage, Ye Fan squatted on the ground and burst into tears. He tried desperately to rub his face on the ground. He seemed to want to cover his face in turn, expressing that he could not see anyone.

    Although 70% of everyone’s minds have confirmed that Ye Fan is the traitor, when Ye Fan really acknowledged this, everyone is still shocked from the depths of his heart.

    Ye Fan’s interpersonal relationship is very good. Almost all of the sword-level sword-bearers and Ye Fan are brothers and brothers, and Ye Fan is his best friend. So at this moment, when Ye Fan personally admits that he is a traitor, there are still many people who feel that their three views have collapsed. They really can’t believe that Ye Fan is actually a human traitor.

    At the same time, they also have a huge doubt in their hearts, that is, Ye Fan human beings are good, why should they be a traitor?

    “Why are you betraying humans?”The cold has asked everyone this question. “Does humans do something that is sorry for you?”

    “No, humans are not sorry for me, I have to do this to save my sister!”Ye Fan said in a crying voice, “I am from Yuzhang City. Twelve years ago, the ordinary district of Yuzhang City was destroyed by Yuan Zhen. At that time, I was just a teenager who was just seventeen years old.”

    “At the time, I secretly lurked to the edge of the city wall because of curiosity. I wanted to see for myself how the swords were fighting. As a result, I did not find that I was only eight years old and my sister, who was close to me, secretly followed me and came to the edge of the city wall. ”

    “The result was that the wall was broken at that time. I can only escape with my sister who is dependent on me…Desperately fleeing…I wanted to find an emergency entrance to the refuge, but when we finally found the intersection, a banshee found me and my sister. ”

    “I admit that I am a bastard…I am a beast…At that time, I abandoned my sister in order to escape. One person first entered the entrance of the refuge, but after I entered the refuge, I never saw my sister enter the refuge through the passage. ”

    “You don’t even know how I spent the years alone. In those two or three years, I committed suicide more than twenty times, but each time I was finally found by the most superior intelligence and then saved. So I decided to become a sword-bearer and become a sword master. I want to use my own strength to kill Yuanxiao and avenge my sister. ”

    “After I succeeded, I really became a sword-bearer. I also became a good sword master by Sword Skill through self-practice. The ancient sword-level swordsman, the sword-level sword-bearer, the sword-level sword-bearer, when I finally stepped into this step, I realized that my whole person is still empty, I just want my sister to live. . Every night, I kept hiding in the bathroom and crying. The longer the time, the more painful it was. At that time, the whole person was about to collapse. I secretly swear, if there is a way to resurrect my sister, even if it is I am willing to die if I die. ”

    “The result was that I found a Lantern who looked like my sister when I was patrolling. I chased it all the way…Chasing…Unconsciously, he actually caught up with a stronghold in the Hall of the Spirit, and was surrounded by a dozen dragons and a prince. ”

    “When I was about to die, the Lantern, who looked exactly like my sister, appeared again. She told me that she was my sister, or that her body is the body of my sister. She was actually Attacking our banshee.”

    “The banshee can occupy the human body and then live on the human body. At the same time, as long as the banshee is willing to sacrifice herself and completely annihilate one’s own soul, the man who was originally occupied by the flesh can return to the original human being. ”

    Said here, Ye Fan once again can not control his emotions, can not speak, can only cry and cry.

    “So the Lanterns and you made a deal, as long as you promised to be a human traitor, they are willing to let the banshee who occupied your sister’s body annihilate and return your sister to you?”Seeing that Ye Fan can’t talk, the cold is simply for Ye Fan to tell him what he has not finished.

    ‘Yes! It’s such a deal…”Ye Fan looked up and smiled. “I am a coward. Twelve years ago, I lost my sister weakly. After twelve years, I left the whole human being weakly. I can no longer afford the sorrow of my heart and the desire to re-own my sister. I promised this deal and became a human traitor. ”

    “Why do you think that the Lantern Festival will fulfill this transaction? Don’t you know that Yuanxiao is a beast without words? Even if you have actually completed your mission, I am afraid that the Lantern will not return your sister to you, but will also kill you along with your sister! ”

    “Will not……”Ye Fan shook his head. “I have already promised the Lanterns of the Hall of the Spirit. After I complete the task, my sister and I will accept their transformation ceremony. From human to Yuanxiao, I really become a member of them. . They have no reason to give up a dragon-level or even a squad to join their camp for a rat-level Lantern. They don’t have to destroy it. ”

    “So it seems that you are indeed a weak animal.” Sighing and sighing, then put the sword in your hand to Ye Fan’s side. “You said that you have no face to see her, but I can feel her but I really want to see it.” you. If you have anything to say to your swordswoman, then this is your last chance. ”

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