After Jiufeng fled, the latest battle report was also sent on the front line. The Wu people’s army once again fled and fled, and the front line of Zhou Tianxing’s big battle was solid. This is another great news, so that all the sword-level swordsmen present can’t help but cheer.

    Although I left some regrets at the end, let Jiu Feng run with Bright Jade, but I have to admit that this is an unprecedented battle. Ten of the twelve great witches died in the Taiyin town, and the price paid: no price.

    This is a battle that has won a lot of results without paying the price. The sword-level sword-bearers who participated in the battle did not have a death, and even their swordsmen did not have a break, except that they consumed some physical strength and experienced a thrilling There are no actual losses outside.

    Therefore, this is a battle that is destined to be remembered in the history of Shanhaiguan. In the history of Shanhaiguan, there has never been such a shocking battle. When the figure of Jiufeng disappeared completely at the end of the cloud, the sword-bearers present in the scene burst into a burst of cheers today. They held their own companions and cheered with their swordsmen. The joy of my heart.

    They spontaneously rushed to the side of the cold, and dozens of hands simultaneously threw the cold into the sky and then caught him…Although there were some unpleasant things in the end because of Bright Jade, the calculations of the Curcum Accuracy and the perfect results made all the sword-level swordsmen in the scene have to admire the cold from their own hearts. .

    In fact, when they began to besiege the Twelve Great Witches, everyone’s heart was uneasy. Because they know in their hearts, even if they kill the twelve great witches, they will inevitably pay the price of bloody forests. It is likely that more than half of the sword-level sword-bearers will die in this battle. But at the same time, they know that they are not qualified to retreat. If they can kill all the big witches here, then the future of Shanhaiguan will be able to usher in a long period of calm, so everyone’s heart is actually holding The conviction of taking the righteousness.

    It’s just that they didn’t think that the strength of the cold is actually terrifying to this point. The horror is that you can join any battle circle anytime and anywhere, and save every capable swordsman in the battle circle…Some young sword-level swordsmen may not know what it means, but those who are experienced in the sword are very clear that if the cold can ensure that everyone does not die, then it may be solid. A cold person can solve all the twelve great witches.

    In this way, all the rewards and merits are cold, and they have no relationship with these sword-level swordsmen. The reason why the cold is pulling all of them, and trying hard to ensure that everyone can survive safely, in order to be able to give rewards to everyone, such a kind of grace is difficult to pay off. .

    In the end, the cold and listen to their wishes, in order to keep the security of Bright Jade and let go of Jiufeng. These sword-bearers are equally aware that this is a violation of the sword-holder guidelines. If this matter is carried out, then the Shanhaiguan Management Committee will inevitably impose penalties on the cold, because for the Shanhaiguan Management Committee, it is very cost-effective to change the life of a sword-level sword-changer to a big witch. thing.

    In fact, this matter is destined to be preached. The Shanhaiguan Management Committee is also destined to know that the cold has agreed to such a ridiculous thing. It may not be punished for fixing the cold, but if it is not done, it will be achieved. Income. But this is not a decision to fix the cold, but a decision they forced to make a cold, which is equivalent to holding the black pot for them.

    Adding such kindness together, I am afraid that there will be no other things to return to the cold except for the loyalty of the dedication. So when they started to throw the cold into the air, it was really the place where the cold was placed in the position of the Taiyin Guardian, and the true recognition of the cold was in the leadership of the entire Taiyin town, not the previous one. Bright Jade designated Taiyin Star Keeper.

    After a period of hilarity, the cold was released by the famous swordsmen, and after the cold was put down, he gestured to everyone to be quiet, and he had something to say.

    “In fact, I still have two very important things to do now.” Hearing the cold, all the sword-bearers present at the scene immediately focused their attention on the cold, and wanted to hear two very cold mouths. What is the important thing?

    “I have to punish a person now, and I have to praise one person and say sorry to him!”Speaking of the cold here, and then waved to the distance, Leslie Dracula and the two sons of Lawren escorted Zhou Zijian.

    This week, the sword was also pitiful, although it was saved by the witches. However, when the battle was opened, the witches themselves were difficult to protect. Of course, it was impossible to take care of the traitor of Zhou Zijian and directly cast him in the corner of the Taiyin town government. If it wasn’t for the cold and deliberately telling people to watch Zhou Zijian, it is estimated that Zhou Zijian is likely to die directly in the aftermath of the battle between the swordsman and the witches…It should be known that after the end of the battle, almost the entire Taiyin guard house has been razed to the ground, and even some hard boulders have been completely turned into powder, and only some of the elemental alloys doped with diorite have barely survived the battle. Become a witness to the former Taiyin town government.

    Seeing the appearance of Zhou Zijian, all the sword-bearers immediately showed a sullen expression. Some of them were not well-conserved and even screamed at Zhou Zijian directly, indicating their dislike of Zhou Zijian.

    All the sword-bearers have shocked Zhou Zijian to the extreme. Since the great destruction, there have been only a handful of traitors among the human sword-bearers, and Shanhaiguan has not even seen a traitor in the past 100 years. I don’t think that this traitor actually appeared on my side today. How can these sword-bearers not hate Zhou Zijian? Some people even raised their hands in anger and screamed now, and they will give Zhou Zijian a thousand knives to vent their hearts. Hate.

    “I am not a traitor…I am really not a traitor…I don’t have a person who gives a glass to Bright Jade…”I feel that Zhou Zijian’s whole person has almost been abolished. He is still talking nonsense, and still keeps explaining to others that he is not a traitor.

    “I understand, this is the person that the cold man said to be punished!”Thinking of what the cold has just said, all the sword-bearers immediately reacted, and now it is clear that the cold is to punish this Zhou Zijian.

    “I am a cold man, I don’t have to say it, just smash him and feed the dog…No, feeding the dog is cheaper. I saw that it was better to smash his flesh to the witches. Anyway, he is already a witch, and this time he is integrated with his witches! ”A sword-bearer put forward a proposal that was extremely vicious. Now Zhou Zijian’s look has changed greatly, and he is scared to fight in both legs. He must rely on the support of the law-raising to barely maintain his standing posture.

    “No! Comrade Zhou Zijian is not the one I am going to punish, but the comrade I am going to praise and say sorry! ”I didn’t want to fix the cold, but I came to a peak.

    “What is this?”

    “That is, why do you want to praise a traitor? Still have to say sorry to him? ”Many sword-bearers have expressed their incomprehension.

    “Comrade Zhou Zijian is a good comrade. From the beginning to the end, I am in the fall of Comrade Zhou Zijian. Comrade Zhou Zijian is not a traitor at all, but a swordsman who is loyal to human beings like everyone!”When the voice of the cold fell, everyone was shocked. They just accepted the fact that Zhou Zijian was a traitor. I can’t think of a colder moment. It is said that he had fallen into Zhou Zijian, and Zhou Zijian is not a traitor.

    The most surprising estimate of all is Zhou Zijian himself. He heard the cold and said that he immediately turned his head and stared at the cold. The mouth that was constantly defended was silent, and a pair of eyes left a hot moment. Teardrops.

    “What happened to that video? We saw the video with our own eyes! ”A sword-bearer asked in a loud voice.

    “There are some paragraphs in the two videos that are true. It is true that Zhou Zijian’s video of his own gift to Bright Jade is true. But another video of the unwrapped gift package was not opened immediately after receiving the gift. Instead, I made a gift identical to Zhou Zijian’s gift packaging yesterday, and then the wine glasses were re-recorded yesterday by the maids. Nature was also put into the gift box yesterday. ”

    “The gift of Comrade Zhou Zijian is still in the warehouse and there is no unpacking. How can Bright Jade adults drink with his gifts?”The interpretation of the cold makes everyone dumbfounded. This evidence is actually forged, and it is still so blatantly forged. Will this coldness be too shameless?

    “What about the most superior intelligence? Why is the most superior intelligence to testify for you, is this video really? ”Another sword-bearer raised his own doubts and immediately aroused the resonance of other sword-bearers. Yes, the most superior intelligence is not lying, but why is the most superior intelligence but vowed to guarantee that this video is true? Can it be said that the highest level of intelligence can not guarantee that its impartiality is not achieved?

    “Actually, this is just a word game.”Let’s think about the question of the most superior intelligence: I am the most superior intelligent person. Is the video that was just played next true? There is no forgery. ”

    “Then the top intelligent answer me: Yes! The two videos that I just played are all real videos. There are no traces of forgery. I can guarantee in the name of the highest level of intelligence! ”

    “Everyone can understand it carefully. I am asking if this video is authentic and there is no forgery. Instead of asking if this video recorded the unpacking process of Zhou Zijian’s gift? ”

    “As far as the facts are concerned, my video was recorded with an ordinary video recorder. There is no trace of processing and PS traces in the middle, so the most superior intelligence can of course answer me. These two videos are all real video, no any. Forged traces.”

    “I rub…”After listening to the explanation of the cold, many sword-bearers suddenly felt that they were fools. They were swindled by the cold, and even the simple word games did not see it. It seems that they and the cold IQ. It is not at a level.

    However, at the same time, there is a new problem in the hearts of everyone. Why is it that the cold is a traitor? After the success of the fall, why should you publicly admit that you are falling into him?

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