“Well, everyone, now all the puzzles have been solved, and the damn traitor Zhou Zijian was also found by us. Now it is time to send these big witches back to the ancestral blood.” !”Under the cold, these sword-level swordsmen who surrounded the big witches liberated their own swordsmen.

    Hundreds of sword-level swordsmen surrounded the twelve great witch regiments, and they were extremely spectacular from the battlefield, and human power was in an absolute upper hand.

    “It is impossible to crush the Emperor of the Taiyin, but don’t panic. There are fewer sword-level swordsmen on the frontline. Our people will be able to break through their defenses. Everyone will entangle these swordsmen. Here is the biggest victory!”After the screaming, the siege war against the witches of the witches officially began.

    I can think of it as a very fierce battle with the ass. The ten-team battle group composed of the swordsmen divided the twelve big witches into 12 different battlefields. This is an extremely important part of the tactics. The great witch is not only alone, but also can form a stronger combat force.

    Therefore, it is the most correct choice to divide the twelve great witches on different battlefields. This is also the outstanding experience that the human sword-bearers have struggled with the witches in the past hundred years.

    However, this is also a very fierce battle. The fighting strength of the ten sword-level swordsmen is also faintly higher than the big one. If it is not in the core area of ​​the Sunday Star Wars, the strength of the great witch that has already improved several times of combat power is suppressed by 70%, otherwise the ten sword-level swordsmen who surround the big witch may be in an instant. Will lose more than half.

    But it is foreseeable that even if the whole battle ends in human victory, about 50% of the sword-level swordsmen who are responsible for the siege will be broken on this fierce battlefield. This is also the human race for hundreds of years. Summarize the experience.

    However, in the experience of mankind hundreds of years ago, there was no such thing as a sword-level sword-bearer with such strength and horror. Therefore, these experiences have no use at this time.

    The solid cold did not join the witch’s death alone, but constantly in the 12 circles between the circle, once found which battle circle among some wrong, there is a sword-class sword Niang is facing extremely dangerous attack, solid cold immediately joined that battle Circle, by virtue of their own strength abruptly to suppress the Big witch.

    When this great witch was suppressed, the cold and quickly separated from the battle circle into another dangerous battle circle.

    This is a somewhat bad way of fighting. The quickest way to end the battle for the cold is to help the cold to kill one of the big witches, and then put these dozen swords. The liberation of the mother, so that these swordsmen can be put into the battle of other battles, this is the fastest way to end the battle.

    If the cold-fixing option is constantly helping in various battle circles, then in fact, each battle circle cannot end the battle quickly, and the whole battle will be delayed for a long time, so that the situation on the front line will become worse. stand up.

    In fact, I don’t know the drawbacks of this kind of fighting style, but the cold has its own considerations, that is, the cold must ensure the safety of the sword-level swordswoman. Every sword-level swordsman is a vital asset of mankind. Every sword-level sword-bearer needs a huge amount of resources to be able to cultivate it.

    If you choose to fight one by one, then there will be a sword-level swordswoman in the hands of the big witch. However, if you choose to take care of both the cold and the cold, then the cold is sure to ensure that all the swordsmen in the battle circle can survive.

    Of course, there are other shortcomings in the cold that are also considered by outsiders.

    This kind of battle lasted for about twenty minutes. These twenty minutes made every sword-level swordsman feel very long. Almost everyone has experienced the attack of the swordsman under the attack of the great witch. situation.

    “Ahhhh…”A sword-bearer made a scream, and his swordsman was responsible for besieging the big wind. Feng Bo also understands that this is the moment of his own life and death crisis, so Sancha Shenfeng does not want money to fill the wind around.

    The sword-bearing swordsman was accidentally confused by Sancha Shenfeng, where Feng Bo would let go of such a good opportunity, and a wind bag directly smashed to the sword-bearing lady. Look at the huge energy of the 1 Layer light yellow color wrapped on the wind bag. This sword-bearer has reason to believe that if the wind bag is really on the head of his sword, her swordsman will not be broken. broken.

    At this critical juncture, a golden sword was born, and it was directly placed on the wind bag of Feng Bo. The light yellow energy wrapped around the wind bag was instantly shattered by the blade.

    Feng Bo sent out a distressed scream, only to take his own wind bag back, and the sword-bearing swordsman dangerously saved his own body shield, when the sword-bearing sword When the mother is preparing to thank the cold and the cold, the figure of the cold has already drifted away, and went to another battle circle for emergency.

    It is understandable that such a thing happens twice, but when they have happened dozens of times in just one minute, the sword-bearer has fully understood the horror of the strength of the cold, no matter how critical the situation may be, the cold will be able to arrive at the most appropriate time, Then by virtue of their own hands a moment son sword directly will just also arrogant great witch to fight back, will possible crisis to quickly dissolve.

    This is not a case, but the personal experience of all sword-level swordsmen. Except for a few sword-level swordsmen, almost all sword-level swordsmen have experienced the situation of being rescued by the cold at the crisis.

    Their hearts are naturally grateful for the cold…To save one’s own swordsman from the broken crisis is the same great grace as the life-saving grace. According to the practice between the sword-bearers, if the cold is needed, these sword-bearers must Do not hesitate to repay the warmth of today’s grace.

    In other words, if you are willing to stay cold, after leaving Shanhaiguan, you only need to hold a cold sentence. The group of sword-level swordsmen under the Taiyinxing Township government have to fix a huge human feeling, which is quite How much power is in the hands of the cold!


    The 20-minute battle was very intense, and the sky was constantly exploding with powerful energy of various colors, which seemed to be as vivid as a grand Olympic fireworks.

    But when the grand fireworks are also extinguished, twenty minutes have passed. The fact that the witches expect the human beings to send personnel to support because the perimeter defense has been broken has not happened. These sword-level sword-bearers are still dead. The dead are here to surround them.

    The witches who were responsible for the attack, on the other hand, repeatedly sent messages to them for help, saying that there was a sudden increase in the power of terror in the human defense. These forces, composed of only 18 ancient sword-level swordsmen, can easily kill a large number of witches and witches, even if they are able to defend them.

    And because in order to resurrect the great witch, the witches who lost in the battle nine days ago did not resurrect, so this time the ordinary power of the witches is far from the last strong. Humans and the Witches are completely stuck in the perimeter line of defense. It is impossible to win or lose without four or five hours.

    Don’t say four or five hours, the big witch who fought hard here can’t keep going for a minute.

    It’s not the other big witch who is the first to be unlucky. It’s the most screaming screaming, the most sorcerer who eats the most. Those sword-level sword-bearers who were ambushing outside were only able to watch the ordinary human beings being eaten by the nine infants because of the strictness of the cold. As a result, when the nine-baby started, these sword-level swordsmen, under the compulsory orders of their sword-bearers, almost all of them were unwilling to attack the nine infants. Plus nine infants are the weakest of the big witches.

    Therefore, in the battle of twenty minutes, the eight heads of the nine infants have all been degraded by the sword-level sword-bearers. Only the last one of the nine heads of the baby is going to reapply and use the means of self-destruction to die with these swordsmen.

    These sword-level sword-bearers, who had long been stunned, did not notice the intention of the nine-baby self-explosion, so when they found out that everything was already late, the head of the nine-baby would explode in the next second…If it is affected by the explosion, there are probably at least two or three of the ten sword-level swordsmen to be broken. The rest of the few, even if they are not broken, their own personal shields will be completely broken, unable to join the siege of other big witches.

    Be carefulAt this critical time, the cold rushed again in time, the golden moment sword did not hesitate to cut down the last head of the nine infants, and then used the temple sword to fly the nine-baby head to a few kilometers away. distance. Although the head of the last nine infants successfully exploded, but even a haired of the swordsman was not injured.

    “Thank you for the help of the cold man!”These swordsmen quickly thanked the cold.

    “These words are not mentioned for the time being, and you quickly join the battle circle of Hou Yi!”Under the command of the cold, these successful sword-level swordsmen who killed the nine infants once again invested in the siege of Houyi.

    In the short time after a few minutes, the Kuamu of the Qiang tribe, the Liu Liu of the Jiuyin tribe, the wind of the sentence of the Mang tribe, the rain division of the Gong tribe, the extravagance of the corpse tribe, the collection of the tribe The screens of the Pingzi tribe have died in the siege of Jian Niang.

    Only the Jiufeng of the Xuanming tribe, the shackles of the Houtu tribe, and the punishment of the tribe of the tribe, the support of the emperor tribe is still struggling.

    In contrast, the human swordsman did not even have a broken, all intact, like an incredible myth.

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