There is a reason to choose the Zhurong tribe as the first search target, because the Zhurong tribe has the strongest of the great witches. In order to ensure that the passing years do not escape, then it is the most correct choice to let the criminal days look at the years.

    It is a pity that it seems that the cold is guessing wrong, and the dying is not being held in the criminal tribe. However, it is too late to search for other tribes. It can only be temporarily returned to the Fuxing town government, and it will be ready to continue the next night.

    As a result, this exploration explored a full five-day period. The cold and the best five tribes of the 12th ancestor witch tribe, Zhu Rong, extravagant than the corpse, the emperor, the back soil, and Xuan Ming searched all the time. The results are the same, and there has never been a trace of the flow of years.

    This makes it inevitable that there is some suspicion in the heart of the cold. Since it is not held in the five most powerful tribes, there are only two possibilities. First, the Wu people did the opposite and carried the shackles among the weakest tribes. Or the shackles are not held in the large tribes where the witches gather, but in special places.

    Therefore, the decision to fix the cold on the sixth day went directly to the weakest Tianwu tribe. If you can’t find the clues of the rogue, then you can only venture into the tent of a big witch and try to force the eruption from the mouth of the big witch. Awkward location.

    The final result is mixed. Some of them are still not found in the weakest Tianwu tribe, but there is an unexpected discovery in the cold, that is, the cold has actually found human traces among the Tianwu tribe.

    It was a piece of bright tin foil left on the ground. It was cold and lurking in the past and I saw it in my hand. It turned out to be a small tin foil used to wrap gum. Put this tin foil on the front of the nose and smell it slightly. The cold will clearly smell the chewing gum. This is obviously not the tin foil left a long time ago, but it has just been peeled off and discarded here.

    “Does it mean that there are people who want to explore the whereabouts of the passing years?”The idea just appeared in the cold head and was cooled by the cold. The reason is very simple, even the masters such as the cold sneak into the Witch tribes and do their best to hide all their hearts, dare not reveal a little flaw.

    However, this person dared to directly throw a piece of tin foil wrapped in chewing gum into the Witch tribe, not afraid of the attitude of the witches to find this tin foil, which proves that this person does not care to hide his whereabouts in front of the witches.

    There are only two such explanations, or this man is invincible. Can a person Diaoda all the Lich clan, but also has the self-confidence not to force the lich to kill the fleeting unease, or is this person and the Witch clan relation is shallow, even is feather, the solid cold did not forget in the battle which appeared in six months ago the traitor, And until now the traitor has not been found.

    The cold does not think that there is a sword-bearer in Shanhaiguan who can hang the bombs more than himself. So obviously this person is the traitor who can never find traces of human beings. Why did he suddenly appear in the witch tribe? Could it be that he and the Wu people are still brewing what conspiracy?

    It’s just that this tin foil has been here for a while, and it’s impossible to judge where the traitor went. At this time, if there is a dog, if there is a dog, you can use the smell of the traitor left over by the paper strip, and then follow the smell all the way, you will be able to find the clues of the traitor.

    Just how can you come here with a dog? Don’t mention the guy of Anubis. Although the guy does have a nose that is much more sensitive than the dog, he is now in the vicinity of Yuzhang City to protect the Yuzhang City who lost the sword-level swordsman…Even if he is near Shanhaiguan now, he is unlikely to enter the Zhoutian Stars.

    Hey! Are you particularly sensitive to the smell in several of you? ”The cold is also tentatively asked about her own swordswoman. As a result, I did not expect that after a short while, the water sword actually stood up and said that she was very sensitive to the smell and could help to search for the traitor’s whereabouts.

    So the cold cold took this tin foil to hide in a hidden corner, and then liberated the dead water sword, let the water sword carefully sniff the smell on the tin foil, and then the water sword squatted on the ground and sniffed. Smell, and finally pointed to the northwest position to indicate that the owner of this tin foil was going there.

    It is impossible to judge the position of the other party only once, and it is necessary to continue to search on the ground.

    Such behavior is naturally a noble behavior worthy of praise, but the posture of the dead sword on the ground is very easy to make people think about it. Especially when the water sword has a beautiful, high and plump beauty buttocks…In particular, this beautiful buttocks did not consciously lift up because of the movements on the ground, and took the initiative to send it to the front of the cold, just in line with the cold part.

    With the constant movement of the brain of the dead sword, this beautiful buttocks does not consciously swing left and right in front of the cold. The bad guys have a wonderful circle, and it seems to be inviting the cold…In fact, at this time, the cold only needs a slight forward, and you can fully feel the taste of a beautiful buttock.

    In line with the bright moonlight in the sky, the heart of the cold has suddenly poured out such a verse “to raise the hips to invite the moon, to become a person.” Keke, you must explain in advance, the cold does not know the original version of the “toast to invite the moon, the shadow into three.”Just that poem is completely cold and original!

    “What are you thinking about?”In the blink of an eye, the sword of the water was aware of some despicable thoughts of the cold, and angered and turned to look at the cold…The problem is that the water sword has only moved his head, but his body still maintains his posture. Coupled with the little sorrowful little eyes, the charm that came out was actually a little stronger.

    AHEM! Nothing, just thinking about something, how, what did you smell? ”The cold has quickly transferred the topic.

    “hmm…The Shui Shui didn’t want to discuss more on this topic. It was just a moment of anger. Now I quickly answer the cold road. “It is in the tent, and the smell disappears in the tent!”

    Hearing the water sword, he said that the cold was immediately attached to the tent. The finger just touched the tent gently, and he noticed that there was no life in the tent. He simply took the water sword and broke into the tent. .

    As a result, I found that there is actually a virtual door in the tent that is already in the active state. From the end of the door of the void, it can be clearly seen that the other end of the door of the void has been opened, and the cold can only be crossed over the door of the void. Arrived in another place.

    “Is it true that the existence of the Yuyuan Lantern has already been reached among the witches!”When I saw the door of this void, I was shocked, because I wanted to make the door of the void necessary to maintain the power of a virtual emptiness. The door of this void can remain open for a long time. Does it mean that there is already a meta-level in the witches?

    Of course, there is still a lot of uncertainty in it. If the Wu people really have such a kind of existence that is equivalent to the Yuyuan Lantern, then they do not need such a hard arrangement to swindle anything, as long as this Yu Yuanxiao shot, most of the sword-level swordsmen are This Yuyuan Lantern is like a chicken and a dog.

    Moreover, with the power of the emptiness of the genius of the genius, it is possible to kill all the Sun Star and the Taiyin Star Guardian without knowing it. When the Starry Star Wars is directly attacked, it is still used. Is it a hard fight like now?

    However, it is credible and there is no credibility. If you are cautious, you will be willing to be such a Yuyuan Lantern, so there will be a problem. If the cold and the living body pass through the door of the void, then in any case, it is impossible to escape the perception of the master of the void door, and the Yuyuan Lantern Festival is ushered in.

    It’s not a good idea to play hard, but it’s not a good deal.

    Therefore, thinking about the cold for a while decided that he did not pass the door of the void, but let the passing sword around him pass…The door of the void is unable to perceive the dead. As long as the cold makes the sword pass through the door of the void in the form of a sword, it will not cause the vigilance of the Yuyuan Lantern. At most, it will be a gust of wind.

    When the cold can only share the five senses of the lost water, it is also possible to explore the situation on the other side of the virtual door.

    As for why the choice of the water sword to complete this task, the reason is very simple, because at this time the water sword is just in the form of a swordswoman, and just now the water sword has helped him like a little bitch in such a shameful posture. As a result, at this time, people were thrown aside and replaced with a swordsman. Do you think that the sword will feel comfortable?

    Moreover, the water sword and the cold have been filled with barriers. The cold does not want to expand this gap from time to time. After all, the water sword is also his own sword, this is a fact that cannot be changed.

    Colding the cold and saying that his thoughts and the passing of the sword, the passing of the sword nodded as an agreement. So the cold will re-form the dead sword into a sword form directly on the other side of the door of the void, and then the water sword is liberated into a form of swordsman in midair.

    The cold immediately hides his deity, and then the consciousness enters the body of the dead sword through the sword mark. After the consent of the dead sword, he successfully shared the five senses of the dead sword and also saw the death. The situation of the world where the water sword is located.

    At the other end of the empty door is a lush jungle. The cold is carefully observed with the eyes of the passing water, and the traces of people walking not far away are found. Under the command of the cold, the passing water went all the way along this trail, and finally found a hot spring in front, and the two heads were suspended in the hot spring quietly.

    One of these two heads is the head of the human being, and the other is the head of the human being, but his head has two sharp long horns…The two long horns are very distinctive, like two sharp sickles.

    Seeing these two long-angled colds knows who the owner of this head is, and he is the strongest of the great witches.

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