The Taiyin Township government was thrilled by the help of the cold, but the Sun Star had a big problem, although Lilith, who is the Sun Star Guardian, survived, but the final result was It’s even worse than Lilith’s death, because the rogue has been taken away by the witches.

    Although Lilith also predicted in advance that the Witch might come to besiege herself, she did not choose to give Bright Jade the same way that her top-ranking swordsman was on standby without joining the front line. On the contrary, Lilith ordered all the sword-bearers to be engaged in fierce battles, regardless of their strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, the situation of the Sun Star battlefield is much more comfortable than that of the Taiyin Star Battlefield. At least the White Tiger guards will not have five preparations on hand. The team is all deployed but still not enough.

    Lilith dared to do this because Lilith was not afraid that she would die under the siege of the witches, because the Sun Star guards the government. After the order to let the stewards of the emperor and the main star join the battle, Lilith was very bachelor and stayed with her.

    Lilith’s idea is very simple. It’s not a big deal to face six big witches at the same time. It’s absolutely impossible to kill yourself if there is a rogue around you. On the contrary, all of them will die in the hands of the old man.

    It’s a pity that Lilith missed two points. She didn’t think that the witches had expected the existence of the rogue, and sent eight great witches to kill Lilith, and there was also the strongest of the witches. The big witches and the big witches.

    The second Lilith did not think that the power of the big witches was actually several times stronger than before. These two points not only made Lilith fall into an absolute crisis, but also let the lieutenant responsible for protecting Lilith fall into the trap. Desperate.

    The flow of years is indeed very strong, even if there are eight great witches, even if the strength of these eight great witches has increased several times, but the flow of years can still be comparable to their fight, and directly killed six witches in the battle, Strength is terrible.

    However, the goal of the Witch is not to linger, but Lilith, who would rather ignore the attack of the dying, and also attack their own attack on Lilith. Despite the life-saving protection of Lilith, she also killed six of the great witches who attacked Lilith, but Lilith was inevitably seriously injured, not only the shield was broken, but even her sword-level sword The bloodstain sword was also interrupted under the attack of the criminal day.

    What is even more insidious is that there is no appearance afterwards, but it is lurking in a void. When Lilith’s Gorefiend Sword was broken, the back squatting in the dark immediately directed Lilith to shoot an arrow that condensed all the strengths of her body, and the worst situation appeared.

    Because this arrow condenses all the power of the shackles, the power of this arrow has become extremely terrifying. Lilith, who is full of energy and full of shields, is not sure to take the sword. Not to mention that Lilith had been seriously injured in the battle, and even her own blood magic sword was broken.

    The speed of this arrow is too fast, Lilith did not even find out after the arrow was shot, still stupid to stay in place. Lilith couldn’t find the arrow, but she found it.

    The speed of the sound in the air is not as fast as this arrow. I want to use my mouth to remind Lilith that it is too late. In the end, I can only use my body to block in front of Lilith, and I will eat it hard. This arrow.

    It’s not a silly thing to dare to pick up this arrow. Her body has a life-saving prop of Noble Family, so she is confident that she can take the arrow and die.

    The props of the Noble Family did indeed play a role. The dying years did not die under this arrow, but the body of the dying is still inevitably hit so hard that the spirit of the dying is in the midst of embarrassment.

    As soon as I was on the verge of a slap in the face, I immediately rushed to the side of the rogue, and did not spend much time to seize the stagnation. At this time, he has lost all his power, and the criminal days have been injured in the battles of the previous years. In a short time, it is impossible to kill Lilith, who can still rely on a sword-level swordsman. In addition, the other guards came over, so in the end, they could only choose to give up and kill Lilith, and escaped with the passing of the year.


    “Now the situation on the Sun Star is terrible. The Sun Star Guardian Lilith has lost her sword-level swordsman, which is equivalent to losing 80% of the combat power. She is destined to no longer be the Sunstar Guardian. It is estimated that she can only leave Shanhai Customs back to human society in advance, so that the Sun Star Guardian must re-select her own stewards. ”Bright Jade said with anxiety.

    “This is not the worst situation. The worst situation is what Miss Yan should do! Miss Yan is now being smashed by the witches, how can we explain to the Noble Family! ”Bright Jade’s face is even more bitter. “And the Noble Family has always been a single pass, and each generation will only have one descendant. If Miss Yan really died in the hands of the Witch, isn’t the Noble Family alive? ”

    “I can’t imagine how this matter will go to the General Committee of the Swordsman Committee. It is estimated that the entire human world will explode. God knows what the Noble Family will do in order to save their young lady. I don’t want to stay here until I think of it…”Bright Jade’s expression is like drinking 1000 times of bitter coffee.

    “Do not worry! She can’t die for a while. ”The cold hand trembled unconsciously, which is absolutely unacceptable for a person with a sword. “Since the punishment has not killed her on the spot, she chose to take her away. This proves that they intend to use it.” We are doing a pen transaction, and the security of you is no problem now, we don’t have to worry.”

    “Was I? As long as Miss Yan’s safety can be guaranteed! ”Hearing the cold, Bright Jade also sighed a little. “The recent things are troublesome. It seems that I will give you the location of this Taiyin Guardian soon, and only by virtue of your strength may you be able to Shanhaiguan will settle down.”

    “Do you really want to give me the position of the Taiyin Star Keeper?”Chilling up and looking at Bright Jade’s eyes “consider clearly, once you give me this position, you are no longer the king of the week.”

    “I don’t give you no importance, but instead I worry if you are willing to accept this position?”Bright Jade is also staring at the cold eyes.

    “I am just a small comet guard, and I will take over the position. Do you think that the stars guards below you, the main star guards will be happy? Will you agree to take over? ”Asked about the cold.

    “This is simple, three big witches are dead in your hands. This is an unquestionable fact. The contribution points of these three big witch heads are enough for you to upgrade to the Taiyin Star Guardian. As for whether they are willing to recognize you, this is also a good solution. ”Speaking of here, Bright Jade looked at the mold of the cold hand. “You just have to beat those people, and no one will object to you.”

    “Well! I took your position, when did you pass it to me? ”The cold and promised was very refreshing, and the refreshing ones were a bit out of the expectations of Bright Jade.

    “I thought that with your cold voice of admiration, I was not interested in taking over my troubled position! I can’t think of what you promised so refreshingly…”Bright Jade shook his head, “Let’s do it! I will arrange it, and after a month, I will pass you the Taiyin Star Big Sunday Star. ”

    One month Time is too long, I am afraid that there will be more night dreams! ”When I heard the cold, I still had some dissatisfaction for a month.

    “There are some nights and long dreams, what is the time of the half-month?”Bright Jade meets the requirements for cold weather and cuts time directly by half.

    “It’s still too long!”I still can’t think of the cold.

    “Then let’s talk! How long do you think it is appropriate? ”Bright Jade is helpless and can only ask what it means to fix himself.

    tomorrowThe cold has taken a deep breath. “Tomorrow, you will hand over the Taiyin Township to me.”

    “What?” tomorrowBright Jade stood up directly from the bed. “Is this going too fast?” Is this kind of urgency not the character of your admiral? ”

    “Sex is my character!”The cold smiled and laughed. “If I am not in a hurry, how did the copy of “The Rebellion of King Arthur” be completed in front of the waves? By the way, when talking about the waves, their head, Eugen Eugen, still owes me a set of maps! ”

    “This is still a little too busy. One week, I will hand over the Taiyin Township to you one week later.”Bright Jade carefully calculated the “various delivery issues, all kinds of cumbersome matters, which take time, one week is the fastest speed. Moreover, although the witches of the witches were killed by nine, the ordinary witches still have not retreated, and they still have any conspiracy. It is easy to get rid of the guards now. ”

    “Oh, I just wanted to give you the position. It’s also you who are dragging and pulling. Forget it, one week a week, you should also enjoy the blessing! In the current situation, this position is really not what you can do, you are too weak. ”If you are cold, you will not be merciless.

    “I am too weak!”Bright Jade carefully tasted this sentence and could only feel the hustle and bustle. Because he found himself and the cold is really weak and poor. Although he is aside from the cold and the old age, he is the strongest in the entire Shanhaiguan.

    The weak should give up their position.

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