Although the attitude of watching the play by the cold side is not very light, but now facing the life and death of the moment, Bright Jade certainly can not let these anger fill his head. Bright Jade clearly knows what he should do at this time.

    In fact, this situation is almost in the plan of Bright Jade. After all, Bright Jade has long guessed that the witches of the Witches would want to collect themselves and Lilith first, so they have prepared for it early. The dozens of top stellar stars and the main star guards were prepared for this moment. At the moment when the witches appeared, Bright Jade issued instructions directly to those who had been refueling and savvy swords. The message, let these sword-level swordsmen come to the comet guard house with the fastest speed.

    To put it simply, Bright Jade only needs to support the most difficult two minutes, so the constant arrival of the reinforcements will make the whole situation instantly anti-customer. At that time, these big witches don’t say that they have killed Bright Jade. It is still a problem to be able to run away.

    It’s not a nonsense nonsense to think about the cold and the dialogue between the big witches. Instead, it has successfully delayed Bright Jade for more than 40 seconds, so that Bright Jade only needs to stick to it for more than a minute. I can wait until the first sword-level swordsman who came to support, that is, our White Tiger guardian comrade.

    Bright Jade has been in this mountain customs for almost three years, and these big witches have also played no less than ten times. The strength of these great witches has long been known. I am not really the opponent of the four big witches, but the four great witches want to kill themselves in a minute or so, but it is undoubtedly a fantasy, not to mention one and a half, even if it is fifteen Minutes of Bright Jade also have the confidence to support it.

    “Beidou 7-Star Sword! I beg youBright Jade’s waist flashed, and a cold and temperament like a cold winter night, the Beidou 7-Star sword broke through the sky and appeared behind Bright Jade, guarding the back of Bright Jade. At the same time, there is a cold sword in the hands of Bright Jade, which is naturally the sword-level swordsman of Bright Jade.

    This sword is called Xixi Jian, and like the Yue Goujian sword, it is a sword cast in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period in ancient China. Just and because there are more Goujian accompanied by the famous at home and abroad Goujian Sword is different, Tang Creek sword is only a common South Korean all the sword, later unearthed also no fame, but Tang Creek people like to say that their Tong Creek sword is the best sword, Because the sword of the age should be older than the King Goujian 100 years old, is the oldest unearthed before the big Iron Sword.

    To a certain extent, Tunxi Sword does have the potential to become a famous sword, but unfortunately it is only a sword-level swordsman, and it is only a 30-year-old sword-level swordsman. The sword-level swordswoman.

    However, the Xixi sword is very commendable. That is, the Xixi sword is very strong. Even if the sword is broken, it can rely on its own durability and ability to fight for a long time, and the swordsman of the Tunxi sword is also Many life and death have saved their lives.

    Because Yuan Zhen, who is fighting with the swordsman of Tunxi Sword, found that after successfully breaking the personal shield of Tunxi Sword, he thought that his victory had been fixed, and it took a lot of effort to lose this personal shield. The swordsman gave it a break, so he instinctively relaxed his vigilance and became more willing. As a result, when they found that the Xiaoxi sword without a personal shield was more resistant than the Xixi sword with a personal shield, these Lanterns had already regretted it, and finally they could only die under the sword of Tunxi sword.

    In the next second, Bright Jade and the big witch are killed together.

    In the game, it was found that Bright Jade is actually a good sword master. However, when you see the battle of Bright Jade in the cold, you can find that the strength of Bright Jade can not be described as good, but it can be used very well. Words to describe it.

    How to say it, make a specific analogy. If you use the old master of the world, Wang Chongyang, the unknown martial arts novel before the big break, to compare the cold, then the strength of Bright Jade on Sword Skill has reached the level of the seven strangers.

    Although it is possible that 100 Jiangnan seven geeks are not Wang Chongyang’s opponents in front of Wang Chongyang, Jiangnan Seven blame is actually one of the best characters in the entire Jiangnan martial arts. Most places can be traversed, and the general small Sect heads. It is impossible to be the opponent of Jiangnan Qiwei.

    If you put a ranking for all the sword masters in this era, the cold can naturally be ranked first in the sword, then Bright Jade may be in the top ten. Of course, this is only a rough estimate of the cold, because the number of sword masters who have seen the cold has not been many, and the only ones whose strength can be ranked above Bright Jade are the Sword Spirit and the two swordsmen.

    As for how many other sword masters can be placed on the top of Bright Jade, this is something that is not known about the cold, so the cold can only be placed in the top ten position in the general.

    Gossip less, go back to business. The Bright Jade and the four great witches fought for only about twenty seconds. When they were cold, they were keenly aware that Bright Jade and the Beidou 7-Star sword could not support it. The shield of the Beidou 7-Star Sword has about 80% of the energy left, but the energy of Bright Jade’s personal shield is less than three. At most fifteen seconds, Bright Jade’s personal shield will burst open.

    Whether it’s Bright Jade or the Beidou 7-Star sword, their facial expressions are terrifying. Obviously, they didn’t expect it to be such a situation. In just 20 seconds, they were already on the verge of death. This is where they are. Nothing was thought of before the war.

    “No! In addition to the nine infants, this Jiufeng, Fengbo and Kuafu I have handed over, their previous strength is definitely not like this! ”Looking at the battle, the cold looks a dignified expression, because the whole situation has exceeded the expectation of the cold.

    According to the estimate of the cold, Bright Jade and Beidou 7-Star sword support to the White Tiger guards to the battlefield is absolutely a simple matter, the body shield can remnant a six or seventy percent of the body shield energy is no problem. In fact, in just 20 seconds, it has already consumed 70-80% of the personal shield energy. This is not something that the great witch who had seen before the cold can do. In other words, the strength of these four great witches is better than that of the cold. When I saw them six months ago, they also increased several times.

    “It’s no wonder that the four great witches in their area dared to kill Bright Jade. Not only did the number of witches increase, but even the strength of these great witches increased!”I thought of standing up from the bluestone and yelling at Bright Jade, “Bright Jade, let me go!”

    The reason why the cold can be seen leisurely is because he thinks that these four great witches can’t kill Bright Jade in a short time. Now they know that if they don’t shoot again, they can’t take fifteen seconds. Bright Jade. I am afraid I will really die in front of myself. In this way, it is impossible to watch the show anyway in any case.

    When I heard the cry of the cold, Bright Jade’s action was very decisive. Even if I was to fight with a big blow on my own body, I also retreated a hundred meters away and retreated to the side of the cold. And it’s right now, do not know when the hands of a more than a golden sword, see this golden sword in the air to paint an abnormal distortion and incredible trajectory, four of the majestic murderous monstrous toward bright Jade to kill the wizard suddenly seems to be someone given live the same, Standing motionless, the body began to tremble violently.

    For a while, these great witches broke free from this weird state, and then they felt their own chests, and looked at the cold with a few panic eyes. “You just used it.” What skills? Why are we doing this? ”

    “No skills, just a little borrowing of the wind!”The cold smiles and smiles at the same time. At the same time, we face these four great sorcerers. “We Taiyin adults think that the four of you are not worthy of being his opponents, so send me this little comet guard to teach you the best of the four great witches.”

    “Heng!” You guys who are full of gibberish, just rushing the sword just now you will beat the yin more than ten times, you will take us to find happiness! ”Nine infants’ nine heads said at the same time that the nine sounds together formed a huge resonance. If an ordinary person is here, I am afraid that the eardrum of this Sonic Vibration will be broken immediately…If the sound is a little bigger, it is estimated that the human brain will burst out of the ear like a crushed grape.

    “Everyone should be together, you must kill this kid as quickly as possible, or the plan will be destroyed!”Kuafu made a big bang, waving his own peach stick and rushed to the side of the cold, and slammed it down against the cold head.

    This rod is extremely fast, and the strength is also great. Ordinary sword-bearers may not even see where the rod comes from, and the head is directly smashed by the shackles.

    “bingo!”Kuafu’s heart was filled with joy, because he felt that he was really squatting on a solid thing. But when he looked down, the whole man suddenly panicked. His peach stick went down to a head, but his head was not a cold head, but a head with a sharp beak as a monster.

    Kuafu’s strength is not bad. This monster-like head has been cracked by Kua’s father, revealing the brain and the stinking brain.

    “Kwafu! What do you do with my head? ”Nine infants made a painful cry, and this head was one of his nine heads.

    How did this happen? I obviously aim at the human head! ”Kuafu is also inexplicable. He completely can’t understand what happened just now.

    Knowing this moment, these four great witches really found out that they might have played on an extremely hard hard scorpion.

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