“What! “That’s impossible!”

    “What! “That’s impossible!”Both the cold and the sword ancestor jumped up at the same time, and at the same time exclaimed such a sentence.

    It is a matter of course for the cold to make such an exclamation, because either the black lover of Liu Qing’s eyebrows, the black lover, or the enemy of the black Tortoise, “Altolia Pandragong”. This has a great relationship with the cold, and then the solid Black Tortoise is simply the daughter of the cold and Altolia. How can my own mother kill her daughter?

    But after thinking about it, it seems that this is not impossible. Because according to the speculation of the cold, the era of solid Black Tortoise from the gate of eternity and truth should be about 100 years of the era of great destruction. Solid Black Tortoise will appear in this era seems to be very likely.

    As for Altolia, it would be normal to kill his daughter, because at this time Altolia did not know that Black Tortoise was his daughter. Once Solid Black Tortoise rushed to recognize it, it was normal for Altolia, who was in filth control, to kill the guy who pretended to be his daughter.

    Of course, compared with these points, there are more doubts. According to the information obtained before the cold, the family of the cold must be built by the Black Tortoise, and the Black Tortoise was once the swordsman of the sky, so the Black Tortoise should at least grow to the sword-level swordsman. It is impossible to die easily in the hands of Altolia.

    And Liu Qingmei said that the solid Black Tortoise is his own lover, then how can a woman who is a Black Tortoise become a woman’s lover? Could it be said that the solid Black Tortoise and Liu Qingmei have their own lilies?

    If it is a matter of course for the cold to hear this news, then the sword will not know what it is when he hears the news. Can it be said that there is no intersection between Solid Tortoise, Altolia and Jianzu?

    “I ask you! What is the relationship between you and Solid Black Tortoise? Why does she become your lover? How did she die in the hands of Altolia! ”Suddenly, I caught a hand on Liu Qingmei’s shoulder and asked Shen Sheng.

    “Black Tortoise, he is the favorite person in my life, I…”Liu Qingmei’s words are here, although the mouth is still talking about it one by one, but in the ear of the cold, he did not hear any sound, as if Liu Qingmei completely lost his voice.

    This phenomenon has been seen in the cold, it is still in the bullfighting palace, when the cold is like other contestants asking about the problems of the swordsman of this era, the same is true of the sword-bearer, although answering the problem of fixing the cold But the cold did not hear any reason.

    The cold and violently turned his head and looked at the sword ancestor around him. Obviously, the cold believes that the sword ancestor shielded Liu Qingmei.

    It's not me.The sword ancestor is very dignified. “I also want to know what she said.”

    At this time, Liu Qingmei also found that something was wrong. She also found that she could not hear what the Admiral and the sword ancestors were saying. She stood up in horror and pulled out a mobile phone from her hand to open the information input interface. At the crucial moment, Liu Qingmei’s IQ was once again on the line, and he immediately came up with a way to communicate through words.

    However, when Liu Qingmei pulled out her mobile phone, she suddenly felt a whirlwind, and all the power in her body suddenly began to disappear quickly…She feels that her body is like a catkin, which is rolled up by the breeze and disappears into the air.

    At this time, in the eyes of the cold, Liu Qingmei’s body gradually began to fade, just like the water vapor on the glass, and gradually disappeared as the heat dissipated.

    “Block her! Hurry up to stop her! Never let her disappear! ”Cold and hurriedly said to the sword ancestors.

    worthless scum I can’t control her! ”Jianzu showed a hint of helplessness, and the two men could only watch Liu Qingmei’s face as panic and panic gradually fade away, and finally disappeared into the air. It’s hard to believe that just ten seconds ago, there was still a living Liu Qingmei around the cold.


    “I don’t think things will actually become like this…”Jianzu smiled and shook his head. “I always thought that I had learned all the things in the world. I couldn’t think of today that there is such a huge secret in the world.”

    The words of Jianzu seem to be talking to himself, and it seems to be in the cold.

    “Is there any insight into the existence of everything in this world? If so, can this existence reveal its own disappearance? ”The coldness raised his head, and the gaze of God looked straight at the eyes of Jianzu. After a slight twitching of the corner of his mouth, he bluntly said, “Would you like to call you the Sword Emperor, or should you call your sword ancestor?”

    Come on. You and I are all smart people. Since there are only two of you and me, we don’t have to fight each other again. It’s still calm. ”Jianzu smiled and patted the dust that did not exist on his body. “I know that you may be more accustomed to calling me a sword ancestor, but I still prefer the name of the younger brother, my dear cold brother!”

    The sudden flow of the young brothers and the two brothers of the cold and cold brothers called the body of the cold, and if they did not emerge from the mouth of the sword ancestor, the cold has almost completely forgotten them. But with the two familiar names rang, the cold-stained mind couldn’t help but emerge what happened half a year ago.

    Also in this game, it is also in such a copy. Just entering the game, the cold has met a teenager he called a little brother of the young, and the boy also likes to call the cold as the cold brother. It’s just that with the cold, the sword of the poor is stuck in the belly of this little brother, and this has already ended.

    “You are not dead?”Although it was revealed the deepest secret hidden in his heart, the expression of the cold is unexpectedly calm.

    “I have already died!”Jianzu smiled. “I was dead before 911. I don’t have to wait until 910 to kill me.” In fact, I was just a bystander at the time. I was suddenly wandering in the game and found a funny newcomer. Then I silently followed you, but did not expect to see such a good show. ”

    “Really, you scared me at the time, I never thought that the copy could pass like this. What I have to admit is that if I am also a pure newcomer, I can’t customize the iron to your extent. You are so powerful! ”Jianzu heartfeltly praised.

    “I don’t think you will be so calm, I thought we had to have a big circle between us!”The cold touched his nose and tightened the starting point sword in his hand. “What the hell is going on?” What is your intention to introduce me into this copy? Do you want to kill me for revenge for you in my hands? ”

    “I said, I have already died, and a dead person will not seek revenge like a living person!”When Jianzu said, he stood opposite the cold and patted the shoulders of the cold. “In fact, the purpose of my search for you is very simple, but I just want to teach you something.” It just happens that I think this abandoned copy is very easy to use. I simply borrowed this copy directly, but I didn’t expect it to cause you a crisis of life and death! ”

    The voice of the sword ancestors fell, and the fragrant winds that the ordinary people who had been suspended in the air could not see at all suddenly appeared out of the air. For the first time, they appeared in this copy in the state of normal people. 【PS: Before the plot, Xiang Fengzhi has been offline, the author Jun will not admit that he has forgotten the existence of Xiangfeng Zhina…]

    Obviously, the trouble of the crisis of life and death in the sword ancestor is not to say about the cold, but to the fragrant wind around the cold.

    “See the sword ancestors! I don’t think that Chi Nai Sauce can actually see the sword ancestor, and Zhi Nai Sa is deeply honored. Please accept the wisdom of the sauce! ”Compared with the cold, Xiang Fengzhi is more respectful to the sword ancestors. In the first moment of showing his figure, he was kneeling on the ground and preparing to bow to the sword.

    I don’t need it This is my shackle that has added trouble to you. To be honest, I don’t know how to deal with this matter. I am sorry for you! ”The sword ancestors waved their hands, and the fragrant winds were floating again.

    “I don’t think that behind this copy is actually the sword ancestor!”Xiang Fengzhi is a bitter smile. “If you have any needs, I will tell Zhi Nai Sai directly. I will do it even if the Zhi Nai Sauce is done on the mountain under the knife. It will not be so troublesome now!”

    SORRY! very sorry! ”Jianzu was very kind to say a few words of sorry to Xiang Fengzhi, and then stinked a face and said to the cold, “You don’t have to act, and put on a very shocked look. In fact, you have already guessed. This copy was created by me, and the manipulator behind the scenes is also right! I said, we need to talk openly and honestly! ”

    What does that mean? You have long known that this copy was built by Jianzu. ”Xiang Fengzhi was shocked to see the cold.

    “I just guessed it a little vaguely!”The cold road “In fact, I have long known that Jianzu adults have a sword soul in this game, but I am not sure whether this sword soul is behind the scenes to create this copy, so I did not tell you.”

    It was still in the underground seal of the Glorious Amusement Park, and the swordsmanship marks of the sword ancestors summoned by the singer were already explained to the cold. This game was once built with a sword with his sword spirit, so another swordsman of the sword ancesor can freely move in the game and keep in touch with other swords.

    Therefore, when the cold was heard when the copy was called “The Ferris Wheel”, it was faintly guessing that all the behind-the-scenes black hands might be another sword soul of Jianzu, but because of some selfish reasons, it was not imagined. Only can explain his guess, until this moment is the truth.

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