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These two Venerable Lords suddenly made a move, and the martial arts that the two of them had achieved with a bang, were mysterious to the extreme.

In a flash, 20 times the power of Sovereign broke out.

Even among Seven Great Sects, they do not necessarily possess such terrifying martial arts.

These two people joined forces, and countless martial arts strikes came out, and they all wanted to destroy heaven extinguishing earth.

Even if it is a Sovereign, when faced with 20 times the power of Sovereign, it is difficult to resist and will be easily killed.

In the same realm, there are two invincible Sovereigns, such as the emperor of the night, the emperor of the sun and the others. If you see them, you can only flee in a hurry.

However, the mysterious martial arts played by these two people showed a bit of disdain in Chu Fengmian’s eyes.

This sneer, seen by these two Venerable Lords, almost made them angry to the extreme.

“Chu Fengmian, you must die today!”

The two of them played a supreme killer move, which did not give Chu Fengmian any chance.

At this time, Chu Fengmian was killed directly.

Chu Fengmian’s current realm is only Eternal Life Realm, and it hasn’t really grown up yet.

Now is the best opportunity to kill Chu Fengmian. If Chu Fengmian grows up again, it will be enough to be on an equal footing with them.

At that time, I was trying to kill Chu Fengmian. It was almost a fantasy story.

Now is the best opportunity!

Chu Fengmian also felt the killing intent of these two people clearly, but he showed a bit of contempt at the corner of Chu Fengmian’s mouth.

“Why, two Sovereigns want to compete with me? Six Paths Demon Sect’s martial arts are really good, but it’s nothing in front of me.”

Chu Fengmian spoke, and from the palm of his hand, the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword was already a sudden condense appearance, right in the palm of Chu Fengmian’s hand.

The Sword Intent one after another suddenly burst out from Chu Fengmian’s body.

Under the blessing of this Sword Intent, the power of Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword seems to have become countless times stronger in an instant.

Chu Fengmian has now stepped into the Life and Death Ladder. No matter how strong his strength is, it is enough to explode the true power of Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword.

“break for me !”

The Chu Fengmian sword edge flickered, and suddenly slashed out with a sword, and immediately collided with the power of these two people.


The power that the war demon Venerable Lord and Lone Demon Venerable Lord combined, was destroyed on the spot under the sword edge of Chu Fengmian.

All Spiritual Forces are between serenes, resolved on the spot.

With the current strength of Chu Fengmian, even this kind of Sovereign can only be suppressed in front of him.

Chu Fengmian felt it before that as long as he was enough to step up to the Life and Death Ladder, it was enough to easily fight Sovereign.

Now Chu Fengmian has a big fortuitous encounter from the Divine Tree Secret Realm, he has directly obtained the Divine Tree, and is integrated into Chu Fengmian’s body.

Now Chu Fengmian’s strength is even stronger than what Chu Fengmian once imagined.

The supreme killer moves of these two Venerable Lords were directly resolved in the hands of Chu Fengmian with no difficulty.


“God, is this child still a human?”

Seeing that Chu Fengmian was almost unscathed, the expressions of the two Venerable Lords were shocked.

The supreme killer move by the two of them is to deal with an Old Ancestor from Eternal Life Realm.

Even dealing with a Sovereign is enough to make that Sovereign sure to die. Even if it has a 1/10000th chance to survive, it is a serious injury.

But now the attack of the two of them, this supreme killer move is so weak in front of Chu Fengmian.

What was easily resolved by Chu Fengmian was all resolved.

This kind of strength is beyond the imagination of the two of them.

“You two dare to attack Cloud Feather Heavenly Palace, today you will stay with your two lives as punishment!”

Chu Fengmian sneered and shot directly. With a move of his left hand, he condensed in the air and turned into an incomparable gigantic dragon claw, and he struck down.

“Horse Halberd!”

From the palm of the Venerable Lord, an ancient halberd suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand.

The moment this ancient halberd appeared, the surrounding space seemed to become extremely chaotic.

When the halberd waved, an extremely terrifying force enveloped it, stirring up the common people, and directly colliding with this incomparable gigantic dragon claw.

At the moment of a power confrontation, the dragon claw was actually forced back.

At the moment when the ancient halberd appeared, the strength of the War Demon Venerable Lord suddenly became several times stronger than just before.

“This is the Supreme Treasure of the Ancient Disaster Sect, Disaster Pike!”

Chu Fengmian stared at the ancient halberd and suddenly recognized the identity of the ancient halberd.

Chaos Sect is also one of the Great Sects of Ancient Era. Although it is not as powerful as Cloud Feather Heavenly Palace to rule the Nine Domains, it is enough to be regarded as a region’s Overlord.

This Chaos halberd is the Supreme Treasure of the Chaos Sect.

Chu Fengmian only records the existence of Chaos Sect in the ancient book, because in the entire Nine Domains, the existence of Chaos Sect has never been discovered.

didn’t expect Now this horrible halberd actually fell into the hands of this war demon Venerable Lord.

“Yes, didn’t expect you brat to have some insights. Do you think that the strength of our Six Paths Demon Sect Venerable Lord is just that?”

The Venerable Lord, holding the halberd of Disaster, looked at Chu Fengmian with a sneer.

This messy halberd is the Supreme Treasure he found from Returning Ruins Heaven.

Although it is not as good as Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword, it is also a well-known Spiritual Artifact, which is enough to compare with Chu Fengmian’s Battle Dragon treasure car mention on equal terms.

“Chu Fengmian, I admit that your strength is indeed beyond our imagination, but today, no matter how strong your strength is, you will not escape death.”

Lone Demon Venerable Lord also looked at Chu Fengmian, coldly opened the mouth and said.

From his hand, also an extremely old long saber Spiritual Artifact, suddenly appeared.

Broken wind knife.

This is also a somewhat famous Spiritual Artifact among Ancient Era, almost no less than the Spiritual Artifact of the Battle Dragon treasure car level.

“The Holy Emperor regards you as a scourge, and today we will take action, behead you, and dedicate your head to the Holy Emperor!”

Lone Demon Venerable Lord shouted.

“Don’t talk nonsense with this child, kill!”


With a knife and a halberd, two Spiritual Force strikes towards Chu Fengmian at the same time.

This saber is an ancient Heaven Level Spiritual Artifact. In the hands of these two Venerable Lords, the power that erupts is even more terrifying.

In an instant, the Spiritual Force in the sky formed a big net, covering Chu Fengmian.

The sharpness of this net is no less than the sword edge of Heaven Level Spiritual Artifact, no one dares to touch the edge.

These 2 Spiritual Artifacts are their trump cards.

With all the cards out at this time, I have decided in my heart that Chu Fengmian will be buried here today.

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