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How could it be possible for the Divine Tree to leave now!

This Divine Tree, Chu Fengmian must get it, he will never leave if he doesn’t get it.

Chu Fengmian thought about it and made a decision.

“In this Divine Tree, breakthrough!”

Now he cannot surrender this young Divine Tree, after all, because Chu Fengmian’s realm is not enough.

His realm is too low, just the realm of Life and Death Realm Peak.

No matter how many fortuitous encounters Chu Fengmian has now, he can only kill the Life and Death Ladder Sixth Layer, the Old Ancestor in the state of refining the mind.

But once it is Sovereign who encounters the realm of fate.

Even if it is the weakest Sovereign, Chu Fengmian can’t fight him, let alone defeat him.

Because Chu Fengmian’s fortuite encounter is not enough?

Chu Fengmian鈥檚 fortuitous encounter can be said to be much more than any so-called genius in the Nine Domains. He has been a man for the second generation, a peerless sword technique, and obtained the Battle Dragon Art to condense the Divine Vein.

Any genius in Nine Domains can only be dwarfed by Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian wants to improve his strength now, the only way is through breakthrough.

As long as he can break through in one fell swoop and surpass Life and Death, Chu Fengmian’s strength will be dozens of times stronger, or even 100 times stronger.

Want to surrender this young Divine Tree, for Chu Fengmian, he can only have one way now, which is breakthrough.

Yulu broke the medicine ingredients of Life Pill, and now Chu Fengmian has already collected enough, and it happens to be ready for pill concocting for breakthrough.

“In this Divine Tree Secret Realm, the security is extremely safe. Those Desolate Ancient Sect guys will never think that I am here for a while. It is the best opportunity for breakthrough!”

Chu Fengmian thought to himself.

The secret of the Divine Tree is related to the root of the entire Desolate Ancient Sect, even though there are very few people who can know it in Desolate Ancient Sect.

People like Su Huang, Zu Huang, I’m afraid they don’t necessarily know this secret, so Chu Fengmian should be safe for a short time.

Now Chu Fengmian wants to break through, and here is the best place.

鈥渉ong long! 鈥?/p>

From the front of Chu Fengmian, a group of golden Dragon Flame suddenly appeared, and at the same time, the space ring of Chu Fengmian opened.

Countless sacred medicines are all placed in front of Chu Fengmian. These sacred medicines are collected by Chu Fengmian suffer untold hardships.

Chu Fengmian played countless complicated prohibitions with his hands. Just in front of him, condense an incomparable gigantic pill furnace. This pill furnace has 9 dragon heads, and from each of the dragon heads, hot flames emerged.

Numerous sacred medicines were thrown into the pill furnace without even blinking Chu Fengmian’s eyes.

Suddenly, all sacred medicines melted into one after another medicinal liquid. These medicinal liquids are the size of a basin.

Around the medicinal liquid, countless golden dragon flames are frantically roasting this, and after a while, the medicinal liquid begins to shrink.

From the size of a washbasin, it began to shrink continuously.

Every time the medicinal liquid is reduced, there is something dark, which is extracted from the medicinal liquid.

These are all impurities in sacred medicine.

It is 30% of drugs that are poisonous, even sacred medicine is inevitable, and the toxins in sacred medicine are much more terrifying than many of the most toxic poisons in the world.

These impurities are not removed, and the medicinal pill is more terrifying than Poison Pill.

Chu Fengmian tensed his nerves and devoted himself to refining medicine. He must control this Dragon Flame all the time.

Once the temperature is slightly higher or lower, the medicinal liquid will be destroyed directly.

Chu Fengmian was able to collect all the materials for this set of Jade Dew and Life Pill, but I don’t know how much time it took.

There are countless coincidences. If Chu Fengmian ransacked the entire divine spring Chamber of Commerce without the appearance of the divine spring Old Ancestor, Chu Fengmian would never want so much sacred medicine.

So it is almost impossible to collect it once.

For Chu Fengmian, there is only this time for the chance to refine the jade dew and break the Life Pill.

If he wants to break through to Breaking Fate Realm, he must use the power of Yulu to break the Life Pill.

As time passed by, a full ten hours, Chu Fengmian sat in place, controlling the flame with all his heart.

In ten hours, Chu Fengmian is motionless, without any distractions.

Putting in this wholeheartedly, even for an Old Ancestor, is extremely difficult.

Fortunately, Chu Fengmian has refined a lot of medicinal pills before he has the patience today.

This holy Spiritual Pill is not only difficult to find the materials in it, but the Medicine Refining Master that can be refined is hard to find in the entire Nine Domains.

Three more hours passed.

The day has passed.

Chu Fengmian’s body was already covered with sweat, although he could clean his body almost instantly with Spiritual Force.

But now Chu Fengmian can’t be distracted at all, he can only let his clothes stick to his body.

This group of medicinal liquid is also from the size of the basin to fist sized.

It’s almost shrinking to the limit.

From this medicinal liquid, it is enough to smell the medicine.


In an instant, the essence of this medicinal liquid is to its extreme.

All impurities are refining out by Chu Fengmian.

Without any hesitation, Chu Fengmian immediately condensed the Spiritual Force and immediately surrounded the medicinal liquid.

In this medicinal liquid, the appearance of a Spiritual Pill has gradually begun to become condense.

“ka-cha !ka-cha !”

The medicinal fragrance around this suddenly penetrated the Spiritual Pill, and countless Pill Marks were carved on it.

This is the unique Pill Mark of Shengpin Spiritual Pill, which represents the identity of Shengpin Spiritual Pill.

Each Pill Mark, engraved on it, is enough to improve the medicine efficacy of this holy Spiritual Pill.

“Seven patterns, this jade dew life pill is indeed a thing of countless martial artists yearn for something even in dreams, and it has reached the level of 7 patterns!”

This Yulu Break Life Pill finally finished refining, and Chu Fengmian couldn’t help but sighed when he saw the staggered lines above, a total of seven lines.

Holy product Spiritual Pill, with one to nine patterns, 9 patterns are the highest.

7 The sacred pill of pattern, among the holy Spiritual Pill, is considered to be a very high-level thing.

With this Jade Dew Breaking the Life Pill, Chu Fengmian is enough to be among the ranks of the Medicine Refining Master Peak of Nine Domains.

But now Chu Fengmian is not interested in enjoying it.

The Battle Dragon Bloodline in his body, the Ancient Battle Dragon illusory shadow, was already hungry when he felt Yulu break the Life Pill.

I can’t bear it anymore.

Chu Fengmian’s power has reached its limit, and his body already wants to break through again.


Without the slightest hesitation, Chu Fengmian broke the jade dew into the Life Pill, and swallowed it in his mouth.

The moment Yulu broke the Life Pill and was swallowed by Chu Fengmian, the medicinal power in it was completely fuse into Chu Fengmian’s body.

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