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Desoale Ancient Great Dao!

The supreme secret technique of Desolate Ancient Sect!

Huangyun Old Ancestor stepped into this Desoale Ancient Great Dao, and was completely separated from Chu Fengmian, as if entering another space, so close, yet worlds apart.

His Desoale Ancient Great Dao, extended directly to Chu Fengmian’s side, pulling the body of Yaojing Old Ancestor into it.

“You guys take action and suppress this child!”

Seeing Yaojing Old Ancestor being pulled into Desoale Ancient Great Dao, Huangyun Old Ancestor’s expression was a little relaxed.

Once you stepped into Desoale Ancient Great Dao, everything outside could not be affected, and it was almost invincible.

This Yaojing Old Ancestor stepped into the Desoale Ancient Great Dao, and Chu Fengmian was unable to strike him.

“Desoale Ancient Great Dao? No one has ever been able to rescue people from this Chu’s hands, Battle Dragon meteor!”

Chu Fengmian loudly roared around him, turning Chu Fengmian’s body directly into the appearance of Ancient Battle Dragon.

The Ancient Battle Dragon he transformed was extremely fierce, like an ancient ominous beast descending, and countless martial artists were timid when they saw this Battle Dragon.

“break for me !”

With a roar of dragon roar, the ancient Great Dao roared in front of him, and a roar was enough to cause numerous cracks to appear on this Desoale Ancient Great Dao.

Just a dragon roar roar.

This Desolate Ancient Sect secret technique, Desoale Ancient Great Dao, just made a crack.

“What? What kind of martial arts is this? Dragon Clan martial arts? No, I have seen countless Dragon Clan martial arts, and I have never seen such terrifying Dragon Clan martial arts!”

Huangyun Old Ancestor shouted in disbelief.

With his insights, he has seen countless Dragon Clan martial arts, but none of them are enough to be a mention on equal terms with Chu Fengmian.

Most of the Dragon Clan martial arts in Nine Domains are learned from True Dragon, even in the hands of some Dragon King and Dragon Sovereign.

There has never been a pure Battle Dragon martial art like Chu Fengmian, which is the root of the martial art of Dragon Clan in the world.

After this surprise, Huangyun Old Ancestor’s eyes were extremely solemn, and he naturally knew that this power was terrifying.

From behind him, a bronze statue of them suddenly opened. This door is the door of Desolate Ancient, a time-space door that communicates with Desolate Ancient.

The continuously power of Desolate Ancient is transmitted from this gate of Desolate Ancient to bless the Desoale Ancient Great Dao at the feet of the old Ancestor.

“Boy, even if your Dragon Clan martial arts is strong, in mysterious, it is impossible to break my Desoale Ancient Great Dao!”

The Desoale Ancient Great Dao of Huangyun Old Ancestor has become bigger and bigger, and in front of countless Desolate Ancient divine force blessings, it has become bigger and more tenacious.

Such a huge Desoale Ancient Great Dao, with the continuous Desolate Ancient divine force blessing of the Desolate Ancient gate, is almost impossible to break and invincible.

“Desoale Ancient Great Dao! Worthy of being the inheritance secret technique of Desolate Ancient Sect! It’s amazing!”

“As long as the Desoale Ancient Great Dao is condense, the defense is almost invincible, unless it is a realm that is a little higher, otherwise it is impossible to break!”

“Well, this kid is fierce and can only be defeated in the hands of our Desolate Ancient Sect!”

“Huang Senior Brother Yun is invincible!”

The Desolate Ancient Sect disciple below is that each and everyone is already extremely excited, waiting to see the moment when Chu Fengmian is suppressed.

“Really? Desoale Ancient Great Dao? What a thing! A trifling Eternal Life Realm’s Old Ancestor that’s all, even this Desoale Ancient Great Dao can’t protect you!”

Chu Fengmian suddenly sneered again and again, his sneer turned into a dragon roar.


With the sound of this dragon roar, Chu Fengmian’s incarnation of the Ancient Battle Dragon, his body suddenly slammed into the wild cloud Old Ancestor.

“bang! bang! bang!”

Desoale Ancient Great Dao at the feet of Huangyun Old Ancestor, under this violent impact, there was a roar, and it was shocked to retreat.

At the moment the power of the last layer came, the entire Desoale Ancient Great Dao was already covered with cracks, and then with a bang, it broke on the spot.

In Desoale Ancient Great Dao, the bodies of Huangyun Old Ancestor and Yaojing Old Ancestor were all suddenly knocked out.

Each and everyone vomited blood and fell directly to the ground.

“What power is this!”

“Desoale Ancient Great Dao has been shattered!”

“My God, is this still a human?”

When everyone looked at Chu Fengmian, they were looking towards a fierce god.

This Desoale Ancient Great Dao, let the martial artist of the same realm come, can’t shake it at all, even more how it breaks.

Seeing the Desoale Ancient Great Dao of Old Ancestor in front of Huangyun was ruthlessly broken, it was shocking everyone.

To be a more anxious and powerful Old Ancestor, Desoale Ancient Great Dao, who broke this barren cloud Old Ancestor, will not surprise everyone.

Desoale Ancient Great Dao, after all, is just the same realm invincible. When encountering a more powerful Old Ancestor, it is normal to be broken naturally.

But Chu Fengmian is the realm of Life and Death Realm Peak.

Originally from Huangyun Old Ancestor, it was a realm that was 3rd-layer different.

even more how Huangyun Old Ancestor is still the discipline of Seven Great Sects, and his strength is meant to surpass the martial artist of the same realm.

Under such circumstances, the realm that Chu Fengmian spans is even greater.

No one could have imagined that there will be this day.

“Monster! Monster!”

“In Nine Domains, when did such a monster come out!”

“Not good! Let’s take a shot together and suppress this child, otherwise none of us would want to grab the Jade Dew Sacred Fruit!”

Some other Old Ancestors, after being shocked, each and everyone shouted loudly.

Their purpose is all for the Jade Dew Sacred Fruit, and the strength that Chu Fengmian shows now is simply shocking.

The first thing to fight for the sacred fruit of Yulu is to suppress Chu Fengmian first.

All the martial artists present could not help but have united their scores, and countless martial arts have already come to Chu Fengmian strikes.

Layers of martial arts, at the same time enveloped towards Chu Fengmian.

This level of martial arts is almost invisible and endless. With countless martial arts, Chu Fengmian will be crushed alive and suppressed alive!


Almost at the same time, suddenly from above the tree canopy, things changed again.

From above the canopy, the line of the jade dew sacred fruit that had been hanging all the time, suddenly condensed and completed.

The sacred fruit of Yulu is ripe!

One after another, the essence of medicinal fragrance suddenly spread out.

Seeing the maturity of the jade dew sacred fruit, Chu Fengmian’s mouth finally showed a little smile.

Now that the jade dew sacred fruit has matured.

Now, there is no need to remain in a stalemate.

Chu Fengmian’s expression showed a bit fierce, and his eyes flashed fiercely.

“Very well, it seems that there is no time to continue wasting with you, you all die for me!”

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