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Either the fish dies or the net splits ?

Hearing this Great Elder’s words, Chu Fengmian’s mouth showed a somewhat sarcasm.

“Do you think you are qualified to follow this Chu either the fish dies or the net splits?”

After Chu Fengmian finished speaking, he didn’t mean to continue the conversation with this Great Elder. His heart moved, and Battle Dragon’s Claw was again condense.

With this Battle Dragon’s Claw, dropping from the sky, Great Elder’s face was a bit angry.

As a character of Life and Death Ladder Sixth Layer, he has never been overlooked by a Life and Death Realm martial artist.

He suddenly shot, a Spiritual Force in front of him, suddenly condensed into a 7-layer treasure pagoda, resisting the Battle Dragon’s Claw.

“Useless struggle!”

Chu Fengmian sneered, Battle Dragon’s Claw fell mercilessly, and these seven treasure pagodas were destroyed in a flash.

The body of this Great Elder was shrouded in Battle Dragon’s Claw, and in a scream, his body was completely wiped out by Battle Dragon’s Claw.

Only in the same place, a group of blood mist was left, which was swallowed by Chu Fengmian in one bite.

“Great Elder !”

“Great Elder is dead!”

Countless martial artists below, staring dumbfounded at what was happening in front of them, in this sluggishness, countless martial artists suddenly woke up and fled.

These martial artists of the Chamber of Commerce in Tianquan, no longer have any thoughts that dared to contend in front of Chu Fengmian, and they all dissipated for a time. Now there is almost no one in the Tianquan City of Nuo Da.

Chu Fengmian also ignored the martial artists who ran away. With a touch of his palm, those martial artists who were just beheaded by him had all their space rings now in Chu Fengmian’s palm.

These Old Ancestor each and everyone has some wealth, but in Chu Fengmian’s eyes, this little wealth is not in his eyes.

Chu Fengmian’s eyes looked towards an incomparable gigantic courtyard in the center of Tianquan City, and his body flew directly over.

Upon arriving on this courtyard, Chu Fengmian stood in the sky. The martial artists in the courtyard had already fled, leaving only this empty courtyard.

Chu Fengmian condensed the Spiritual Force, and suddenly he struck the courtyard below with a palm, and saw that the entire courtyard was uprooted in the palm of Chu Fengmian’s hand, and he said that he was caught.

From under the ground of this courtyard, an incomparable gigantic Earth Palace suddenly appeared and fell into Chu Fengmian’s eyes.

This Earth Palace is known from the memory of the divine spring Old Ancestor, where the treasure house of the Chamber of Commerce is located.

In the entire Tianquan Chamber of Commerce, there is only one secret treasure house known to Tianquan Old Ancestor.

Above the Earth Palace, there are also extremely complicated restrictions. There is no way to unlock them except Tianquan Old Ancestor.

However, Chu Fengmian didn’t care about this small restriction.

His mind moved, and a sword glow pierced suddenly.

“hong long! ”

The restriction of the entire Earth Palace was completely resolved in front of this sword. Chu Fengmian waved his hand and the gate of the Earth Palace opened.

Behind this gate, there are countless mountain peaks accumulated by countless spirit stones.

The mountain peaks formed by the accumulation of spirit stones have as many as 10000000 million at a glance. Most of the spirit stones are not of high grade, but are some Middle Grade and High Grade spirit stones.

Although Chu Fengmian is not in the eyes of Chu Fengmian, he is also collected by Chu Fengmian. After all, he condenses his wealth and needs some attention. This can be considered a wealth.

After collecting these countless spiritual stones, another treasure house in the back was opened directly by Chu Fengmian. The pile of spiritual medicine in this treasure house is Chengshan’s spiritual medicine.

All kinds of spiritual medicine are stacked in it.

Chu Fengmian forgot the past at a glance, but his eyes were a little disappointed. Most of these spiritual medicines are some Profound Level, Earth Level spiritual medicine.

Although the number is extremely large, it is of no use to Chu Fengmian.

However, Chu Fengmian still opened the space ring and collected all the spiritual medicine in this treasure house.

The next third treasure house contains some refining materials. As always, Chu Fengmian also opened the space ring and installed them all.

The wealth of these three treasure houses is simply more than the background of countless sects. Tianquan Chamber of Commerce was only founded 3 years ago, and it is quite good to have such a background.

However, Chu Fengmian is still not satisfied. For Chu Fengmian, these wealth are all things outside his body. Although the value is extremely high, it is of little use to him.

Chu Fengmian came to destroy Tianquan Chamber of Commerce this time, first, to give a warning to the people of Nine Domains, and 2 also to find materials for refining Jade Lupo Life Pill.

The wealth of Chamber of Commerce will never stop like this.

Chu Fengmian opened the Spiritual Consciousness, scanned the entire Earth Palace, and suddenly discovered that there was a treasure house hidden in the depths of the Earth Palace.

This treasure house is extremely mysterious, and Array is used to hide all the breath in it, making it difficult to see at a glance.

Chu Fengmian just glanced at the Spiritual Consciousness for the first time, but he didn’t notice the existence of this treasure house. Now he looked for it carefully this time and found it.

“Sou sou!”

Chu Fengmian’s figure came to the treasure house in an instant. He broke the door of the treasure house with a palm. Suddenly, countless medicinal fragrances came to the nose.

These medicinal scents, to say less, are the scents of Heaven Level spiritual medicine, and there are even many sacred medicines in them.

“found it!”

Chu Fengmian’s eyes showed a bit of joy. Here, it should be the treasure house in the Chamber of Commerce.

There are not many things in this, but there are 3 cabinets, and on one of the cabinets, you can visit all kinds of spiritual medicine.

Only some parts of these spiritual medicines are Heaven Level spiritual medicine, and they are all extremely precious existences in Heaven Level spiritual medicine.

Most of the rest are sacred medicine, some of which are ordinary sacred medicine, and some are even hard to find in Nine Domains.

Among them, 4 to 5 kinds are absolutely what Chu Fengmian needs, and they are essential items in refining Jade Lupo Life Pill.

“Good! Good! Destroyed Tianquan Chamber of Commerce! Sure enough, something has been gained.”

Chu Fengmian’s eyes were full of excitement. After getting these sacred medicines, Chu Fengmian almost had to break the life pill with Yulu, and he was ready.

Chu Fengmian’s heart moved, almost without any hesitation, he ransacked everything in this treasure house.

In addition to spiritual medicine, there are some Spiritual Artifacts, Rare Items of the Sky, etc., all of which are extremely valuable, and many Old Ancestors beyond Life and Death will desperately fight for things.

Many things may be useful to Chu Fengmian. Since he is here, he will naturally be looted.

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