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This Destruction Sword Old Ancestor, within a few tricks, has been completely defeated.

With his current strength, he no longer has enough capital to compete with Chu Fengmian.

Sword Intent can be broken.

For a sword cultivator, it was already a fiasco.


Chu Fengmian spit out a word casually, sword light fills the whole sky appeared. The body of the iron-blooded Old Ancestor and Destruction Sword Old Ancestor were almost instantly penetrated by countless sword lights.

In the air, it turned into a group of blood mist. The blood essence of the two of them was all fuse into the Black Profound Sword Array.

Add some power to Black Profound Sword Array.

“ka-cha !ka-cha !”

Some Spirit Swords in the Black Profound Sword Array have already reached the edge of promotion. After swallowing these blood essence, they began to transform and promote.

The blood essence of these Old Ancestors is simply more tonic than all the tonics in the world. They contain the countless fortuitous encounters they have obtained in their lives, and they will have their current power.

Now integrated into the Black Profound Sword Array, it is enough to transform the countless Spirit Swords in the Black Profound Sword Array.


The corner of Chu Fengmian’s mouth showed a slight smile. From the palm of his hand, he pinched two space rings, which are the space rings of the two Old Ancestors.

It seems that he really attracted a few big fish this time.

The Old Ancestor in the realm of refining the mind is not easy for Chu Fengmian even if he wants to meet them on weekdays, and they are generally speaking only in the cultivation of Sect Holy Land.

Even if Chu Fengmian wanted to kill them before, there was no chance. This time is definitely a perfect opportunity.

Of these 3 Old Ancestors, he will never let go.

Chu Fengmian’s gaze slowly glanced over, looking towards the last person among the Three Old Ancestors, Ye Ming Old Ancestor.

This Yeming Old Ancestor, who had just witnessed all this with his own eyes, has never taken any action, just stood in place.

However, Chu Fengmian knew in his heart that what Yeming Old Ancestor did while standing in place was not because he lost his fighting spirit, but because he was accumulating Spiritual Force.

It seems to be accumulating strength to prepare for a single blow to Chu Fengmian.

“Chu Fengmian, didn’t expect your strength to reach this step. It seems that the world still underestimates you.”

Ye Ming Old Ancestor looked at Chu Fengmian, slowly opened the mouth and said.

Chu Fengmian’s current strength is definitely more terrifying than the rumors.

According to the rumors, Chu Fengmian should be strong enough to kill the ordinary Old Ancestor, but it is also limited to the Old Ancestor of the Breaking Fate Realm.

This rumor is actually an exaggeration in the eyes of countless strong people outside. After all, a Life and Death Realm martial artist is enough to kill the Old Ancestor of Breaking Fate Realm.

Only the Unparalleled genius cultivated in Seven Great Sects can do this.

Chu Fengmian is just a martial artist from the Northern Domain. He just got some fortuuitous encounters, so many people feel that the description of Chu Fengmian’s strength in this rumor is a bit exaggerated.

But now, seeing Chu Fengmian’s move, Ye Ming Old Ancestor realized that the description of Chu Fengmian’s strength in this rumor is not too high, but too low.

The Old Ancestor who can kill the realm of refinement is just a martial artist of Life and Death Realm.

In the entire Central Domain, and even in the Nine Domains, it is almost impossible to find a person who is comparable to Chu Fengmian.

“You have been hiding your strength and quietly came to Central Domain. Although it is not clear what you are here for, this time, no matter what strength you have, today, you must die!”

At this moment, Ye Ming Old Ancestor’s eyes suddenly changed, and his eyes seemed to become extremely deep.

In his eyes, there is a layer of darkness, which is deep to the extreme. When he glances over, all he can see is the bottomless darkness.

“Darkness is coming! Dark Ruler Heaven and Earth!”

Ye Ming Old Ancestor suddenly shot.

The moment Chu Fengmian saw Ye Ming’s Old Ancestor’s eyes, his body seemed to be shrouded in endless darkness.

Everything around was in deep darkness, and it was simply that Ye Ming Old Ancestor’s body could no longer be seen clearly.

This layer of darkness constantly squeezed Chu Fengmian’s body, and even directly suppressed Chu Fengmian’s body.

This Ye Ming Old Ancestor, until now, was accumulating strength, and he didn’t make a move just now, precisely for this moment.

This layer of darkness shrouded Chu Fengmian’s body, as if Chu Fengmian was unable to break free from the darkness anyway.

It can only be from the darkness that continuously consumes the Spiritual Force, and after all, it will be suppressed by this Ye Ming Old Ancestor.

The strength of Ye Ming Old Ancestor is much stronger than that of Iron-Blooded Old Ancestor and Destruction Sword Old Ancestor. His shots made Chu Fengmian’s eyes a little surprised.

However, the corner of Chu Fengmian’s mouth still has this somewhat faintly discernable smile.

“Your struggle is nothing but futile that’s all, Dark Ruler Heaven and Earth, then how about I break your darkness?”

Chu Fengmian smiled contemptuously. Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword suddenly came out of Chu Fengmian’s palm and a sword suddenly came out of its sheath.

This sword light, containing the sharpest sword edge in the world, suddenly faced the front and cut out with a volley.

I saw that at the moment when the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword and sword edge were cut out, the darkness around this was like a piece of paper, which was torn apart directly.

“Why … what!”

This darkness was torn apart by a sword, and the eyes of Yeming Old Ancestor outside fell out in surprise.

He condensed the Spiritual Force for a long time, and the move he used was enough to trap those Sovereigns in the Destiny Realm for a certain period of time.

He seems to be the same realm with him, the Old Ancestor in the realm of refining the heart, once he is caught in it, there is almost no possibility, and he can escape from it.

But now this darkness, under Chu Fengmian’s sword edge, is like a thin piece of paper, which is easily torn.

“die for me !”

Chu Fengmian cut through the darkness with a single sword. With a move of his feet, he rushed towards the Ye Ming Old Ancestor in a sudden step.

The sword edge in his hand moved again, and Ye Ming’s Old Ancestor’s chest was directly penetrated by this sword edge.

I saw Ye Ming Old Ancestor, still struggling, and wanted to escape from Chu Fengmian’s sword edge, but this Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword was dragon roar resounded for a lifetime.

The group of dragons appeared and swallowed the body of Ye Ming Old Ancestor directly, leaving only a space ring, which fell into Chu Fengmian’s palm.

These Three Old Ancestors are now all beheaded by Chu Fengmian, with no difficulty.

The Black Profound Sword Array gradually dissipated, and the hundred thousand returned the Spirit Sword to Chu Fengmian’s body.

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