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This martial artist suddenly made a move and challenged Chu Fengmian.

The other martial artists around are all standing in place, no one has the intention of wanting to shoot, but their eyes are all looking at Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian’s name, some of them, have also heard of it.

Dare to kill Seven Great Sects disciple with one person. Such crazy behavior is already widely circulated in Central Domain.

The eyes of these people are all watching Chu Fengmian, and they seem to want to see Chu Fengmian’s every move and see Chu Fengmian’s true strength.

Even Luo Xi, who was sitting on the throne, looked at all this calmly now, it seemed that all of this had nothing to do with her.

“Boy, I heard that you killed a bunch of Seven Great Sects disciplines in Returning Ruins Heaven? I tell you, Seven Great Sects disciplines are also rubbish in front of our Six Paths Demon Sects. Today I want to see it. What are you capable of!”

The martial artist looked at Chu Fengmian and couldn’t help but immediately shot.

This fist rushed towards Chu Fengmian’s chest and slammed into the past.


Standing in place, Chu Fengmian’s face didn’t even change because of the man’s action. There was a scornful smile at the corner of his mouth, and a Spiritual Force burst out suddenly.

The martial artist this fist’s style of fist suddenly stopped in a flash when it was about to approach Chu Fengmian’s body.

At a distance of about 3 feet from Chu Fengmian’s side, the fist wind stopped, and he couldn’t even get close at all.

Chu Fengmian stood calmly on the spot like this, letting the man take action, Chu Fengmian was unharmed.

“What power is this!”

The martial artist also felt that when he was close to Chu Fengmian’s body, there was a kind of incomparable gigantic pressure.

In the face of this pressure, he was almost impossible to move a single step, unable to get close, which made the martial artist’s eyes also show a bit of seriousness.

The strength of Chu Fengmian is much more powerful than other imagined It’s.

“Boy, you are struggling a lot now, and it doesn’t make any sense!”

The martial artist looked at Chu Fengmian, his face was a bit hideous, his fist style suddenly changed. The demonic intents in this palace were suddenly attracted by the martial artist. All the demonic intents. They are all pouring into his fist wind.

With a punch, the demons appeared, and the power of countless devils was blessed on it.

In this palace, there are demonic intents everywhere. This kind of demonic intent happens to be the most perfect tonic to increase the power of this martial artist.

In an instant played by this fist, Chu Fengmian also sighed suddenly and shot.

With Chu Fengmian’s shot, a Spiritual Force was suddenly swung over. The Spiritual Force contained the power of the Ancient Battle Dragon. The man punched the punch, and the demonic intent contained in it, in front of this Spiritual Force, Totally broken.

Just randomly shot, a Spiritual Force waved out, the man’s demonic intent was all shattered by the blow, and even his body was beginning to die.


With a scream, the body of this martial artist began to shatter steadily, and before he even had time to struggle, his body was completely wiped out.

Even if it is the realm of Life and Death Realm, if the body is destroyed, the one who is already dead cannot die.

“What kind of strength is this? With just one move, Lu Lang was easily killed?”

“Really strong strength! I did all this casually. The strength of this child is even terrifying compared to the rumors.”

“A martial artist of Life and Death Realm Peak, where does such terrifying power come from!”

“If this person surpasses Life and Death, then what kind of strength should he reach!”

Those Six Paths Demon Sect’s disciplines in the palace, looking at Chu Fengmian, each and everyone was shocked.

This martial artist among them, although only considered middle and inferior, still has the strength to kill the ordinary Old Ancestor.

In the eyes of these people, even if it is not enough to defeat Chu Fengmian, it is enough to force Chu Fengmian’s true strength out, and it can compete with Chu Fengmian.

But didn’t expect that it was so easy. This martial artist was killed by Chu Fengmian at will. Even the Spiritual Force on Chu Fengmian didn’t seem to fluctuate, as if a trivial ant had just been trampled to death. feel.

Even some of the Old Ancestors who surpassed Life and Death are now looking towards Chu Fengmian with deep jealousy in their eyes.

Chu Fengmian’s current strength can be said to be only the tip of the iceberg of his strength. Even those Old Ancestors who surpass Life and Death, no one wants to face Chu Fengmian now.

There was silence in the palace.

“Awesome, Young Master Chu’s strength is really terrifying than the rumors.”

In this silence, Luo Xi, sitting on the highest throne, slowly opened the mouth and said.

“Lu Lang, this waste, provoked Young Master Chu and was killed by Young Master Chu. It was because he died cannot wipe out the crimes, and Young Master Chu was invited to take his seat.”

Luo Xi casually opened the mouth and said, and didn’t care about the life and death of Lu Lang at all.

With a wave of her hand, in front of Chu Fengmian, one of the thrones is the condense coming, and the throne of Luo Xi is opposite.

Chu Fengmian took a look, and then he moved and sat on the throne.

“Ms. Luo Xi came today, not to test the strength of this Chu.”

Chu Fengmian sat on the throne, looked at Luo Xi, slowly opened the mouth and said.

“Six Paths Demon Sect was born again, I wonder which Demon Lord of Six Paths Demon Sect is Miss Luo Xi?”

Six Paths Demon Sect, until now is 6 Great Devil Sect, each has its own commander, a total of 6 people, called Six Great Venerable Lords, above the 6 Great Venerable Lords, there is also a supreme Demon Emperor.

This Luo Xi’s identity is enough to dominate countless Old Ancestors. In Six Paths Demon Sect, his status will never be low, I am afraid it is also one of the Venerable Lords.

“Oh? Didn’t expect Young Master Chu to know a lot about Six Paths Demon Sect to me.”

Luo Xi heard what Chu Fengmian said, laughed opened the mouth and said.

“It’s okay, it’s indeed time to introduce myself again, Luo Xi, the Venerable Lord in Six Paths Demon Sect.”

Succubus Venerable Lord.

This Luo Xi is now the Venerable Lord of Charm Magic Sect in Six Paths Demon Sect.

“Succubus Venerable Lord, didn’t expect to see her in a few months, the identity of Miss Luo Xi is completely different.”

Chu Fengmian laughed at will, the identity of Luo Xi, he had already guessed pretty close, now he just confirms that’s all.

“Come on, you Six Paths Demon Sect this time return in a swirl of dust, what is the identity of Wei.”

“Boy! Impudent! Knowing the identity of the Venerable Lord, dare to speak to the Venerable Lord like this! What qualifications do you have to sit on this throne, kneel down and speak!”

Just as Chu Fengmian spoke, an Old Ancestor standing aside suddenly shouted.

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