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“What is the identity of this person? At a young age, he has already reached the Life and Death Realm Peak. Which force is the genius cultivated?”

“In our Central Domain, when is there such a person?”

“It’s actually enough to join the three Supervising Envoys, and they are all enough to push back. This person is definitely a monster character!”

“And this person’s shot, have you seen it? It’s not a cultivation technique of Seven Great Sects at all. Besides Seven Great Sects, there is such a monster genius!”

The crowd was resounded, and there was no stopping.

They all know the strength of the three Supervising Envoys. They come from Seven Great Sects and are almost all the same realm invincible geniuses.

Ordinary Life and Death Realm martial artists, unable to accept a few tricks in their hands, will lose.

But now, Chu Fengmian casually pointed, and the strength he showed was even vaguely surpassing these three people, which made everyone not surprised.

Huang Jiexue looked at Chu Fengmian, and his eyes were extremely jealous.

From his point of view, Chu Fengmian was an ant that could be pinched to death at will. To kill Chu Fengmian, it didn’t take much effort at all. Suppress first and then kill Chu Fengmian.

But now in this short fight, Huang Jiexue’s heart naturally understood that Chu Fengmian’s strength was far stronger than he thought.

“Who the hell are you?”

Huang Jiexue looked at Chu Fengmian, coldly said, the threat of voice in his words was self-evident.

“As Supervising Envoy, we are qualified to cross-examine your origins. If you don’t answer any more, I will call the strong sect later. You are the wanted criminal of Seven Great Sects, you know?”

“Seven Great Sects’ wanted man? Why, don’t you think I would be afraid of you if you carried Seven Great Sects out?”

Chu Fengmian showed a little disdain in his eyes, and laughed and opened the mouth and said.

“It’s okay to tell you, my name is Chu Fengmian, that’s the name, I don’t know if you have heard of it.”

“Chu Fengmian?”

Hearing this name, the eyes of the three Supervising Envoys all flickered, seeming to be thinking about these things.

Suddenly the expressions of these three people changed drastically, and their eyes were full of killing intents.

“Chu Fengmian? It’s you!”

This name suddenly caused an uproar in Seven Great Sects a few days ago. It is said that the Seven Great Sects disciple in the entire Returning Ruins Heaven was all killed by a martial artist named Chu Fengmian. .

Although they were away, they had heard of it. They didn’t expect that they would be here and met Chu Fengmian.

“Ha ha ha ha, didn’t expect it was you, Chu Fengmian, you killed our Seven Great Sects countless disciplines, and you dare to set foot in the Central Domain today!”

Huang Jiexue looked at Chu Fengmian and suddenly laughed.

“I thought you were hiding in the Northern Domain, and being a coward is that’s all, didn’t expect you to set foot in the Central Domain. You are brave enough.”

“Chu Fengmian, you were originally wanted by our Seven Great Sects! Our Seven Great Sects has issued an order that anyone who meets you can kill you and take your head to ask for benefits. Didn’t expect. Actually let us meet.”

Heavenly Sword Sect’s Jian Yue suddenly seemed to be overjoyed, laughing open the mouth and said.

“Okay! Okay! When I came to this ghost place, there was no oil and water, but now a Chu Fengmian popped up! Very good, now you are the thorn in the eyes of countless Old Ancestors, stabbed in the flesh, killing you, you can get countless rewards!”

Gongsunao’s gaze, looking towards Chu Fengmian, is like looking towards an incomparable gigantic treasure.

Regarding what Chu Fengmian once did in Returning Ruins Heaven, they all know that Chu Fengmian is said to have obtained countless treasures from Returning Ruins Heaven.

Returning Ruins Heaven is a place full of treasures, and their three people have been there before, so it is naturally clear.

Killing Chu Fengmian is no less than getting an incomparable gigantic treasure.


The 3 Supervising Envoys, almost without the slightest hesitation, could not help but say they all shot.

One after another Spiritual Force all erupted, drew countless martial artists around, all back again and again, all over the sky with blood light, countless killer moves, and suddenly all came towards Chu Fengmian strikes.

“Senior Chu, be careful!”

Gu Jin hadn’t thought of Chu Fengmian’s origins for a while, but she hurriedly reminded her when she saw this scene.

After all, Chu Fengmian saved her life, and Gu Jin did not want to see that Chu Fengmian died in the hands of these three Supervising Envoys.

“3 trash that’s all. I have given you a chance before. Since I dare to court death, then I will fulfill you!”

Chu Fengmian calmly opened the mouth and said.

3 wastes?

Hearing this name, the eyes of countless martial artists present were different.

The discipline from Seven Great Sects is not always called a genius everywhere, and it cannot be said that everyone admires it, but also has constant praise.

But now from Chu Fengmian’s mouth, these three people are actually called three wastes?

What an arrogant person is to say this sentence, some Old Ancestor who surpasses Life and Death, dare not say this sentence.

Even more how Chu Fengmian is not Old Ancestor who surpasses Life and Death, and like these three Supervising Envoys, it is also a character from Life and Death Realm Peak.

With one enemy 3, Chu Fengmian still has such a confident calmness?

“Arrogant! Boy, you are just a frog in well from the desolate land of Northern Domain, so arrogant when you die!”

Huang Jiexue’s expression became extremely angry when Chu Fengmian said three wastes.

When did their Seven Great Sects’s disciplines be said to be rubbish, this Chu Fengmian’s character is simply arrogant.

“Die for me! Desolate Ancient great hand seal!”

Huang Jiexue’s Spiritual Force broke out completely, and the ancient aura, fuse into his palm, turned into a palm print that penetrated Desolate Ancient, dropping from the sky.

“a frog in well?”

Chu Fengmian’s figure moved, and with a wave of his big sleeves, a burst of Spiritual Force rose to the sky.

“break for me !”

This palm print had not had time to get close to Chu Fengmian, it was in front of Chu Fengmian’s Spiritual Force, it was shattered and it could not hurt Chu Fengmian in the slightest.

Even this wild iron and blood, the ultimate move used, is so fragile in front of Chu Fengmian, with no difficulty, it is completely resolved.

“Damn, what the hell is this child! Isn’t he just coming out of Returning Ruins Heaven? How can he have such terrifying strength!”

Huang Jiexue’s palm was dissolved in this way, and his face was extremely embarrassed.

More than a month ago, Chu Fengmian was even an unknown nobody. Although he was a Northern Domain Hundred Absolutes Ranking Number One Person, he had never been in their eyes.

After all, what a desolate place the Northern Domain is. The Northern Domain Hundred Absolutes Ranking is number one, which is nothing. When Chu Fengmian was wantonly slaughter in Returning Ruins Heaven, he just thought that Chu Fengmian was just a lucky kid and got These opportunities that’s all.

How could he think that Chu Fengmian’s strength would actually surpass him far.

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