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Central Domain.

Nine Domains has always been respected by Central Domain.

Central Domain is the largest and most prosperous domain in Nine Domains. The countless resources in it have created countless geniuses and powerhouses.

Seven Great Sects No. 4 is located in the Central Domain, enough to see the power and prosperity of the Central Domain.

Central Domain boundary.

A silhouette suddenly flew out from the void, this silhouette was Chu Fengmian.

In the Northern Domain, Chu Fengmian can fly unscrupulously. With his strength, absolutely no one dares to stop him.

But now in this Central Domain, Chu Fengmian can’t be so arrogant. The strength of Seven Great Sects is much stronger than that of Northern Mang Academy. Chu Fengmian acts rashly in it, which can easily cause unnecessary trouble.

In a mountain range in the Central Domain, Chu Fengmian’s figure slowly appeared.

He looked towards Central Domain, and his gaze suddenly showed a bit of nostalgia.

Heaven Absolute Peak is in the Central Domain. It can be said that Chu Fengmian in his previous life has always grown up in the Central Domain.

Returning to Central Domain now makes Chu Fengmian feel a little nostalgic in his heart.

“It hasn’t been seen in 10000 years. This Central Domain is a general change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down.”

Chu Fengmian looked at the surroundings, as if he was already very strange. In his previous life, he had traveled through the Central Domain, but now Chu Fengmian glanced at it, the surrounding scenes have changed. They are already 10000. Years ago, completely different.

In 10000 years, things have remained the same, but people have changed.

“Heaven Absolute Peak, if you have a chance in the future, go back and have a look.”

Chu Fengmian looked towards the distance, which is the direction of Heaven Absolute Peak. Although he came to the Central Domain, it was not easy for Chu Fengmian to return to Heaven Absolute Peak for a while.

Heaven Absolute Peak is, after all, the place where the Lord of Sword Dao once was. Now it is very likely that it has fallen under the control of Seven Great Sects. If Chu Fengmian rushes back, he will most likely be discovered by the people of Seven Great Sects. .

At that time, Chu Fengmian was in endless trouble. With the current strength of Chu Fengmian, to compete with Seven Great Sects is no less than striking a stone with an egg.

“Central Domain is more prosperous than it was 10000 years ago.”

Chu Fengmian scanned the surroundings and sighed. Compared with the desolation of Northern Domain, Central Domain can be said to be desolate everywhere.

On the plain in front of Chu Fengmian, at a glance, there are 100 large and small cities. Each city has more than 10000000 million people. This plain alone is worthy of the Northern Domain. Countless countries in China.

With a large population and abundant resources, all of these represent the strength of Central Domain.

Chu Fengmian felt that even the Dragon Vein under the Central Domain was much larger than the Northern Domain. Chu Fengmian came into this Central Domain, and the Divine Vein in his body seemed to communicate with the speed of the Underground Dragon Vein. Much faster.

Almost all the time, you can absorb this Spiritual Force. When in the Northern Domain, Chu Fengmian felt that the Spiritual Force could be restored at best, but when he came to this Central Domain, Chu Fengmian actually felt that his Divine Vein seemed to be enough Extract the power of the Dragon Vein underground.


Chu Fengmian closed his eyes and condensed the Spiritual Force. In the palm of his hand, a spiritual stone, slowly condense, this spiritual stone, the whole body is crystal clear, that is a Sovereign Grade spiritual stone.

In any place in Nine Domains, spirit stones are absolute hard currency and great wealth. This Sovereign Grade spirit stone is something that many strong people need.

Originally, Chu Fengmian used his Sword Intent to transform into Heaven Swallowing Divine Python. It can only condense spiritual stones in places where the Spiritual Force is extremely strong. However, as Chu Fengmian’s current strength increases, he adds this The strength of the Dragon Vein underground in the Central Domain allows Chu Fengmian to condense spiritual stones almost anywhere in the Central Domain.

In a short in a flash, in front of Chu Fengmian, it was fully condense to have 100 Sovereign Grade spirit stones.

If someone sees this scene, I am afraid that they will drop their eyes in surprise.

The power of the underground Dragon Vein of Central Domain is indeed extremely powerful, but if you want to communicate, easier said than done, common martial artist is afraid that it will be difficult to condense a few spirit stones in a year, so it is impossible to be like Chu Fengmian. .

However, Chu Fengmian possesses the Divine Vein, which can be said to have the power of blessed by heaven. It is extremely easy to communicate with the underground Dragon Vein, and it is enough to condense countless Sovereign Grade spirit stones between waves.

Moreover, the spiritual forces of the underground Dragon Vein are almost endless. Chu Fengmian doesn’t need to worry like he did in the Northern Mang Academy, afraid of being discovered. Even if Chu Fengmian extracts 10000 years, this underground Dragon Vein’s Spiritual Force, will not be reduced by one-tenth.

Therefore, Chu Fengmian can be given away lightly and can be drawn at any time.

“With enough wealth, it is possible to refine the true holy Spiritual Pill.”

Chu Fengmian’s gaze suddenly flickered, and it was almost difficult for Chu Fengmian to surpass Life and Death. He had to use some medicinal pills, Rare Items, etc., to increase the possibility of his breakthrough.

However, most of the medicinal pills are meaningless to a martial artist of Chu Fengmian’s level, like the ordinary Heaven Level medicinal pill, which is swallowed by the current Chu Fengmian, I’m afraid it is like sugar. Like beans, it doesn’t make any sense anymore.

Among all the medicinal pill, the only thing that still has a great effect on him is the legendary holy spiritual pill, also known as the Heaven Level top grade medicinal pill.

Although it is called Heaven Level top grade, more people are willing to call it a holy product, because this holy product Spiritual Pill is completely different from the existence of Heaven Level Spiritual Pill.

The saint medicinal pill, called saint, is a medicinal pill that is useful for almost any realm martial artist in Nine Domains.

The Nine Revolutions Heaven Seizing Pill once swallowed by Chu Fengmian is also a Holy Spiritual Pill, which is good fortune.

Chu Fengmian wants to break through and surpass Life and Death. The best way is to use the Holy Spirit Spiritual Pill. This will allow Chu Fengmian to increase the probability of breakthrough.

It’s just that the value of this sacred Spiritual Pill is much higher than the Heaven Level Spiritual Artifact, and it can be compared with Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword, Battle Dragon treasure car, etc., mention on equal terms, and every kind of spiritual refining required Medicine is a rare thing in Nine Domains.

It can be said that there is no extremely strong wealth, wanting to refine the Holy Spirit Spiritual Pill is a kind of wishful thinking.

The Nine Revolutions Heaven Seizing Pill was also the original Lord of Sword Dao, who was ranked among the Nine Domains Peak, so he could search for materials and ask someone to refine it.

Originally, Chu Fengmian did not have the idea of ​​refining the Holy Spirit Spiritual Pill, but now, Chu Fengmian is suddenly enough to condense the spiritual stones, almost unlimited wealth, so that Chu Fengmian came up with this idea.

Chu Fengmian has read the ancient book in his previous life. Chu Fengmian really remembers the refining method of the Holy Spirit Spiritual Pill. It’s just that he didn’t have enough Spiritual Force and 2 materials, so naturally he couldn’t refining it, but this time, You can give it a try.

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