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Chu Fengmian now directly bombards Ye Mu in front of their 3 founders.

With their noble identity, Chu Fengmian didn’t put their three people in his eyes at all, which made the three founders burned in anger and extremely angry.

“If you want to suppress my discipline, let’s pass this level of mine first.”

Saint Xuan Bei suddenly moved his body, and directly blocked Chu Fengmian’s face, opening the mouth and said coldly.

Saint Xuan Bei is also full of surprises about Chu Fengmian’s discipline. Chu Fengmian and him only came across it by chance in that remote Martial Victory Country and collected it as a discipline.

He never thought that Chu Fengmian would have this day, especially now, with the realm of Life and Death Realm, it is enough to kill the Old Ancestor who surpasses Life and Death.

In any case, he won’t let Chu Fengmian be suppressed just like that, even more how today’s matter was originally due to Ye Family.

“Xuan Bei, do you really want to save this kid to death? You are now a realm who has reached the realm of destiny, and you are qualified to join the ranks of our founders. You must be proper in doing things!”

Martial Sovereign looked at Saint Xuan Bei, extremely domineering, almost containing this undoubted command opened the mouth and said in his tone.

“Regardless of what happened today, your discipline, brave enough to kill Old Ancestor, is already committing a crime. Even if it happens for a reason, you must punish him. You Xuan Bei is also from Northern Mang Academy. You should Understand the rules of the Academy.”

“Yes, Xuan Bei, today’s affairs must be explained!”

“If you don’t plan to hand over your discipline today, don’t blame us for awakening the other founders and holding an ancient trial!”

Emperor Feng, the two Emperors, also shot together.

In every sentence, there is a kind of threat.

Under the coercion of their three people, no one in the Old Ancestor dared to speak.

“Leave quickly, here I will deal with it, with your strength, now I want to go, I help, they can’t stop you.”

Quietly, Saint Xuan Bei turned to Chu Fengmian sound transmission.

If only Ye Huang is alone, he is still enough to contend and protect Chu Fengmian, but now, there are still Martial Sovereign, Emperor Feng, and Yang Huang to help.

Even if he wanted to save Chu Fengmian, he had no choice but to quietly sound transmission and let Chu Fengmian leave.

These words from Saint Xuan Bei made Chu Fengmian’s heart a warm current.

Although he and Saint Xuan Bei are called master and disciple, they don’t have much contact with each other. However, from today’s point of view, Saint Xuan Bei does recognize Chu Fengmian’s discipline.

For Chu Fengmian, he did not hesitate to be an enemy of these 4 founders. Even in his capacity, he was under tremendous pressure.

“No problem, Master, leave it to me today.”

Chu Fengmian sounded transmission quietly, and suddenly he stepped out, looking towards the four founders, coldly opened the mouth and said.

“It seems that you are really going to either the fish dies or the net splits with me today. Okay, it seems that I, Chu Fengmian, is too kind in daily life. Today I will show you four Old Guys. See, can you stop me! And you, Ye Emperor, I want you to see with your own eyes, how you Ye Family, how to be completely destroyed by me!”

Chu Fengmian spoke coldly, while the aura on his body was already condensed to the extreme, Ling Li’s Sword Intent was all revealed from Chu Fengmian’s body.

When Chu Fengmian took the shot just now, he used the power of Battle Dragon Art, supreme sword qi, the power of the Battle Dragon treasure car.

Now the moment his Sword Intent is revealed, this represents Chu Fengmian’s true terrifying power. Layers of Sword Intent surround Chu Fengmian’s body. Numerous mysterious Sword Intents are hidden in Chu Fengmian. Hidden behind him.

Some weaker Old Ancestors still can’t see the hidden doorways.

But the strong among those Old Ancestors, seeing the changes in Chu Fengmian, each and everyone were shocked to the extreme. The mysterious of Sword Intent, even some Old Ancestors beyond Life and Death, could not be seen.

Sword Intent is not only incomprehensible, even impossible to see. Chu Fengmian’s Sword Intent is beyond the imagination of countless Old Ancestors.

“Sword is coming!”

With a wave of Chu Fengmian’s hand, Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword suddenly appeared in Chu Fengmian’s palm. The moment the sword was suddenly released, the entire Northern Mang Palace sounded a shock and exploded!

With the sound of the explosion, a horrible sword light with ten thousand zhangs was shot out suddenly, and the power of 400 supreme sword qi was all contained in this sword light.

The space of the Northern Mang Palace, in this ten thousand zhang sword light, is to be forcibly torn apart, and the sky is spinning for a while.

This a sword light swept directly into those Old Ancestors, and slashed in the direction of those Ye Family Old Ancestors in an instant. The more than 20 Ye Family Old Ancestors in this Northern Mang Palace were all destroyed. This sword light is shrouded and swept in it.

“Ah! Ah! ”

Some of the weaker Ye Family Old Ancestors were almost shattered at the moment they were exposed to the sword light. They were unable to resist. All the blood essence was swallowed by the sword light, and they were all fuse into Chu. Fengmian’s body.

In Chu Fengmian’s body, being refined by Battle Dragon Art, the power of Battle Dragon Art is fully utilized. These blood essences are all transformed into Chu Fengmian’s most essential power.

With his a sword light sweeping, the breath of Chu Fengmian’s body is rising steadily. Those Ye Family Old Ancestor who are involved in the sword light, no one can get out of it. This is now Chu Fengmian’s full strength.

He got countless fortuitous encounters from Returning Ruins Heaven. Under the Nine Domains Sword Technique Great Accomplishment, he made his first full shot at his Nine Domains Sword Technique Great Accomplishment. The current strength is compared to that of Returning Ruins Heaven. , Must be terrifying countless times.

Slashed out with one sword, unstoppable, without any martial artist, dare to resist this terrible sword edge.


Ye Huang didn’t even think that Chu Fengmian dared at this time, suddenly went crazy, and directly bombarded them Ye Family Old Ancestor.

The moment he waited for his reaction, there were already 5 Ye Family Old Ancestors, all of whom died under Chu Fengmian’s sword light.

These Ye Family Old Ancestors, shrouded by this sword light, no one can escape, even the slightest bit of flesh and blood is impossible to stay behind, and all are shattered, leaving only the essence of Spiritual Force. All were swallowed by Chu Fengmian.

Even if these Old Ancestors surpassed Life and Death, their life force was extremely terrifying, but if they were all annihilated in an instant, they would definitely die.

“Xingye Promise! Heaven and Earth Darkness!”

Ye Huang roared this while spitting out a mouthful of blood essence. This mouthful of blood essence burned in the air.

Under this anger, Ye Huang was even at all costs, consuming his own blood essence, and forcibly killing Chu Fengmian!

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