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“Chu Fengmian, this is the founder of our Northern Mang Academy, the Old Ancestor of Ye Family, the emperor of the night!”

Deng Ling Vice-Dean has always stood by Chu Fengmian’s side, watching Chu Fengmian defeat Ye Zhongxing with his own eyes, still like a dream, and now he hastily reacted, opening the mouth and said Chu Fengmian sound transmission.

“You can’t provoke this person for 10000000. This is the real high-level person in our Northern Mang Academy, the founder, who was once the first generation of strong men who established the Northern Mang Academy, and the strength is deep and unmeasurable.”


When he heard this name, Chu Fengmian’s eyes couldn’t help showing a little jealousy.

This is a name that only a small part of Old Ancestor knows in Northern Mang Academy.

In Northern Mang Academy, the real decision-makers are the founders. They followed Sacred Monarch Northern Mang at the beginning. In all, each and everyone are Old Antiques that have survived over 10,000 years. Their strength is deep and unmeasurable. .

Although Chu Fengmian couldn’t see the true strength of the night emperor, Chu Fengmian knew that the strength of the night emperor could even reach the terrifying existence on the Life and Death Ladder Seventh Layer.

Chu Fengmian did not expect that such Old Antiques were actually forced out by Chu Fengmian. It seems that Ye Zhongxing’s status is also extremely high, so that such Old Antiques have been revived.

“Chu Fengmian, let go.”

An illusory sound suddenly sounded.

The moment Chu Fengmian heard this voice, his expression calmed slightly.

The owner of this voice is Saint Xuan Bei.

I saw the surrounding space suddenly shattered, and the silhouette of Saint Xuan Bei suddenly walked out of the endless space turbulence.

“Xuan Bei!”

Seeing the appearance of Saint Xuan Bei, many Old Ancestor’s eyes were extremely jealous, even in this Northern Mang Palace, some of the Old Antiques all came back to life.

Countless lights, and looked over at the same time.

“Xuan Bei, why did you rush into the Northern Mang Palace!”

The founder of Ye Family, Ye Huang suddenly opened the mouth and said coldly.

“No one is allowed to enter the Northern Mang Palace without an order!”

“If you don’t come to Northern Mang Palace, is it because you watched my discipline die in your hands?”

Saint Xuan Bei appeared, standing beside Chu Fengmian, looking towards the night emperor opened the mouth and said coldly.

“You Ye Family people, you have done too much.”

“Xuan Bei, do you want to protect your shortcomings? Your discipline, wounding Old Ancestor, is unforgivable! Chu Fengmian, now you kneel down obediently and wait for the Academy’s punishment to take your sins lightly! “

This night Huang pointed at Chu Fengmian, suddenly opened the mouth and said.

Suddenly, the coercion of one after another was already enveloped, and it all enveloped Chu Fengmian’s body, making Chu Fengmian instantly feel the tremendous pressure.

This founder’s action is merely coercive, and it is far more terrifying than Ye Zhongxing and the others’ full strength. In a flash Chu Fengmian even felt that his Spiritual Force was firmly suppressed. Just one step away will be directly suppressed.

Fortunately, the supreme sword qi around Chu Fengmian all reacted first, one after another sword glow, suddenly soaring up into the sky, suddenly dispelling the pressure and dispelling them all.

“I can鈥檛 forgive my sins? A joke, this Ye Zhongxing took the initiative to fight with me, Life and Death, regardless of his death in my hands, is a matter of course. Now that you actually interfere, you are the real sect. rules!”

Chu Fengmian looked at Ye Huang, laughed and opened the mouth and said.

“Now you are the one asking me. If you don’t beg me, just wait for Ye Zhongxing’s body to be collected!”

Chu Fengmian opened the mouth and said coldly. In his words, killing intent is self-evident.

Even in front of the night emperor, Chu Fengmian still had no fear in his heart, but a cold threat.

This time I heard what Chu Fengmian said.

The countless Old Ancestors present did not recognize any of them, and they dared to despise Chu Fengmian’s words.

Chu Fengmian’s character is crazy to the extreme. It can be said that one is one. Although this is a threat, it does what it says.

Many Old Ancestors now look towards Chu Fengmian in their eyes, as if they are looking towards a fiend star, and they never dare to provoke Chu Fengmian in their hearts.

Chu Fengmian now, in front of the real seniors and founders of Northern Mang Academy, they dare to directly threaten. This kind of personality is simply regardless of the law and of natural morality.

“Junior, you are courting death!”

When the night emperor heard what Chu Fengmian said, he burst into anger.

What an identity he is, the founder of Northern Mang Academy, even these Old Ancestors, in front of him, are also juniors and respectful.

Any word he said is an order from the Supreme Supreme, an order that cannot be resisted.

But now, Chu Fengmian is just a discipline, and he dared to threaten him how to endure it.

Suddenly, an incomparable gigantic palm print was suddenly dropping from the sky and struck directly towards Chu Fengmian.

In the palm of this incomparable gigantic palm print, there is an extremely deep darkness. Once it is enveloped, there is no way to escape.


Chu Fengmian hasn’t shot yet.

By his side, Saint Xuan Bei made a direct shot. With a wave of his hand, a Spiritual Force strikes passed, facing the palm print, and the power of the palm print suddenly shattered.

With 2 people fighting, the power is almost on par.

“Destiny! Xuan Bei, you have entered the realm of destiny?”

2 Moves relative, from the depths of the Northern Mang Palace, the Yehuang shocked voice came.

“Yes, the night emperor, today you group of Old Ancestors, came to deal with my discipline, and it was easily resolved by my discipline. This thing just passed, how?”

Saint Xuan Bei calmly opened the mouth and said.

His words silenced countless Old Ancestors present.

The realm of destiny.

Even Chu Fengmian did not expect that his Master, Saint Xuan Bei, had actually stepped into the Seventh Layer of the Life and Death Ladder, the state of destiny.

The post 3rd-layer of Life and Death Ladder is the most difficult to step into, but once you step in, you are already going to the end of Life and Death Ladder. Such characters are countless among the Great Sects. Old Antique of years.

And Saint Xuan Bei has now reached the realm of destiny, and his strength is already enough to compete with the founder present, this Ye Family Old Ancestor, Ye Huang is on the same level.

Saint Xuan Bei’s status has surpassed Old Ancestor, and he is a figure who can truly be equal to those founders. No one of them, Old Ancestor dared to speak out.

“Xuan Bei, do you really want to save your discipline? He violated the sect rules, and his sin is inexcusable!”

Ye Huang was silent for a while, unwillingly opened the mouth and said.

“If you really want to go your own way, the old man will wake up the founders, and even you will be suppressed!”

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