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Lu Qianren is the Northern Mang Academy Old Ancestor.

And Chu Fengmian, at best, is only a Core Disciple at best.

Old Ancestor reprimanded the discipline, it was a matter of course, if you let the discipline kneel down, you would kneel down.

But what Old Ancestor, discipline, this kind of identity has never been seen by Chu Fengmian.

“Lu Qianren, you are courting death?”

As soon as these words came out, countless Old Ancestor faces changed. They reprimanded countless disciplines, but no one dared to resist.

“Not good, Chu Fengmian, you quickly apologize and confess to Old Ancestor Lu Qianren, let him forgive your recklessness!”

Upon hearing these words, Deng Ling Vice-Dean hurriedly opened the mouth and said to Chu Fengmian.

Whether it is Lu Family or Ye Family, they hate Chu Fengmian and they have always wanted to find a chance to kill Chu Fengmian.

Now that Chu Fengmian said this, it happened to give them a perfect excuse to directly kill Chu Fengmian.

“Apologize! Funny, insulting Old Ancestor, according to sect rules, the crime can be punishable! Boy, go to death!”

Lu Qianren’s complexion was extremely grim, his hair stands in great numbers, full of anger, like a lion with mad hair.

The Spiritual Force in his palm is gradually condensed and turned into a 9-Layer treasure pagoda, directly at Chu Fengmian, strikes over, to directly kill Chu Fengmian.

“Really? Lu Qianren, do you think you can kill me? Originally, when I came back this time, I was going to kill you. Very good, since you dare to make a move, then I will kill you now!”

Chu Fengmian looked at Lu Qianren with killing intents in his eyes.

A trifling Breaking Fate Realm’s Old Ancestor also wants to kill Chu Fengmian?

“break for me !”

Chu Fengmian slapped a sudden volley, strikes out, his palms turned into a long dragon, and rushed over in the roar.

This 9-Layer treasure pagoda was shattered on the spot, a long dragon, directly directed at Lu Qianren strikes.

“Lu Qianren, you are such a waste, dare to call yourself Old Ancestor? I will take your blood to wash away my hatred!”

Chu Fengmian coldly shouted.

This 9-Layer treasure pagoda, under the palm of Chu Fengmian, was all shattered. It seemed that it was the power of Lu Qianren, and it was all shattered at this moment.

Most of the power, all the strikes were on Lu Qianren’s chest.


Lu Qianren’s chest was directly shattered. His body flew out several dozen li away, and gradually stopped. Most of the blood essence on his body, under this palm, was completely destroyed, Spiritual Force is extremely weak.


“How can this be?”

Many Old Ancestors in the Northern Mang Palace were shocked to see this result.

None of them expected this scene.

Lu Qianren, but the Old Ancestor of Breaking Fate Realm, and not just the breakthrough Breaking Fate Realm, has been there for some time and accumulated.

Even in the rumors, Chu Fengmian has the strength to defeat Breaking Fate Realm, but in the eyes of everyone, Chu Fengmian can only defeat some Breaking Fate Realm that has just broken through and the realm is unstable.

No one could have imagined that under this palm, Lu Qianren was defeated so terribly.

Such an Old Ancestor was seriously injured on the spot and was dying.

Among the countless Old Ancestors around, no one thought of this, so no one stopped it.

By the time they reacted, Lu Qianren was already seriously injured.

“The power of really strong!”

Deng Ling Vice-Dean, standing beside Chu Fengmian, had a face that was astonished.

By Chu Fengmian’s side, he could fully feel the power that Chu Fengmian had just used. He didn’t use any martial arts, but only pure power.

According to his understanding, Chu Fengmian’s most powerful sword technique should be Chu Fengmian’s sword technique. Chu Fengmian’s Sword Dao Wushuang is a well-known fact in Nine Domains.

But now, Chu Fengmian used his strength alone instead of using the sword technique, or even his martial arts, so he easily defeated Lu Qianren.

Chu Fengmian’s strength was far more terrifying than he had imagined.

Deng Ling Vice-Dean also suddenly understood that he wanted to understand. Chu Fengmian came to the Northern Mang Palace this time. It was not because of the guilty invitation, but was about to make a big fuss.

“Beast, you dare to injure Old Ancestor! Don’t quickly kneel down! Hand over all your fortuitous encounters and destroy your cultivation base! You can also leave a whole corpse!”

Ye Mu looked at Chu Fengmian, loudly shouted in a sharp voice.

“Everyone, Old Ancestor, have you seen it, this Chu Fengmian, unruly and rebellious, is definitely a great scourge to my Northern Mang Academy. If you don’t kill this person today, you will inevitably overthrow our Northern Mang Academy and our Northern Mang Academy in the future. Will be destroyed in this kid’s hands!”

“Yes, you Old Ancestor, this kid supercilious, wounded Old Ancestor, and made trouble in the Northern Mang Palace. It is already unforgivable. I will capture him now and let the Old Ancestor judge!”

Ye Family’s Vice-Dean and Ye Zhongxing also shouted loudly.

A group of Ye Family Old Ancestor, as well as those Old Ancestor who have a good relationship with Ye Family, shouted loudly at each and everyone.

“Yes, capture this child! The strength of this child is too weird. He must be the spy of Seven Great Sects. We must capture this person! Find out everything!”

“Yes, and the fortuitous encounters he got, all belong to our Northern Mang Academy. I have a soul-extraction technique that can torture his soul, but he will say it later!”

“Also, this person’s Master is Xuan Bei! Xuan Bei is willing to accept this person as a discipline, and it must be inseparable from Seven Great Sects!”

“Kill! This kind of person cannot stay in our Northern Mang Academy. He must be killed today!”

The sentiment is passionate, one after another look, looked towards Chu Fengmian, all killing intent.

“Chu Fengmian, don’t you kneel down! Do you still want to resist? Well, I will abolish your cultivation base first and take out your Bloodline to see how you can resist!”

Ye Mu looked at Chu Fengmian and roared in a sharp voice. He shot the throne and suddenly stood up from the throne.

Behind him, a long saber suddenly came out of its sheath, the saber flashed, and suddenly this saber broke the space and struck directly towards Chu Fengmian.

The sudden appearance of this saber is almost silent, behind the Chu Fengmian sneak attack.

When Old Ancestor Ye Mu took the shot, the Saber had already approached Chu Fengmian’s back, leaving Chu Fengmian with no reaction time at all.

Obviously it was very insidious. Before Chu Fengmian could react, he would kill Chu Fengmian.

“Die! Boy, you kill my Ye Family genius, today I will pay a memorial service with your blood!”

Old Ancestor Ye Mu roared with a grim face.

“Battle Dragon treasure car!”

At the moment when the Saber was approaching Chu Fengmian, suddenly, from under Chu Fengmian’s seat, the Battle Dragon treasure car suddenly appeared.

Among them, the Luo umbrella on the treasure car suddenly opened, emitting 7 colorful clouds. When this saber encountered the 7 colorful clouds, it suddenly shattered and disappeared.

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