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up in the air.

That Dao Yuan Gong’s body was already held tightly in his hands by Battle Dragon’s Claw, and even a bit of struggle was unable to do it.

Under this huge pressure, the body of this Dao Yuan Gong was shattering steadily, screaming.

Dao Yuan Gong.

In this Zhongyan Dynasty, there is enough to be regarded as a small and somewhat famous powerhouse, but now it has fallen into the hands of Chu Fengmian, like a trivial ant, with no difficulty is enough to defeat, and even play in the hands.

“How is it possible? Boy, dare kill my? I am from Zhongyan Dynasty! Kill me, Zhongyan Dynasty will not let you go!”

Dao Yuan Gong roared loudly, but Chu Fengmian had a calm face, and he didn’t even put any of his words in his eyes, each minding their own business opened the mouth and said.

“Soho, the life of Yuan Gong is also handed over to you. As for the rest of the Wang Family, they should all perish!”

Chu Fengmian waved his hand, and the Spiritual Force of Yuan Gong was completely sealed, and Chu Fengmian threw it in front of Soho, kneeling in front of Soho.

“Let me go! As long as you let me go, I am willing to serve you as a slave for life!”

Dao Yuan Gong looked at Soho holding the Ancestral Dragon Supreme Sword and begged loudly.

He no longer has the dignity of any Life and Death Realm martial artist. In order to survive, he has to beg Soho for forgiveness.

He could already see that what Chu Fengmian did this time was to avenge their Su Family. Only by praying for Su Ho can there be a glimmer of survival.

Dao Yuan Gong’s aptitude is not high. Because of this, he suffered from untold hardships when he spent the Life and Death Great Tribulation. Now he has worked so hard to cultivate to such a situation, and he does not want to die.

It’s just that Su Ho’s expression didn’t change at all. It was extremely cold. The sword edge in her hand flashed, and the head of Yuan Gong was directly beheaded.

The Lord of the Wang Family also fell.

“it is good!”

Seeing Soho’s actions, Chu Fengmian laughed heartily.

This Soho is indeed a member of the Su Family, killing decisively.

Whether to become a martial artist, or a Grand Alchemist, Artifact Refinement Grandmaster, you must have a decisive perseverance.

“In that case, I will take care of the rest!”

Chu Fengmian condensed the Spiritual Force on his body, suddenly in the air, and gradually condensed, turning into a huge Spirit Sword that is ten thousand meters long.

“hong long! ”

The power of this huge Spirit Sword has condensed to the extreme.

The entire Wang Family palace and courtyard were suddenly swept by a sword qi.

All Wang Family disciple, no one can live from it and leave, they are already dead under the sword of Chu Fengmian.

“In this Wang Family, there are not many treasures, but the wealth is always the more the better, so take it all!”

Chu Fengmian stood in the air, standing on the ruins of the Wang Family. His eyes scanned, he saw a treasure house hidden under the ruins.

This treasure house is full of restrictions. It seems that unless it is the important figure of Wang Family, no one else can open it.

But for Chu Fengmian, this kind of small restriction is nothing, Wang Family is easily destroyed by him, even more how these restrictions.

Chu Fengmian waved his hand, and the moment a Spiritual Force strikes went down, the restrictions on this were all broken in an instant and suddenly opened.

Chu Fengmian saw the piles of spiritual stones.

“All charged!”

Chu Fengmian didn’t talk nonsense, he immediately gathered a Spiritual Force, and collected all the spiritual stones in it into the space ring.

Mosquito meat is also meat. After all, this treasure house is the accumulation of Wang Family for countless years. Although it is certainly not as good as Chu Fengmian’s treasure from Returning Ruins Heaven, it is also a good harvest.

After taking away all this wealth.

The entire Wang Family is left with this ruin and blood sacrifices all over the floor.

From today, there is no Wang Family in the world.

After doing all this, Chu Fengmian took Su Ho and left directly into a escape.

In a mountain range away from the city of Qinghe, several hundred li, Chu Fengmian suddenly fell with a sword, and he divided the mountain range into two. From the center of the mountain range, a cave was opened directly. .

In this mountain range, there is a very special spirit stream.

Chu Fengmian now, his Nine Domains Sword Technique, it takes some time to thoroughly practice.

When Chu Fengmian just took action to destroy Wang Family, he felt that his Nine Domains Sword Technique was created by taking all the essence of the sword technique in the world.

It can be said that there are countless sword techniques, each with 1000 autumns, which is extremely messy, and Chu Fengmian has to simplify the complex.

If it is too careless, it is very likely that the bedevilment will go wrong on the spot. At that time, the Spiritual Force will be lost, and the serious will be killed directly.

Chu Fengmian didn’t want to end up like this, so he hurriedly searched for a Cave Mansion to comprehend the Nine Domains Sword Technique and understand the true meaning of it.

“These materials are all excellent refining materials. During this period of time, you will use these materials to refining. Without my permission, don’t bother me!”

Chu Fengmian took out a lot of materials from the space ring at once, and threw them all to Soho.


Su He sat outside respectfully, picked up the refining materials, and started refining.

Today, Chu Fengmian avenged her revenge for Su Family. So Ho already respects Chu Fengmian. Any word of Chu Fengmian is to be obeyed as the supreme supreme order.

After doing all this, Chu Fengmian sat in the depths of the Cave Mansion and placed countless restrictions. Only then did he fully enter the comprehend Nine Domains Sword Technique.

In Chu Fengmian’s body, the one after another sword technique gradually diffused out, and it constantly appeared in front of him.

There are 10000 of these sword techniques, Ancient Era’s sword technique, the sword technique of today’s era, and many sword techniques that are even unknown.

These sword techniques have their own strengths and weaknesses, restrain each other, and are incompatible as fire and water.

But among these countless sword techniques, only one of them is the most dazzling. It seems to be a sword technique created by combining the strengths of Wan Family.

“Nine Domains Sword Technique! Nine Domains included! World sword technique! Only I Am Supreme!”

Chu Fengmian closed his eyes, and the Sword Intent on his body became more and more lingering.

In Chu Fengmian’s mind, an ancient book has been suddenly condense.

Each of this ancient book records a different sword technique. It is an ancient book with a thickness of 10000 volumes. On this ancient book, there are only 2 large characters of Nine Domains.

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