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But Chu Fengmian wants to defeat any of them, it takes a lot of effort, this time, Chu Fengmian can swallow the three palaces in the sect ruins.

It was also because the two were afraid of each other that gave Chu Fengmian this opportunity, but in essence, it was because the two of them underestimated Chu Fengmian.

Not treating Chu Fengmian as a real opponent will make the two of them suffer such a big loss this time, but such opportunities will only become less and less.

Soon information about Chu Fengmian’s strength should be spread throughout Myriad Realms and Sacred Hall.

In order to compete with the three era forces, the real Peak’s peerless genius, Chu Fengmian must improve his strength.

A large amount of Supreme Treasure of the era was swallowed by the secret technique of swallowing the sky, and the power transformed in an instant was swallowed by the 129,600 immortal crystals in Chu Fengmian’s body.

After each immortal crystal swallowed enough power, they all began to transform and promote. More than half of the Supreme Treasure in the entire Supreme Treasure hall, more than half, were directly swallowed by Chu Fengmian, and the effect , Is also an immediate effect, and has about thousands of immortal crystals, successfully promoted.

“It’s a pity that many of the Epoch Supreme Treasures here are not the Epoch Supreme Treasure used by body tempering. Some of them are just for the immortal crystals, but they are not very useful. If you can get a lot of body tempering, the Epoch Supreme Treasure , The promotion of Immortal Crystals will be much faster.”

Chu Fengmian sighed.

These era Supreme Treasures have different uses. Among the hundreds of era Supreme Treasures in the Palace of Supreme Treasure, the era of true body tempering, Supreme Treasure, is only a small part.

Most of the Supreme Treasure of the era, but the power in it, has a certain lifting effect on the immortal crystal, and it has been swallowed directly by Chu Fengmian and refining.

His behavior can be said to be violent, but Chu Fengmian has no choice but to improve his strength.

“Era Supreme Treasure, a large number of Era Supreme Treasures, apart from searching one by one, the fastest way is to find the sect ruins. The sects established in the land of the primordial beginning, in the treasure house, must all exist Supreme Treasure of this great epoch.”

To promote these 129,600 immortal crystals completely, the Supreme Treasure of the era required is massive, and Chu Fengmian searches for it alone, even Chu Fengmian has a Spiritual Consciousness far superior to others.

In the land of the primordial beginning, the speed of searching for the Supreme Treasure of the era requires far surpasses other Martial Artists, but this speed is far inferior to that. Go directly to find such sect ruins and get Epoch Supreme Treasure is coming soon.

“Continue to find other sect ruins.”

Chu Fengmian decided at once, or to look for the sect ruins, and the treasures in these sect ruins are not just as simple as the Supreme Treasure of the era.

The Supreme Treasure Hall is just one of the three halls plundered by Chu Fengmian. There are two other palaces, and both of them were acquired by Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian took the rest of the Supreme Treasure Palace, and the rest of the Supreme Treasure, which was of no use to Chu Fengmian, were directly included in the space ring. It belonged to him and looked towards the second palace.

This great hall of sect, the main hall of a sect, walked over. Above this Sect Hall, there was also this restriction, but it was directly broken by Chu Fengmian.

These prohibitions are all arranged by some eighth-order Immortal Emperors. They can be easily broken in front of Chu Fengmian. The prohibition of Sect Hall was broken, and Chu Fengmian stepped into this great hall. Saw huge thrones one after another.

These thrones are arranged in two rows. This great hall is this sect. Normally, a major event and meeting place take place. However, Chu Fengmian doesn’t care about these thrones. He only charged this Sect Hall because In this Sect Hall, this extremely powerful Supreme Beginning Strength is also distributed.

Here, there must also be this certain treasure.

And the source of this Supreme Beginning Strength.

“Is this a stone tablet?”

Chu Fengmian searched this Sect Hall and finally put his gaze on a stone tablet, which is located in the center of the entire Sect Hall.

“Feng Yuan?”

On this stone tablet, there are two characters, Feng Yuan.

Chu Fengmian has also passed through many ancient books about the era of divine ability. At the same time, he also got the Cave Mansion of the god of heaven and learned something about the era of divine ability.

Feng Yuan.

In the era of divine ability, there was once an invincible powerhouse, Feng Yuan Shenjun, his strength, infinite and close to the master, he also established a Great Sect, Feng Yuanmen.

Feng Yuan Sect has been in the era of divine ability for a long time, and it is one of the most powerful sects in the era of divine ability. Inheritance of the lineage of Feng Yuan God Lord, Feng Yuan divine ability.

Only later, the Fengyuan God Lord, because of an accidental fall, the Fengyuan Gate he built also caused infighting, and eventually it was divided into four and became four different sects.

Mingyuan, Xieyuan, Blood Abyss, Hongyuan, Four Sects, this Four Sects finally parted ways, although because the Fengyuan Sect was once powerful, after four out of four, this Four Sects is still very powerful, but with When Feng Yuanmen was closed, it was incomparable.

In addition to the divine ability of Fengyuan created by Fengyuan Shenjun, cultivation is extremely difficult, but it is a Heaven Level Life Source Divine Ability, so the Martial Artist in Four Sects is difficult to cultivation, and can only be cultivated in the end. Yuan divine ability, to create some easier cultivation Divine Ability, for the inheritance divine ability of Four Sects.

However, in terms of formidable power, it was far inferior to Fengyuan’s divide ability. In the end, Four Sects gradually fell silent, and Fengyuan gate’s Fengyuan divide ability has never been seen since then.

According to rumors, in the Four Sects, each mastered this Fengyuan Stele, and among the four Fengyuan Steles, they recorded part of the divine ability of this Fengyuan Stele. Only when the four Fengyuan Steles were obtained can they Get the complete technique of cultivation of Fengyuan divine ability.

“This sect relic is one of the Four Sects of Fengyuanmen?”

Chu Fengmian took another look, and finally he found a plaque in the great hall with the word “Hongyuan” written on it.

“Sure enough, it is the Four Sects of Fengyuanmen.”

Seeing this plaque, Chu Fengmian was also sure that the sect relic he discovered belonged to the Hongyuanzong.

The Four Sects of the Fengyuan Sect, although it fell apart after its disintegration, its power is not as good as before, but with the foundation of the Fengyuan Sect, it is still one of the Great Influences of the Divine Ability Era, and it is qualified to be in this land of the beginning Occupying a place is not surprising.

The other Three Sects of Fengyuanmen, I am afraid that they all entered the land of the primordial beginning, in the land of the primordial beginning, reestablishing the sect.

The remains of the other Three Sects of the Fengyuan Gate should also exist in the land of the beginning.

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