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Over the remains of this sect.

Now there are only Chu Fengmian, the king of Jingshan Realm, and the true Demon God.

“Since True Demon is here, how about this? With you, let me wait for the three of you, how about breaking the great array of the sect ruins first?”

Jingshan Realm King looked towards the true Demon God, calmly opened the mouth and said.

“If more people are allowed to come, it will not be good for anyone. According to the old rules, we will join hands to break the formation. What happens afterwards, depending on the ability?”

“I have no opinion.”

The true Demon God opened the mouth and said at will.

“If this is the case, let’s take action together.”

Seeing the true Demon God agree, Jingshan Realm King opened the mouth and said.


However, before the words of the King of Jingshan Realm were heard, the true Demon God once again opened the mouth and said.

“Cooperating with you, I have no opinion. After all, I understand your Jingshan’s strength, but I want to know, what qualifications does this person have to cooperate with us?”

The eyes of the true Demon God fell on Chu Fengmian’s body, coldly said.

“This is the fourth Sacred Son in the Epoch Association, Ancestral Dragon Sacred Son, who also waits for me and sits on an equal footing.”

Jingshan Realm King heard the words of the true Demon God, calmly opened the mouth and said.

“The fourth Sacred Son of the Era Club? Ancestral Dragon Sacred Son? I know he is who, but he is just a newcomer Sacred Son that’s all who just joined the Era Club.”

When the true Demon God heard this, he sneered and said again and again.

“I doubt his strength, he is not qualified to cooperate with me at all. If he does not have the strength, I will solve him as soon as possible, and I will save one more person to share this treasure with us!”

The words of this true Demon God are aimed at this Chu Fengmian everywhere.

The premise of breaking the formation is to have the strength recognized by others. After all, there are treasures in this sect ruins. If the strength is not good, mixing into it will damage your own interests.

So like the Immortal Emperor, he is not qualified to cooperate with Jingshan Realm King.

Now when the true Demon God speaks, he is questioning the strength of Chu Fengmian. It seems that he wants to drive Chu Fengmian away, just like the Immortal Emperor.

“No strength? I want to see, your tone is so big, how true is it?”

Chu Fengmian’s tone is extremely calm, but in his calm words, there seems to be a chill.

I saw Chu Fengmian’s voice fall in an instant, and Chu Fengmian started his hands. The power of the ancestor Heavenly Dragon bloodline burst into his body, and a dragon power soared into the sky, turning into a huge The dragon claw directly blasted at the true Demon God.

In this primordial place, strength is everything.

This true Demon God dared to question his strength. Chu Fengmian was unceremonious and shot directly.

At the moment when this dragon claw volleyed, I saw that the Demon Domain next to the true Demon God child was all shattered. Numerous magic clouds and demonic intents were swept by this dragon claw, all Break the Soviet Union.

“hmph! “

The true Demon God saw Chu Fengmian’s move, which was also coldly snorted. With a big wave of his hand, a demonic intent condensed from the air and turned into a huge magic hand directly against the dragon claw that Chu Fengmian bombarded. He slapped it out.

This demonic intent is pure to the extreme. Compared with any demonic intent that Chu Fengmian has ever seen, it is purer. The demonic path in this era is the evolution of Martial Dao, the witch god, inheritance. Come.

But the demonic intent of this true Demon God child seems to be inherited from an even more ancient era. Chu Fengmian has heard that this era of demons existed more than a dozen epochs ago.

In that era, everyone cultivates demons, and the demonic path is the real avenue. The Demon Art of the true Demon God in front of you is the era of inheritance of the Demon. It can be said that this is the true Demon God subcultivation. , Is the purest Demon Art, far more pure than the Demon Art of Six Paths Demon Domain inheritance.

Chu Fengmian’s Martial Dao, originally had a certain ability to restrain Demon Art, but this restraint is useless in front of the Demon Art of the true Demon God.

However, in the face of the clutches of the real Demon God’s son Demon Art, Chu Fengmian was not afraid. His heart moved, and he saw one after another dragon might rise to the sky. These dragon might are in Chu Fengmian’s By his side, the dragon Clan has turned into a chain of heavens.

In the center of these Dragon Clan, the huge illusory shadow of the ancestor Heavenly Dragon condenses.

When the dragon phantom of the ancestor, the dragon phantom, condensed, the formidable power of this dragon claw played by Chu Fengmian increased several times in a flash, and the dragon claw swept down.

hong long long!

The huge power spread all at once.

The Demon Art played by the true Demon God was instantly defeated, and the huge power even smashed away directly at the true Demon God.


The true Demon God only stepped back a few steps before reluctantly strengthening the strikes of this dragon claw. I saw that his face was a bit crazy.

“Damn it! How dare you!”

“True Demon is here! Demon God is dead!”


A demonic intent, soaring into the sky on this true Demon God son, this true Demon God son, seems to have suffered a loss from the fight with Chu Fengmian just now, making him directly angry and wanting to use him Of true strength.

Endless demonic intents erupted on this true Demon God’s body, rushing towards all around, this demonic intent spreads boundless, and even the rainbow light above the sky is covered up, will Heaven and Earth around here is completely transformed into an Ancient Demon domain!

“Stop it.”

And just when the true Demon God was about to make another move, the King of Jingshan Realm, who had not spoken, suddenly stopped in front of the true Demon God.

“This is not a place to do things. If you do things here, you may attract other people.”

Hearing the words of the King of Jingshan Realm, the killing intent in the eyes of the true Demon God gradually disappeared. He took a deep look at Chu Fengmian and did not continue to do it.

The true Demon God also calmed down. His fight against Chu Fengmian this time was only a test and a test.

Check whether Chu Fengmian has the qualifications to cooperate with him. Now that the result is out, there is no need to continue.

The face of the true Demon God son quickly returned to calm, and the demonic intent he had just exploded was also instantly dissipated.

I can’t see it anymore. Just now, this true Demon God has been angry, and it seems that everything has returned to calm.

However, Chu Fengmian saw a killing intent in the eyes of this true Demon God, this true Demon God, I am afraid that he has already hated himself.

Now it is only because of the sect ruins and the King of Jingshan that the true Demon God chooses to give up, but this person will definitely find an opportunity to deal with him.

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