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I saw a magic knife in the hands of Momeng Mountain Master in his palm, and a demonic intent was injected into the magic knife.

The master of Momeng Mountain held the magic knife and slashed towards Chu Fengmian with a knife.


This saber, the master of Momeng Mountain, is a real lore.

As early as just now, Momeng Mountain Master was accumulating this power when Chu Fengmian met Chu Fengmian, and now while Chu Fengmian was fighting against Devil Palace Master, Momeng Mountain Master suddenly made a move and ordered Demon Murder Sect The Lord, too late to stop, wanted to slay Chu Fengmian with a single blow.

No matter how bad it is, Chu Fengmian will be severely injured, and he will no longer be able to compete with him.

“One more shot? Then die together!”

Chu Fengmian’s face was expressionless when he saw Momeng Mountain Lord take action.

With his Spiritual Consciousness, this little movement of Momeng Mountain Lord who just accumulated power has already been in his eyes.

When Chu Fengmian moved his left hand, he suddenly shot, pressing down with a palm, and another bloody palm volleyed down.


Mount Momeng only felt a tyrannical force that enveloped him. Next moment, the magic knife in the hands of Mount Momeng could not be grasped and escaped from his hand. Get out.

That saber was also ruthlessly crushed, I saw this blood palm blast down, like Mount Tai crushing the top, crushing everything, that Momeng Mountain Lord was involuntarily soft and knelt down The ground, even his body, will be crushed directly under this huge pressure.

“Also please Moji Elder to stop.”

At this time, the master of Demon Murder Sect, who has not spoken, slowly opened the mouth and said.

“The two of them just don’t know Moji Elder. They want to test the strength of Moji Elder. There is no malice. They also ask Moji Elder to show mercy.”


Chu Fengmian heard the words of the Master Demon Murder Sect, but he was nodded. The power in his hand suddenly dispersed, and the Devil Palace Master who had been kneeling on the ground followed the Devil Palace Master, and this was able to slowly get up.

But in the eyes of the two of them, looking towards Chu Fengmian, they were full of fear.

In the fight just now, the two of them only felt the power of Chu Fengmian, which was far from what they could resist. If it weren’t for the final show mercy of Chu Fengmian because of Demon Murder Sect.

Their two fleshy bodies must fall here today.

Although the Devil Palace Master, the Devil Palace Master, are all Immortal Emperors, even if they fell today, they just lost their fleshy body, but the strength of this loss is real.

Moreover, it takes a long time to condense such a powerful fleshy body. Now, the outbreak of the Sacred Domain war is the moment when strength is needed.

In the battle of true powerhouse, a little difference in strength is extremely fatal.

Therefore, if it is only the destruction of the fleshy body now, it will be an unbearable price for both of them.

“many thanks Demon Murder Sect the Lord speaks.”

The two looked towards Demon Murder Sect and the Lord opened the mouth and said at the same time, and then their eyes looked towards Chu Fengmian and said together.

“The strength of Moji Elder is indeed tyrannical. As the leader of the patrol this time, it seems that except for Moji Elder, he is doing my part.”

These words of the two can be regarded as a statement, and they can be regarded as serving Chu Fengmian now.

Of course, whether this is convincing or a slow-down strategy is still unknown, but Chu Fengmian doesn’t care.

His purpose is to serve as the captain of the patrol, and then to approach the star cave in this capacity. As for other things, it has nothing to do with him.

After the two talked, they left soon. Only Chu Fengmian and Demon Murder Sect were left on the scene.

“Just now the subordinates took the liberty to ask Master Sacred Son to convict.”

The master of Demon Murder Sect turned his head and looked towards Chu Fengmian, sound transmission said.

“It’s okay, I also know that killing these two people will be a little troublesome, and I don’t want to ruin the plan.”

Chu Fengmian opened the mouth and said casually.

The Devil Palace Master, if the Fleshy body is really beheaded by Chu Fengmian today, it will indeed be a little troublesome.

After all, Chu Fengmian is now in the army of Six Paths Demon Domain. Among them, there is a military order that does not allow Martial Artists in the army of Six Paths Demon Domain to fight each other.

After all, in Six Paths Demon Domain, battles have broken out all year round, and many Demon Sects have absolutely irreconcilable hatred, if there is no such military order.

I’m afraid that the war has already begun within myself before the army is launched.

Of course, this military order is not so strict. As long as it does not cause deaths, ordinary friction, the high-level military will also turn a blind eye.

However, if there is a loss of life, or the fall of the Immortal Emperor fleshy body is involved, the high-level army will also investigate it.

It will have an impact on Chu Fengmian’s original plan.

So just now Chu Fengmian didn’t want to kill these two people, just prepared to teach them a lesson, so that they can’t oppose Chu Fengmian that’s all.

Demon Murder Sect’s main opening, which happened to give Chu Fengmian a step.

“Let’s go, gather Three Sects Martial Artist, ready to go.”

Although I don’t know the specific date when the land of the Beginning was opened.

What Chu Fengmian knows is only an approximate date.

So he also prepared to reach the vicinity of the star cave as soon as possible.

Chu Fengmian chose to pretend to be a patrol team and approach the star cave this time, but the patrol’s route needs to be strictly in accordance with the route established by the Nine Domains military.

It will take at least ten days.

So Chu Fengmian is going to leave early.


Hearing Chu Fengmian’s words, the Demon Murder Sect master left and began to integrate Martial Artist. In less than half a day, the Martial Artist of the patrol team was integrated and returned.

This patrol team has about hundreds of Martial Artists, all of whom are Martial Artists in Three Sects. Among them, there are six Immortal Emperors except Chu Fengmian. Three Sects each have two. The next ones are some Xianzun, Xiansheng, etc., the number of Three Sects is almost the same.

There is no difference in the configuration of the patrol team in the past, so it will not attract anyone’s attention.

Only one novelty is Chu Fengmian, the new patrol captain.

Martial Artist of Three Sects, looked towards Chu Fengmian with different eyes, there is envy, respect, worship, fear, fear…

Chu Fengmian one against two, defeating the other two Sect Master Fang, these Martial Artists already know, so the dísciple of Demon Murder Sect, for Chu Fengmian, the magic pole Elder, is more respect and worship.

And the dísciple of the other two sects, looked towards Chu Fengmian, is mostly fear.

But with such a fierce reputation, no one dared to disobey Chu Fengmian’s orders.

“Let’s go.”

Chu Fengmian stepped out and jumped onto an empty ship, and other Three Sects Martial Artists also jumped onto the empty ship.

This empty ship is very similar to the military ship led by Heavenly Sword, and is more like an improved version of the lead ship of Heavenly Sword.

This time the Nine Domains Nine Great Divine Sovereigns led, and at the same time chose to invade the Three Great Saint Territories, the resources of all parties were also integrated.

The military ship led by Heavenly Sword was also refinished by the Artifact Refining Grandmaster of Nine Domains for a few days after the integration, and its formidable power became stronger.

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