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The MartiVation of the March of the Divine Ability Era, with Martial Dao Completely Different in the Era of the Era.

The Evil Era Whether it is any Martial Dao, their nature is trying to Comprehend, with the help of Heaven and Earth Law.

, especially after reaching the Immortal Verenrable Realm, its strength is close to stagnation, and Stregth of Fleshly Body is hard to improve, and the power display is to mobilize Power of Heaven and Earth Laws.

and stepping into Immortal Emperor Realm, but also directly discarding Fleshy Body, incorporates into the law, and chemicals into Smaller Thousand Worlds, completely with the effort to Heaven and Earth Law.

and the martial arts in the Divine Ability Era, plundering Heaven and Earth, plundering the rules, plundering the Heaven and Earth Law into their body, and turned into their own strength.

This is an extremely extreme approach, and it is a non-heavenly move with the day Dao IDol.

In this episode, although there are some such people, it is extremely rare.

is in the Divine Ability Era, everyone is like this, plundering Heaven and Earth, plundering everything, to enhance your strength, and turn into yourself Ability.

So this era, is also called Divine Ability Era.

Although this road path is very difficult, it is difficult to enter, but in this way, Divine Ability is not subject to any Heaven and Earth Law.

If it is a military person who is close to Heaven and Earth Law, once it is Heaven and Earth Law, it is, and even created Martial Skill, Formidable Power will definitely be a discount.

is like Sword Technique from the era of Sword, after inheritance arrived at this era, Formidable Power has weakened a lot.

But the Divine Ability Era Wan CultiVation Divine Ability is not so restriction, because they are not close to Heaven and Earth Law to Cultivation, but directly plunder Heaven and Earth Law to condense Divine Ability.

The source of their strength is also from the Divine Ability, so even in other era, the Divine Ability era of the military, the strength will not be discounted.

So this Divine Ability era of the military, even you can resist Heavenly Dao with your own Divine Ability, forces.

When the Divine Ability Era is about to be destroyed, when you break the robbery, countless Divine Ability Era’s Powerhouse, even with Heavenly Dao, broke out a war.

This battle of Formidable Power, which is more horrible than destroying an era of a era, and that a battle is completely destroyed by the World Ability era World.

even the Martial Dao of the Divine Ability Era, is almost completely destroyed, almost no inheritance.

This battle, although it is ultimately ending with the failure of Divine Ability.

This battle is also weakened in the power of Heavenly Dao.

The original virtual and no breaking robbery is to destroy everything. Everything is born in the previous episode, whether it is life, or Martial Dao will be completely destroyed, and no traces are not stored.

is even the existence of the previous era, will be completely erased, the next era, will not know the existence of the previous era.

It is the birth of the Divine Ability Era, but it has changed this.

Although that a battle, the Divine Ability era is completely destroyed, but there are some items, remaining, record everything in the Divine Ability Era.

So Divine Ability Era, also known as the original era, is a record, the most old era.

After a battle of Divine Ability Era, Heavenly Dao’s power weakened, and the formidable power of the robbery, and also reduced the MARTIAL DAO, which made many era of Martial Dao can be retained, residual, flowing into the next Era.

finally arrived, more than this Martial Dao, can escape the virtual and no broken robbery, even born, there is a life, you can have lives, live and have no breaks, and finally survive.

It can be said that there is no Divine Ability Era, there is no domain, there is no MARTIAL DAO in this era.

, there will be no MYRIAD Realms, Sacred Hall, Era, the existence of these three era forces.

This history is also chu fengmian for the first time, but truly attracting chu fengmian, which is the Martial Dao of this Divine Ability Era, which is their Divine Ability.

This Divine Ability is plundering Heaven and Earth Law, which is condensed in itself, and a Condense Divine Ability will be the source of strength and is not affected by any external force.

is this Divine Ability, giving a military person in the Divine Ability Era, the first time you can challenge the ability of Heavenly Dao.

This Divine Ability seems to be suitable for the current chu fengmian.

chu fengmian is now because of the impact of Heavenly Dao, causing him to unable to condense Smaller Thousand Worlds, and unable to break through the Immortal Emperor’s Realm.

CHU Fengmian’s current strength is already a Bottleneck. If it is unable to condense Smaller Thousand Worlds, his strength is limited, it is limited.

thus breaks through Realm, for CHU Fengmian, is imminent.

The only choice for Chu Fengmian is to find, go to the unfamiliar world, it is possible to avoid the interference of Heavenly Dao.

But after seeing the record of this Divine Ability Era, Chu Fengmian discovered a new road.

is the way of Divine Ability.

Divine Ability does not with the help of any Heaven and Earth Law, but plundering the rule, condense into its own Divine Ability, once it is condensed into Divine Ability, it is even if Heavenly Dao cannot interfere.

If the CHU Fengmian Cultivation is the way of Divine Ability, even if it is Heavenly Dao interference, it is impossible to affect Chu Fengmian.

Divine Ability is now a great choice for Chu Fengmian.

Although this Divine Ability Era Word has completely disappeared with the destruction of the Divine Ability Era, since the Divine Ability Era can have a record that is a record of the era. There is still some Martial Dao in this Divine Ability Era, and it is spread.

In the current era, it seems to have existence …

chu fengmian is watching.

Divine Ability, plundering everything, turns Divine Ability, is not affected by any external force, or even affected by Heavenly Dao.

This is not comparable to Chu Fengmian.

Although Divine Ability is said, Cultivation gets up, and it is more difficult to go against the sky.

After experiencing the failure of condense Smaller Thousand Worlds, Chu Fengmian is also clear that his current existence, for this episode of Heavenly Dao, is a must to be destroyed.

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