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Swallowing Heaven Beast behind Chu Fengmian, opened a huge mouth, all secrets of Principle Supreme Treasure, swallowed by a SECRET Technique operation.

These dark PrinciPle Supreme Treasure, which are poured into the witch words behind the Chu Fengmian in the sake of the unparalleled Power Of Darkness.

Four Queen core fragments, plus this full of Space Ring’s dark PrinciPle SuPreme Treasure.

Chu Fengmian does not believe, his dark law, Comprehend does not reach Great AccompLishment.

rules are not allowed?

chu fengmian is to break this rule!

The massive Power of Darkness has poured into this witch, and the Power of Darkness in this witch is already a limit.

is a step away from Great AccompLishment.

Now is such a huge power of darkness, almost almost to support this witch.

CHU Fengmian is uncomfortable, on the one hand, the force of the witch is identical, 129,600 immortal crystals, holding up on the flaw word, maintaining the power above.

On the other hand, it is continuing to swallowing SECRET Technique, and the dark PrinciPle SuPreme Treasure in the Swallowing Heaven Beast is swallowed, and it is retired to the essential Power Of Darkness again.

He Time, intended to be apronial with a huge power of darkness, and forcibly will focus on Great AccompLishment.

The risk of this, is very huge, even for Chu Fengmian, is very dangerous.

The force that can be accommodated is extremely limited.

Now, the Power of Darkness in the witch is actually approaching the limit, more Power Of Darkness injection may be directly exploded by this witch.

At that time, Power of Darkness, which was incorporated into it, will explode instantly.

and chu fengmian is so close, the first one is to be affected, it is Chu Fengmian.

This is the word of the witch, but the Power Of Darkness that accommodates four inquiry, once it is completely broke, sweep everything.

chu fengmian is involved in it, and even a serious injury, even false, so Chu Fengmian’s current move, the so-called danger to the extreme.

CHU Fengmian is already unable to take care.

Since it is a general means, it is impossible to complehend to Great AccompLishment, and Chu Fengmian can only be a choice.

With more and more Power Of Darkness injected into this witch word.

This witch word, after Chu Fengmian’s body, is a dramatic vibration, Chu Fengmian knows that this is this witch word, which is already unable to bear the Power Of Darkness.

The Power Of Darkness in which it is injected is already broken the critical point and reaches the limit of this witch.

In this way, this witch may be destroyed at any time, self-destruct.

CHU Fengmian has a choice of this Step, he will not choose to give up, facing this soon uncomfortable witch word, CHU Fengmian heart is moving, a force is holding it.

With his own strength, help this witch, withstand these injected Power of Darkness.

The vibration of the witch is gradually calm.

but this is also temporary.

With more and more Power of Darkness, Chu Fengmian’s power is gradually difficult to completely press it.

This witch is now, it has become a bomb that may explode at any time. Once the explosion, this star will be destroyed directly.

This kind of adventure is not there any harvest, and finally, Chu Fengmian sees what he most wants to see.

This flaw word is finally condensed.

Several breathing time, this witch word, is already One Third, showing an entity.

Once the witch is condensed, it represents the rules representing this flaw word, reaching Great Accomplishment.

Under the injection of this massive Power Of Darkness, this flaw word finally started.

but arrived at this Step, but it is also a dangerous moment, once it is a pool at this time.

For chu fengmian, all his efforts will be in vain, and even once the THIS failed.

Chu Fengmian Nine Nether World, all gains, will also pay the east stream, this loss, even Chu Fengmian will not bear.

So now he can only be the stability of this witchcycle as much as possible, while the other side, Swallowing Heaven Beast Illusory Shadow’s swallowing, has not stopped.

Because this witch is to be completely condensed.

Power Of Darkness is not enough.

a day, two days, three days.

This witch word, a little bit of sturdy, is already from the original One Third, and now most of them, it is presented.

Docked by Chu Fengmian reaches Great Accomplishment, just the last step.

The vibration of the witch is already a place where Chu Fengmian can’t be suppressed. On this witch word, you can even see the tiny crack of One after ANOTHER.

These cracks, each of them may end the culprit of this.

chu fengmian nerve is tightened to the extreme, pressing the power on the witch.

“bang bang!”

as at this Time, this witch word is a fierce tremor.

chu fengmian feels, this is the last moment of this witch, which is about to completely condense, is also the most dangerous step for the current Chu Fengmian.

As long as it can suppress this Time power backlash, this flaw word can completely condense, and when Chu Fengmian’s Seven’s SEVEN law, the francs can really reach Great AccompLishment.

But all this must spend this.


chu fengmian is a long-awaiting, and the eager sword appears in his hand, a Sword Intent, broke out from the top of Chu Fengmian, and condensed on Sword Edge.

I saw this SWORD INTEN roof, it was turned into a Treasure Pagoda, caught in the direction of the witch word.


In this witch word, the Power of Darkness contains a crazy, violent feeling, wants to break this witch, completely crashing this witch.

But in front of CHU Fengmian Sword Intent Treasure Pagoda, the Power Of Darkness, the dead cracks in the moment.

, just this last minute, this witch word, the last thing that illusory shadow is completely condensed.

hong long long!

The power of the secret, spread from Chu Fengmian, only see Chu Fengmian feels that the power of One After ANOTHER, in this witch, pouring into the body of Chu Fengmian in.

“High Rank Immortal Emperor’s threshold, finally spanning!”

The condensation of Seven’s SEVEN, that is, in the law, Chu Fengmian is already the threshold of High Rank Immortal Emperor.

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