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“You have been recognized by Nine Nether, so you have been directly promoted to a five-star member.”

Looking at the puzzled Chu Fengmian, Temple Lord said with a smile.

“The seven-star members of our Era Club have rights. As long as they are approved, they can be directly promoted to five-star members without any examination.”

“However, this kind of right has only been available in our ages. It seems that Nine Nether really values ​​you.”

“Because of Nine Nether?”

Chu Fengmian and Youhai Island Lord actually have a one-sided bond.

Moreover, the last time the Youhai Island Lord took action to help Chu Fengmian repel the Sword Ancestor, speaking of which Chu Fengmian now owes Youhai Island Lord a favor. In this case, Youhai Island Lord actually returned Give Chu Fengmian such a qualification.

If a four-star member wants to be promoted to a five-star member, it is not just a matter of contributing points.

Once you reach a four-star member, you are considered to be one of the core members of the Epoch Club.

Most of the core members of the Era Club are actually only four-star members. If you want to get promoted, it will be much more difficult. It is not only as simple as the need to contribute points, but also needs to complete some tasks at the Era Club headquarters. You can be promoted only after the assessment.

Moreover, once you become a five-star member, your authority within the Epoch Society will be greatly enhanced, the benefits you can get, and the information you can get will be much more.

In the Era Club, all five-star members can serve as important positions.

Although it was only a matter of time before Chu Fengmian wanted to be promoted to a five-star member again with the strength of Chu Fengmian, the help of the Youhai Island Lord at this time really saved Chu Fengmian a lot of time.

This Youhai Island Lord obviously valued Chu Fengmian so much that he would not hesitate to take action to help Chu Fengmian fight against Sword Ancestor, and he also promoted Chu Fengmian directly to a five-star member.

“Let’s go, and become a five-star member. You can travel freely in most of the headquarters. If you have any questions, you can ask Ji Fei. I have already told him. In this era club headquarters, temporarily serve as your guide.”

Fa Temple Lord looked towards Chu Fengmian waved his hand and said, indicating that Chu Fengmian could leave.

“Many thanks to the Temple Lord.”

Chu Fengmian also quickly thanked him.

“It’s okay, remember if you want to choose our temple and become the temple of Sacred Son, you are welcome to come at any time.”

Fa Temple Lord finished speaking, and his figure disappeared above the throne.

This Temple Lord, as a giant in charge of the criminal law of this entire era, is also a 9th-order immortal emperor. Naturally, there are many things, and he doesn’t have time to talk to Chu Fengmian all the time.

You can say so much to Chu Fengmian. It is also the meaning of the Temple Lord’s desire to win over Chu Fengmian. In exchange for other Martial Artists who came to participate, I am afraid that they will be asked to leave after they have passed the assessment at most It is difficult for Temple Lord to have a chance to talk.

The Temple Lord of Law disappeared.

Chu Fengmian also turned and left.

This time Chu Fengmian finally officially joined the Epoch Club. Only the members of the Epoch Club who have come to this headquarters and participated in the assessment can be considered to have truly joined the Epoch Club.

The external branch of the Epoch Club is actually more like a loose mercenary organization, paying contribution points to let some Martial Artists outside complete the tasks released by the Epoch Club, buying and selling information and resources.

Only these uses.

But this Era Club headquarters is different. The Era Club headquarters is not such a loose organization. It is more like a real sect. The forces in it are even more tangled and complicated.

From the perspective of Gu Song, Youhai Island Lord, and the current method of wooing Temple Lord, there is even more competition between these forces.

“It’s best to first figure out what these forces represent and make choices.”

Chu Fengmian’s gaze narrowed. He must first clarify the forces within the Era Society before he can make a choice, but Chu Fengmian is not in a hurry.

After finally coming to the headquarters, he also plans to explore the Era Club headquarters, take a good stroll, and see what the Era Club headquarters, which is an era force, looks like.

“Palace Lord, why are you letting this person go? This person’s aptitude is terrifying. If he becomes the Sacred Son of our temple, when this era is over, our temple can be occupied A great advantage…”

Shortly after Chu Fengmian left the temple, on the throne, the huge body of the Temple Lord reappeared, and beside him, a young man also slowly appeared, looking towards the Temple Lord in a low voice. Asked.

In his tone, there is also some confusion.

If it was just now, the Temple Lord is a little tougher, and it is not impossible to let Chu Fengmian join the temple.

After all, Chu Fengmian is just a rookie, and in front of the Temple Lord, there is no full force to refuse.

“This person’s aptitude is indeed terrifying, but behind him, there is the shadow of the Lord of Sword Dao, which is difficult to control. If he is willing to join the temple, he can become the temple Sacred Son, but if he is I don’t want to join, and I don’t want to force him.”

The Temple Lord spoke slowly.

“And recently, haven’t we found another son of Era? The physique of that little fellow is said to be heavenly punishment Divine Body, which is the most suitable system for the inheritance of our temple. Although the qualifications are not as good as this Ancestral Dragon, It is more suitable for our temple. You take action and bring that little fellow to the temple.”


Hearing what the Temple Lord said, the youngster next to him disappeared instantly.

“Ancestral Dragon, interesting, those guys at Martial Palace, knowing he is coming, shouldn’t wait, the Old Guys of Daodian are going to be anxious, even guys like Nine Nether are mixed in, interesting It’s…”

Fa Temple Lord’s voice fell, and his body gradually disappeared.

The other side.

Chu Fengmian, who left the temple, saw Ji Fei waiting outside at a glance.

“Zu Sir Long.”

This Ji Fei saw Chu Fengmian’s arrival, and he directly bowed, and his tone became more respectful.

It seems that he has learned about Chu Fengmian from the Temple Lord, and he knows the Chu Fengmian in front of him. It is very likely that he is the fourth Sacred Son of the Era Club, and his tone has also changed a lot .

“Don’t be so polite.”

Chu Fengmian is not surprised to face Ji Fei’s transformation.

Era Society Sacred Son, but in the Era Society, the highest status existence, according to the rules, the status of the Era Society Sacred Son should even be higher than the members of the Seven Stars.

Of course, members of the Seven Stars, without exception, are invincible giants with the strength of the ninth-order immortal emperor. Although Sacred Son has a transcendent position, facing the members of the Seven Stars, it is at best that’s all.

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