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If this continues, it is only a matter of time before Chu Fengmian is caught up by the Sword Ancestor.

“Damn, what should I do?”

Chu Fengmian has now pushed the power of the ancestor Heavenly Dragon bloodline to the extreme.

Even if it was Chu Fengmian’s real burst of full power and turned into the real body of the Sorcerer God, his escape speed would not increase much. It was impossible to escape from the Sword Ancestor’s eyes.

Simple escape is meaningless, it can only delay time.

“You must find an opportunity to stop this Sword Ancestor.”

Chu Fengmian in an instant understands.

Only by Chu Fengmian alone.

To escape from this Sword Ancestor today is absolutely impossible.

Today Chu Fengmian wants to get out of this danger, the only way is to use external force.

And external force.

Only the 9th-order Immortal Emperor can fight against Sword Ancestor.

Although the current Nine Nether world within the realm, because of the previous battle for the core fragments of the sea, many 9th-order immortal emperors have entered, just like Qingfeng Old Ancestor and the others.

But Qingfeng Old Ancestor, there is absolutely no reason to help Chu Fengmian.

Even with the identity of Chu Fengmian as a Witch clan, this green front Old Ancestor is even more eager for the Sword Ancestor to behead Chu Fengmian today and also eliminate a threat for the Sacred Domain Alliance.

With Chu Fengmian’s current status, he unexpectedly could not think of any external force that he could use.

“Era Club.”

Chu Fengmian eyes flashed, suddenly thought of one existence, that is, Jiyuanhui.

Era Club, as one of the three *** forces, is a giant that can fight against the huge monster behind the Nine Domains, Myriad Realms.

In the Nine Nether world within the realm, it is said that there is the existence of the Epoch Society branch. This time, when fighting for the core fragments of the Youhai, the Epoch Society must have also intervened.

After all, when Chu Fengmian left the restricted area Sea Territory just now, he also felt that in the treasury of the emperor, the aura of a number of 9th-order immortal emperors appeared again, obviously at the last juncture, and there are other 9th-orders. The emperor made a move.

It’s just that at that time Chu Fengmian wanted to leave as soon as possible, not at all carefully observe, if this Nether world within the realm has the existence of the Ninth-Order Immortal Emperor of the Epoch Society, maybe he can help Chu Fengmian to deal with this Sword Ancestor, As long as it can block Sword Ancestor for an instant, Chu Fengmian is sure to avoid Sword Ancestor’s pursuit.

Dead horses are treated as living horse doctors!

Chu Fengmian’s mind moved, and he has no better way now. As soon as Chu Fengmian’s palm moved, a jade talisman appeared in Chu Fengmian’s palm. It was the identity of the Era Society jade talisman.

Jade Talisman, the identity of the Era Society, has the ability to call on the members of the Era Society for help in times of crisis.

But facing the Sword Ancestor, only the powerhouse, which is also the 9th-order immortal emperor, can fight the first battle. Chu Fengmian is not sure whether this Nether world within the realm has the strength of the 9th-order immortal emperor. A member of the Era Society, he injected a Spiritual Force into the jade talisman, waiting for a response.

According to the rules of Jade Talisman, who is the identity of the Era Society, all the members of the Era Society who see Chu Fengmian asking for help can see the dangers that Chu Fengmian is facing now. Facing this ninth-order immortal emperor, the era will be unable to resist. Members will only stay away and will never confront them.

The time for one breath, two breaths, and three breaths.

Jade Talisman in Chu Fengmian’s hands did not receive any response.

“Boy, do you want someone to rescue you?”

Not far behind Chu Fengmian, the Sword Ancestor, who turned into a sword light, also saw Chu Fengmian’s actions, and a bit of disdain flashed in his eyes.

“No one can save you today. The Old Guys of the Witch Clan are half-dead people. Even if they are out now, there is no time to save you!”

This Sword Ancestor obviously knows the identity of Chu Fengmian very well.

Indeed, even if Chu Fengmian is now turning to the Witch Clan for help, turning to the Witch Saint Ancestor, and letting the Witch Saint Ancestor go out immediately, in such a short period of time, the Witch Saint Ancestor can’t catch up with the Nether world within the realm. Come.

So at first Chu Fengmian didn’t have the idea of ​​asking Saint Ancestor Wu for help. His hope was pinned on the Epoch Club.

Just now, there has been no response.

“Damn it, can it only be a bloody battle?”

A ruthless look broke out in Chu Fengmian’s eyes.

If you want to fight the Sword Ancestor, the only hope is that Chu Fengmian will immediately be promoted to the Immortal Emperor, and at the same time completely liberate the power of the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword, so that it is possible to fight the Sword Ancestor.

But once the power of Blood Slaughter Demon Sword is completely liberated, the burst of power may be beyond what Chu Fengmian can bear.

This is not as uncontrollable as in a battle with Gu Yuan, but it is possible that Chu Fengmian will fall directly because of the backlash of Blood Slaughter Demon Sword’s power.

This is Chu Fengmian’s final trump card. It is a real desperate method, and Chu Fengmian is not willing to use it until it is compelled by circumstances.

Just now, Chu Fengmian has no choice.

“Blood Slaughter…”

Chu Fengmian just wanted to call out the Blood Slaughter Demon Sword and completely fight the Sword Ancestor, but at this time, a figure suddenly appeared on the sky, a dark rays of light, followed by it. Strikes directly on this Sword Ancestor.

“Sword Ancestor, you were lucky enough to get a piece of the core of the secluded sea, and you dare to stay in the Nine Nether world within the realm. Are you courting death!”

A sound resounded like thunder.

At the same time, Chu Fengmian saw clearly the figure of this shot. This is a black robe elder.

Vaguely, a cloud of darkness enveloped the black robe old man. The jet of black rays of light just now was the bursting power of a cloud of darkness around him.

“Youhai Island Lord?”

Chu Fengmian didn’t even think that at this time, the Youhai Island Lord turned out to be a shot. Although I don’t know why the Youhai Island Lord took the shot, Chu Fengmian knew that this was definitely an extremely rare opportunity for him.

At the moment when Sword Ancestor pulled out his sword and resisted the attack of the Island Lord of Youhai, Chu Fengmian instantly turned into a light, tearing through the space and fleeing.

“Damn! Youhai Island Lord! You dare to ruin my major event!”

Looking at Chu Fengmian who was running away, Sword Ancestor jumped like thunder, one after another sword light, and slashed towards the Island Lord of Youhai, but the Island Lord of Youhai did not panic at all. Instead, he took a few tricks and Power of Darkness crashed. After falling, the power of the Sword Ancestor was suppressed and retreated steadily.

Youhai Island Lord, but a ninth-order immortal emperor in the realm of transforming the ancients.

Ninth-order immortal emperors also have strengths and weaknesses, and the strength of this Youhai Island Lord is above this Sword Ancestor.

In addition, here is the Nine Nether world, and the Island Lord of Youhai takes this place even more, and it has made the gap even greater. With a few tricks, this Sword Ancestor can only choose to escape.

Faced with the escaped Sword Ancestor, the Youhai Island Lord did not continue to chase him down. With his strength, it was easy to defeat the Sword Ancestor, but it was extremely difficult to kill the Sword Ancestor.

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