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Feeling the terrifying power of Youdi, Chu Fengmian’s face is not good.

After Chu Fengmian got the inheritance of Exalted Sword Sect, he also accepted the condition of Sword Inverse. In addition to inheriting the sword technique inheritance of Exalted Sword Sect, he was going to kill Youdi, the Exalted Sword Traitor of Sect.

Youdi’s strength is so terrifying now.

Don’t say that Chu Fengmian wanted to kill the Emperor You, it was extremely difficult for him to retreat when he encountered the Emperor You.

And it’s not just Chu Fengmian’s promise to fulfill Jianni, You Emperor, he wouldn’t let Chu Fengmian go.

Chu Fengmian got the inheritance of Exalted Sword Sect. If you let this emperor know, even this emperor will immediately attack Chu Fengmian, capture Chu Fengmian, and sacrifice the Demon Sword in his hand. .

The Demon Sword in the hands of the emperor Youdi was originally created by cultivating countless powerhouses and dísciples of Exalted Sword Sect. If you let this emperor know that Exalted Sword Sect has descendants, he will definitely catch it. catch.

The stronger Youdi’s strength is, the more dangerous it is for Chu Fengmian.

“Fortunately, this time, I got the jade box of Lord of Sword Dao.”

Chu Fengmian entered the Nether World this time, in fact, he gained a lot. He first plundered a lot of treasures from the treasury of the emperor, including this time Chu Fengmian’s goal of entering the Nether World, the Lord of Sword Dao’s jade box.

In addition, among the 14 Youhai core fragments, Chu Fengmian also obtained two of them, which is already a great gain.

As long as we make good use of these two core fragments, it is only a matter of time before Chu Fengmian comprehend the Law of Darkness to Great Accomplishment.

Even if Chu Fengmian’s law of darkness aptitude is poor, with these two core fragments of the secluded sea, it is enough to comprehend his law of darkness to Great Accomplishment.

The gains gained from coming to Nine Nether World this time have actually exceeded Chu Fengmian’s expectations. In addition, he has also obtained a lot of treasures from the treasure house of Youdi.

The treasures that can be put into the treasure house of Youdi within the realm are all recognized by Youdi personally, and they are released enough to make the high-rank fairy Imperial Capital fight frantically for it.

Now it has been looted in large numbers by Chu Fengmian, and the treasures of Youdi Treasure Xiaoshi within the realm one third have been taken away by Chu Fengmian. If it weren’t for the sudden appearance of the sword ancestor, Chu Fengmian could collect more.

But one third is also an amazing number. After Chu Fengmian leaves the Nether World and finds a safe place to refining all these treasures into Chu Fengmian’s power, it will be enough to make Chu Fengmian’s strength even more powerful. further.

As soon as Chu Fengmian moved his body, he wanted to escape the chaotic Nether Sea. Suddenly, a silver rays of light shrouded Chu Fengmian towards Chu Fengmian. In the blink of an eye, Chu Fengmian came to a silver world within. the realm.

Smaller Thousand Worlds?

Chu Fengmian’s gaze condensed. When he was unexpectedly unconsciously, he was taken to a Smaller Thousand Worlds, and the owner of this Smaller Thousand Worlds.

No need to think about it, Chu Fengmian already guessed it.

Chu Fengmian lifts the head, looking towards the sky of the silver world, a young silhouette is standing, looking at Chu Fengmian with a faint smile.

“Gu Yuan, what do you mean?”

Chu Fengmian spoke slowly.

This young silhouette is Gu Yuan, this Smaller Thousand Worlds is Gu Yuan’s Smaller Thousand Worlds.

The power of nothingness.

It was not the Ten Law Powers that created the Smaller Thousand Worlds of Gu Yuan, but the power of nothingness.

From Gu Yuan, you can take out the Immortal Artifact refined by Void God, and Chu Fengmian can guess that Gu Yuan is very closely related to Void God.

But now, the Smaller Thousand Worlds of the ancient Yuan were created by the power of nothingness. It should be said that this Smaller Thousand Worlds was originally created by the ten basic laws in this era.

Chu Fengmian could find a little bit of Law Power under the power of this emptiness, but later, it was occupied and transformed by this power of emptiness, and it became what it is now.

How strong is the transformation of the power of nothingness, and how strong it is to corrode.

Chu Fengmian, who has been deeply affected by the imprint of nothingness, clearly understands that Chu Fengmian is not surprised by this transformation of Smaller Thousand Worlds.

It’s just that he is curious that this Gu Yuan is actually going to do something on him?

“Ancestral Dragon, you don’t have to be foolish here.”

Gu Yuan didn’t answer Chu Fengmian’s question, but looked at Chu Fengmian with a faint smile and said.

“You should still have two Youhai core fragments in your hand, hand them over, and you should have gotten a lot of treasures from the Youdi Treasury, hand them all over.”

At this time, Chu Fengmian and Gu Yuan collected two Youhai core fragments in the Youdi Treasury.

According to the rules of cooperation from the very beginning, it is extremely fair to divide the account between five and five.

For Chu Fengmian, the two Youhai core fragments are enough to enable him to comprehend the Law of Darkness to the Great Accomplishment, so for the two Youhai core fragments in Gu Yuan’s hand, Chu Fengmian doesn’t have much Thoughts.

However, Gu Yuan did not intend to let Chu Fengmian go. Those two Youhai core fragments, Gu Yuan watched Chu Fengmian collect them, as well as the many treasures that Chu Fengmian got from Youdi’s treasure house. , Many are things that make him fascinated.

This time, he is naturally impossible to let Chu Fengmian go so easily.

Gu Yuan chose to cooperate with Chu Fengmian. He originally planned to use Chu Fengmian, but he didn’t expect that the cooperation would be so smooth this time. He easily mixed into the Youdi Treasury and obtained two Youhai core fragments.

But Gu Yuan was unwilling to let go of the remaining two Youhai core fragments.

“For your contribution this time, I won’t kill you, I will hand over the treasure.”

Gu Yuan stared at Chu Fengmian, said solemnly.

“You are now in my ontology. Even if you want to escape, you can’t do it. Don’t struggle anymore. If you resist, it will only cost you your life in vain. Don’t want to take advantage of the era. The identity jade talisman came to imprison, my ontology world has already blocked everything.”

Gu Yuan looked towards Chu Fengmian and said word by word.

He seems to have an incomparable understanding of the Era Society, and he actually knows that the Era Society jade talisman can call his companions.

This time the sea of ​​Nine Nether has changed drastically. Three Great Saint Territories and the powerhouses of Tian Nine Domains have all poured into the sea of ​​Nine Nether. Ten Thousand Realms, Epoch Club, Sacred Hall, these three forces actually have These many powerhouses hide their identities, mix into them, and want to get a share.

If you call for help at this time, it may indeed attract some powerhouses from the Epoch Club, and even some giants.

But Gu Yuan had already clearly understood all this. The moment he brought Chu Fengmian into his ontology within the realm, he shot and blocked all of this.

The current Chu Fengmian is completely trapped in his Smaller Thousand Worlds, and he cannot escape with his wings.

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