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The illusory shadow of the Foundation Tree Divine Tree suddenly appeared behind Chu Fengmian, and the huge power suddenly rushed towards the suppression.

“What is this? Foundation Tree? How is it possible!”

You Wu roared frantically, watching the Foundation Tree Divine Tree suppress him, all his strength exploded, trying to counter the suppression of the Foundation Tree Divine Tree.

It’s just the power of this Youwu. In front of the Foundation Tree Divine Tree, it is impossible to withstand a single blow. His power is completely crushed by the power of the Foundation Tree Divine Tree. All the power of this Youwu is completely crushed. Being completely suppressed, he could no longer use any little strength, and lost all resistance.

“All Heavens Life and Death seal!”

Chu Fengmian also seized this opportunity. With a big wave of his hand, a black inscription penetrated into the body of Youwu, and the seal of All Heavens Life and Death was instantly carved into the core of Youwu.

“no! ”

You Wu roared loudly, trying to stop it, but it was meaningless. He could only feel that the All Heavens Life and Death mark was carved into his inner core.

The All Heavens Life and Death imprint is engraved into the core of Youwu. Youwu means that there is no power to resist. Chu Fengmian moved his mind and let go of the suppression of the Foundation Tree Divine Tree. This Youwu is right for Chu Fengmian was no longer hostile, and respectfully knelt in front of Chu Fengmian.

A You Clan with high rank Immortal Emperor strength was suppressed by Chu Fengmian in this way.

Of course, this time Chu Fengmian can also be called a full shot. First, with the help of You Yin, he used the strategy to bring this You Wu into the blood pool world within the realm, using the power of the blood sea to cover it.

Finally, with the power of the Seven Great Innate Divine Beast bloodline, the power of the Netherworld was defeated, and finally the Foundation Tree Divine Tree was used to completely suppress it and enter the seal of All Heavens Life and Death.

It can be said that, except for Blood Slaughter Demon Sword, all of Chu Fengmian’s hole cards are exhausted.

And this is just to deal with the faintness of a 7th grade Immortal Emperor.

“The power of the You Clan is indeed terrifying.”

Chu Fengmian sighed.

A 7th grade Immortal Emperor, if he is outside, Chu Fengmian can suppress him at will.

After all, Chu Fengmian’s power is not considered weak among the eighth-level Immortal Emperor. Although the eighth-level Immortal Emperor and the 7th-grade Immortal Emperor are only one level behind, the difference in strength is extremely huge.

After the high rank Immortal Emperor, the strength of each level of Immortal Emperor is worlds apart.

However, in order to suppress this Youwu, Chu Fengmian almost used all his strength to suppress this Youwu. The power of You Clan is evident.

In this sea of ​​Nine Nether, the You Clan is indeed an almost invincible clan, and their power is connected to the origin of the Nine Nether Sea.

As long as they are fighting in the sea of ​​Nine Nether, they can call on the power of the sea of ​​Nine Nether for their own use.

It’s extremely difficult to deal with a Youwu. It seems that if you really encounter a third sea lord, Chu Fengmian will not be able to resist it.

Fortunately, Chu Fengmian’s goal this time has already been achieved.

“Do you know that a foreign Martial Artist who entered the sea of ​​Nine Nether more than ten years ago?”

Chu Fengmian looked towards You Wukai asked.

He spent so much effort this time to subdue Youwu, his real purpose, or for getting some news about the Lord of Sword Dao jade box.

“I know that just over ten years ago, there was a human Martial Artist who entered the sea of ​​Nether Nether. He entered the sea of ​​Nine Nether from a space crack and was taken by the third sea lord. The chase, but this person was lucky. On the way to be chased, he encountered a space crack, which caused him to escape from the sea of ​​Nether.”

You Wu heard Chu Fengmian’s inquiry and soon replied.

“The area that this person entered, is that Sea Territory? And do you know, where is a jade box left by this person?”

Chu Fengmian continued to ask.

“The human Martial Artist appeared in the 7th floor Sea Territory, near the Youdi Palace. His appearance angered the You Clan. The five sea masters personally took action and wanted to capture this. People, but let this person escape.”

“The jade box left by this person was taken away by the seventh sea lord. It is said to be given to Your Majesty. It should now be in Your Majesty’s treasure house.”

“What? The jade box was taken away and given to You Emperor? Now in You Emperor’s treasure house?”

Hearing these quiet words, Chu Fengmian complexion greatly changed.

This jade box is now in the hands of Emperor You.

For Chu Fengmian, this is definitely the worst result he can think of.

You Emperor, but a 9th-order Immortal Emperor, now the jade box left by Lord of Sword Dao has fallen into the hands of You Emperor…

On the jade box left by the Lord of Sword Dao, although it must be restricted by the Lord of Sword Dao, if it falls into the hands of other people, it naturally cannot be opened.

But You Emperor is also a 9th-order Immortal Emperor. If the secret left in the Lord of Sword Dao jade box is obtained by You Emperor, it would be the worst result for Chu Fengmian. .

“Is that jade box opened?”

Chu Fengmian hurriedly asked.

Whoever owns the jade box is not the most important thing now. The most important thing is that this jade box must not be opened by outsiders.

If You Di opens this jade box, it is very likely that Chu Fengmian’s secrets will be known to the You Emperor. At that time, it will be in trouble.

“It shouldn’t be there. Your Majesty said that the owner of the jade box is a stronger powerhouse than Your Majesty, so Your Majesty put the jade box into the treasure house, waiting for the passage of time, After the power on the jade box is weakened, I decided to open it.”

You Wu heard Chu Fengmian’s words and quickly replied.

Hearing this answer, Chu Fengmian was temporarily sighed in relief.

The jade box has not been opened by Youdi.

It seems that the emperor is also above the jade box and the power of Lord of Sword Dao will choose not to force it on. In this way, the power of the emperor should be somewhat different from that of the Lord of Sword Dao.

After all, Lord of Sword Dao, although he is a 9th-order Immortal Emperor, he has already been dubbed the name of Domination, and no one dares to question this name.

Then it also means that Lord of Sword Dao does have the strength comparable to the dominion, and can use this name.

The jade box has not been opened. It is the only good news that Chu Fengmian has heard from this quiet mouth.

There are only other news heard from You Wukou, but none of them are good. The jade box is now stored in Youdi’s treasure house.

Youdi’s treasure house, the treasure house of a 9th-order Immortal Emperor.

Even though this jade box is not kept by You Emperor, it is placed in You Emperor’s treasure house.

A treasure house of the 9th-order Immortal Emperor powerhouse, you don’t need to think carefully to know how difficult it is to enter it.

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