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“high rank Immortal Emperor!”

The youngster in front of me definitely has the strength of the high rank Immortal Emperor.

It’s just that the You Clan cannot cultivate the Immortal Emperor’s way because of its special system, so the powerhouses of the You Clan are all Heavenly Venerate, which is a Heavenly Venerate with high rank Immortal Emperor strength.

The moment he saw this youngster, Chu Fengmian recognized his identity.

You Wu.

The dísciple of the third sea lord, now the controller of the sea lord hall.

“Master You Wu.”

You Yin entered the palace, and the moment she saw this youngster, she was the first to salute.

Chu Fengmian also followed this You Yin and bowed.

“You Yin? You Duo? What do you two come to the Sea Lord Hall? And the You Mi who has been with you all the time? Why didn’t he come?”

You Wu glanced at You Yin and Chu Fengmian suddenly opened the mouth and said.

Youyin, Youduo, and Youmi are of the same age, plus the strength of the three is almost on par, so the relationship has been very good since childhood.

It stands to reason that once the You Clan reaches adulthood, it will choose an area in the Sea of ​​Nine Nether as its own territory, in which it is closed-door cultivation.

There are very few quiet clansman, but they control the huge Nether Nether sea, so wanting to occupy a territory is with no difficulty for an adult clansman.

However, most of the You Clan choose to walk alone. Few people are willing to share their territory with others. After all, the territory in the sea of ​​Nine Nether represents continuous resources.

Most areas of the Nine Nether Sea contain extremely pure Power of Darkness. Therefore, in any area, after a period of time, many dark Principle Supreme Treasures can be born from it. Come.

Occupying this territory is equivalent to having an endless treasure from which you can continuously plunder the Dark Principle Supreme Treasure for your own cultivation.

The three people of Youyin are an exception. Their three people have grown up together and have a very good relationship, so when they are adults, they have chosen to occupy a territory together.

You Wu knew this too, so when he saw that one person was missing at this time, he was a bit strange.

“Report to You Wu, we came this time because of You Mi.”

You Yin looked towards You Wu, with a sad expression on his face.

“You Mi, was killed by an intruder from outside, and I asked Master You Wu to take revenge for You Mi.”

“Foreign, intruder?”

You Wu’s face changed slightly when he heard this, Dao Transformation.

“Someone broke into the 3rd Layer Sea Territory? Who?”

“It is a human Martial Artist. I recorded the appearance of that human Martial Artist.”

Youyin cautiously took out a crystal stone, this kind of crystal stone has a recording effect.

“At this time, there are human Martial Artists who dare to break into the restricted area of ​​the Sea Territory. Could it be that they discovered Your Majesty’s plan?”

You Wu’s eyes condensed, as if he was thinking about this, and it took a while before he opened the mouth and said.

“Bring the crystal stone, let me see if it is who, and dare to break into the restricted area Sea Territory.”


When You Yin heard this command, she stepped forward respectfully and passed the crystal stone over.

You Wu picked up the crystal stone and injected a Spiritual Force into it, preparing to open the crystal stone.


But at this time, from this crystal stone, a scarlet force burst out.

At this moment when You Wudu had no time to react, this scarlet power had already enveloped his body. When I saw the next moment, You Wu was the discovery that he had already left the Sea Lord Hall. Came to a completely unfamiliar area.

I took a closer look and saw that he had now come to a vast sea of ​​blood. In the sea of ​​blood below, there was a power that shocked him.

“What’s going on? You Yin, You Duo, you two get out of me!”

Youwu complexion greatly changed, roared angrily.

“Master Youwu, why are you so angry?”

You Yin’s voice sounded slowly, and he also appeared in the sky above this sea of ​​blood, standing with You Wu, facing each other.


Seeing You Yin appearing, You Wu without the slightest hesitation, directly waved his hand, and a wave of Power of Darkness condensed from his hand and turned into a long saber, and in the volley, he slashed at You Yin. Kill the past.

“In front of me, want to kill people too?”


On the other side, there is a scarlet sword glow. From this next sea of ​​blood, it condenses and bursts into the sky. It collides with this long saber volley, bringing the strength of this long saber. Stopped completely.

At the same time, a silhouette appeared in front of this Youwu.

“Human Martial Artist?”

Seeing the silhouette appearing in front of him, You Wu’s eyes condensed, as Fiercely looked at it, his voice was almost squeezed out between his teeth.

“You Yin, how dare you betray the You Clan and Your Majesty?”

The moment You Wu saw Chu Fengmian, he also understood that all these changes were because he was plot against by You Yin.

The crystal stone is not a crystal stone that records images at all, but a crystal stone that Chu Fengmian injected a pool of blood into it.

When the power of this Youwu is injected into it and the crystal stone power is turned on, the power of the blood pool in it bursts out, directly bringing this Youwu into the blood pool world within the realm. .

After all, this You Wu is a high rank Immortal Emperor. It is not so easy to deal with him. Moreover, once there is a burst of power in the Sea Lord Palace, if it attracts other Youzu powerhouses, it will be Some trouble.

But as long as you bring this Youwu into the blood pool world within the realm, then all the battles in it will not be known to the outside world, and Chu Fengmian is doing it, so you don’t need to think about it.

When deciding to take action on You Wu, Chu Fengmian made a plan for all this, and now it seems that it is indeed very smooth.

After all, the You Clan is an extremely united clan. Although there are internal struggles among the You Clan, they have always been unanimous in the face of foreign enemies, and no You Clan has betrayed it.

So when I heard You Yin’s words, this You Wu almost didn’t think about it, so I completely believed it, and this was precisely what Ling You Wu fell into Chu Fengmian’s trap.

In You Wu’s current eyes, there is still a little unbelievable, unable to believe You Yin’s betrayal.

After all, You Wu never thought that Chu Fengmian actually mastered the All Heavens Life and Death seal, such a terrifying prohibition, not only can you subdue You Yin, but even make You Yin work for Chu Fengmian wholeheartedly.

“What Youzu, what Your Majesty, only the master is qualified to get my allegiance, Youwu, I advise you to obediently acknowledge allegiance to the master.”

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