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In the seabed in the Nine Nether Sea, Chu Fengmian also found several corpses.

It seems to be the Martial Artist who was once involved in the dark tide and was unable to break free and fell.

Martial Artists under Immortal Emperor Heavenly Venerate, if they are involved in this dark tide, there is almost no possibility of escape.

Even if you have this dark stone, you can’t resist the power of this dark tide.

This is also the reason why Nine Nether’s sea, the inner sea, and the outer sea are called restricted areas.

Three days.

Chu Fengmian has always been in this 1st Layer Sea Territory, following the direction of the compass to find the jade box left by Lord of Sword Dao, but he still has no gain.

Chu Fengmian can feel that the location of the Lord of Sword Dao jade box is getting closer and closer to him, but it is still far away.

It seems that the jade box of Lord of Sword Dao should not be in this 1st Layer Sea Territory.

1st Layer Sea Territory is the largest and most marginal layer among the seven-layer Sea Territory of Nether Sea Territory. Chu Fengmian has followed the compass guidelines for these three days.

He has now come to the edge of the 1st Layer Sea Territory.

Chu Fengmian glanced over, and he saw a barrier of seven colors light that appeared in front of Chu Fengmian.

This barrier of seven colors light is the boundary between the 1st Layer Sea Territory and the 2nd Layer Sea Territory.

Follow the direction indicated by the compass.

The location of the Lord of Sword Dao jade box should be in the Nine Nether Sea, in the more internal Sea Territory.


Looking at the barrier that the seven colors light turned into, Chu Fengmian stepped out, and a force burst out from the dark stone in his hand. The barrier of the seven colors light did not stop him at all, I saw Chu Fengmian crossed over and entered the 2nd Layer of the Nine Nether Sea.

The 2nd Layer Sea Territory is closer to the center of the Nine Nether Sea than the 1st Layer Sea Territory.

Across to the 2nd Layer Sea Territory.

What Chu Fengmian immediately felt was the Power of Darkness contained in the 2nd Layer Sea Territory, which was much richer and purer than the 1st Layer.

According to legend, the Power of Darkness in the Nine Nether World originally came from the Nine Nether Sea, and this 2nd Layer Sea Territory is closer to the core of the Nine Nether Sea than the 1st Layer Sea Territory.

So the Power of Darkness here should be more intense and pure.

The more intense and pure Power of Darkness means that in this 2nd Layer Sea Territory, there are more dark Principle Supreme Treasures, but they are more likely to contain danger…

Like the dark tide in the 1st Layer Sea Territory, it is because of the convergence of Power of Darkness, and in this 2nd Layer Sea Territory, there will be more dangers.


At the moment when Chu Fengmian was observing the 2nd Layer Sea Territory, several huge silhouettes suddenly appeared. These silhouettes looked like illusory shadows, at least the size of several hundred meters, and their bodies were extremely vague and seemingly different. In fact, it is difficult to see clearly.

The only thing that can be seen clearly is that each silhouette has four slender arms.

This one after another arm, burst out this Power of Darkness, and attacked Chu Fengmian.


Chu Fengmian’s gaze condensed. The moment he saw these illusory shadows, he saw the origin of these illusory shadows.

These illusory shadows are all spirits.

Same as Spirits of the Five Elements born of Power of Five Elements.

These illusory shadows are Power of Darkness, the spirit of darkness born.

In the place where Spiritual Force is extremely pure and rich, such spirits can be born. These spirits seem to have little consciousness and are fighting by instinct.

For them, the Martial Artist’s flesh and blood, which contains the essence of power, is what they most want to devour. Therefore, these spirits will attack all nearby Martial Artists, even creatures, and consume their flesh and blood.

The power of each of these dark spirits has reached the level of Immortal Saint and even the power of several spirits is almost Heavenly Venerate, but they don’t have any Law Trace on them, and some have only pure Power of Darkness.

It is an existence that only knows how to fight by instinct.

While Chu Fengmian observed these dark spirits, he waved a big hand at the same time, and saw that where his palm passed, it turned into a huge dragon claw. All the dark spirits that attacked near Chu Fengmian were This dragon claw broke directly.

Those dark spirits that were bombarded, one by one shattered, and turned into deep purple crystals where they were.

“Nine Nether crystal?”

Chu Fengmian reached out and grabbed it, and these purple crystals fell into his hands.

Chu Fengmian took a look and found that this purple crystal looks like a Nine Nether crystal. Of course, these purple crystals are the core of the dark spirits just now.

Contains pure Power of Darkness, equivalent to a dark Principle Supreme Treasure.

The stronger the dark spirits, after their fall, the power of darkness contained in the purple crystals will be larger and purer.

“This kind of dark spirits exist in 2nd Layer and 3rd Layer Sea Territory. Although most of them are not strong, they are endless.”

“They will attack according to the breath of Martial Artist, so the best way is to concealed aura to avoid the attacks of these dark spirits.”

The flashy Princess’ voice rang in Chu Fengmian’s ears.

She and the prince Xiguo were imprisoned in the realm within the realm, but they could see everything happening outside.

Although the strength of the dark spirits is not strong, the number is endless. Once there is a large number of attacks, for a high rank Immortal Emperor, it takes a lot of effort to kill these dark spirits. , To consume a lot of power.

In the sea of ​​Nine Nether, there are dangers everywhere, and the most dangerous thing is to consume power.

So when Martial Artist enters the 2nd Layer Sea Territory, most of them choose to hide their aura to prevent being attacked by these dark spirits.

Like Chu Fengmian, he swaggered into the 2nd Layer Sea Territory without hiding any aura, even if he killed those dark spirits.

When the dark spirits farther away find Chu Fengmian, they will also attack again.

Even a high rank Immortal Emperor can’t consume this nearly endless dark spirit.

“If you are willing to attack, just come over.”

Hearing the reminder of the flashy Princess, Chu Fengmian dismissed it.

In his eyes, these dark spirits are the Principle Supreme Treasure of darkness that contains the essence of power. They bombarded the purple crystal stone they got, and it happened to be swallowed to comprehend the law of darkness for him. Used.

Chu Fengmian wants to comprehend the Law of Darkness, and the Principle Supreme Treasure of Darkness he needs is massive, even if Chu Fengmian collects it all the way, the number is far from enough.

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