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“Well? Can’t you catch it?”

Chu Fengmian felt that he had caught something in the seabed.

But when Chu Fengmian was about to catch him, he found that he couldn’t move.

Although the arrest of Chu Fengmian only used less than one percent of his power.

But this is also comparable to the power of a Rank 2 Immortal Emperor, the third-order Immortal Emperor, with the power of moving mountains and suppressing seas, a large mountain can be crushed directly.

I can’t grasp it so heavily now.

This made Chu Fengmian very curious about what he found.

“Come out to me.”

Chu Fengmian coldly shouted, the power in his hand suddenly increased. This time he used one-tenth of his power, which was already comparable to the power of a 7th grade Immortal Emperor.

Under the grasp of Chu Fengmian, from the seabed of the Nether Sea, a dark stone mountain was grabbed by Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian eyes flashed, looked towards the dark stone mountain, and he saw a bronze gate on the dark stone mountain at a glance.

“Cave Mansion?”

Chu Fengmian recognized at a glance, this dark stone mountain should be a Cave Mansion, but I don’t know why, it is hidden in the sea of ​​Nine Nether.

“No wonder this sea of ​​Nine Nether is called a treasure everywhere. Just walking around, I came across such a Cave Mansion.”

Chu Fengmian said to himself, he also slowly walked towards the front of the bronze gate of this dark stone mountain.

On the bronze gate, there are countless arrays of prohibitions, but Chu Fengmian is close, and in the palm of his hand, a Heaven Devouring Force slowly condenses, and it penetrates the bronze gate.

Under the swallowing of the Heaven Devouring Force, the forbidden Array above the bronze door was shattered one after another. The bronze doors were all opened by Chu Fengmian, and Chu Fengmian stepped into the Cave Mansion.

This Cave Mansion is not big, and the interior is very simple. There is only this stone bed and a stone table. Apart from this is nothing. On this stone table, there is also a space ring.

Chu Fengmian picked up the space ring. The power of consciousness on the space ring has already dissipated. I don’t know if it has been too long, or it was deliberately erased.

As Chu Fengmian’s Spiritual Force was injected into it, the space ring opened. In this space ring, Chu Fengmian saw a jade talisman at a glance. He took out the jade talisman and injected a force into it. The one after another picture appeared in Chu Fengmian’s mind.

The content recorded in this jade talisman is not much, that is to say, this Cave Mansion is a Martial Artist of the Nine Nether world, and the Cave Mansion of the Black Water Domain Lord. When the Lord of the Black Water Domain is about to fall, he deliberately stayed Under such a Cave Mansion, waiting for the inheritor.

The inheritance of the Black Water Domain master was put into the space ring by him, and some dark Principle Supreme Treasure left by the Black Water Domain master.

Chu Fengmian is not interested in the inheritance of the Black Water Domain master.

This Black Water Domain lord is also a powerhouse in the history of Nether Nether world. The era when he was alive is dozens of eras away from now, and it is much older than the Dark Sword Tianzun.

The strength of the Black Water Domain Lord is probably at the eighth-order Immortal Emperor level, so it can be regarded as a famous powerhouse in the Nether world within the realm. He does not have enough strength and is not qualified to stay in the Nether Nether sea. inheritance.

Martial Artists who are qualified to leave inheritance in the sea of ​​Nine Nether are at least high-rank Immortal Emperor powerhouses, but Chu Fengmian doesn’t care about the inheritance of an eighth-order Immortal Emperor.

His current strength is stronger than this Black Water Domain master. It can be said that even if the Black Water Domain master is reborn, his strength may not be as strong as Chu Fengmian, and Chu Fengmian naturally does not need this inheritance.

However, the inheritance of the Black Water Domain master has some tricks. Chu Fengmian collected the inheritance of the Black Water Domain master and prepared to take it back to the Sword Dao gate.

Among Sword Dao Martial Artists, there may also be Martial Artists suitable for Black Water Domain’s main inheritance.

Each Martial Artist has a different aptitude, and Martial Dao suitable for cultivation is also different. For example, the Sword Dao gate. Although it is based on Sword Dao, there are some cultivation and other Martial Artists with extremely high aptitude.

These Martial Artists are also impossible to be rejected by Sword Dao. They can only cultivation other Martial Dao, but the root of Sword Dao is still Sword Dao. Sect’s Disciples are mostly sword cultivators. Cultivation of other Martial Artists of Martial Dao is just a small part.

As for those dark Principle Supreme Treasures, they were directly collected by Chu Fengmian and put into his space ring. The most of these dark Principle Supreme Treasures are the unique ones born from the sea of ​​Nine Nether. Principle Supreme Treasure of Darkness, Nine Nether crystal.

It contains an extremely pure Power of Darkness, which is the highest quality Principle Supreme Treasure.

There are about hundreds of Nine Nether crystals of different qualities, among which there are about ten of top grade crystals, which is a great harvest.

The moment he collected all these Nine Nether crystals into Chu Fengmian’s own space ring, he slowly got up, glanced at the Cave Mansion, and when he saw that there was nothing hidden, he It was a step out and left the Cave Mansion of the Black Water Domain master directly.

In the next half day, Chu Fengmian came across two Cave Mansion along the way. The two Cave Mansion were also left by the powerhouse of the Nine Nether world. The inheritance treasure was also lost. Chu Fengmian collects all.

This kind of gain also made Chu Fengmian sigh.

No wonder those Martial Artists who enter the sea of ​​Nether Nether can soar in strength. This Nether world is full of treasures. These inheritances are all left by the high rank Immortal Emperor powerhouse.

For an ordinary Celestial Venerable, and even some Immortal Venerable Immortal Saints, getting the inheritance of any powerhouse is enough to make their strength advanced by leaps and bounds.

Martial Artists who entered the sea of ​​Nine Nether, as long as they did not fall into it, most of them left, their strength skyrocketed, and many even became giants.

This is the reason why many Martial Artists prefer to fight for risks and participate in Nether Wars to compete for the Nether Sea quota.

No matter the Nether Warfare is cruel, Martial Artists who are willing to participate are also in an endless stream.

Of course, not every Martial Artist, like Chu Fengmian, can easily receive these inheritance.

Like these powerhouses of the Nine Nether world, they leave inheritance in the sea of ​​Nether Nether. Their purpose is to screen the descendants by themselves, so only the Martial Artists recognized by them can actually find these Cave Mansion and enter it , Get inheritance.

However, Chu Fengmian only needs to perceive the existence of this Cave Mansion. He just shot it and forcibly pulled the Cave Mansion out of the seabed in the sea of ​​Nine Nether, and then forcibly rushed into it. .

So it is recognized.

For Chu Fengmian, there is no need at all. No matter how strong the former master of Cave Mansion is, in front of Chu Fengmian who has mastered the secret technique of swallowing the sky, resolving the prohibition array above is also a matter with no difficulty. .

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