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This also means that the integration of the Vulcan Orb has more than doubled the power of the Sorcerer God鈥檚 true body.

This Fire God Orb is worthy of the Extreme Dao Immortal Weapon of the Fire Witch God, the source of the power of the Fire Witch God, which is equivalent to half the power of the Fire Witch God.

No wonder the King of Business and Land, after obtaining the mountain and sea pearl, his strength increased so fast, and his strength increased faster than the King of Jinjue, who was far better than aptitude.

It is the mountain and sea pearl.

However, the king of business and earth is only a descendant of the earth witch god, so he cannot directly refining the mountain and sea pearl. Otherwise, his strength will step into the high rank Immortal Emperor in one fell swoop, or even become the eighth-order Immortal Emperor. .

Chu Fengmian can directly refining the Vulcan Orb, and even integrate the Vulcan Orb into his real body of the Sorcerer God and become his own power.

It is because Chu Fengmian is not essentially a descendant of the witch god. He directly swallowed the body of the fire witch god and obtained the bloodline of the fire witch god. To a certain extent, Chu Fengmian is equal to the fire witch god.

The witch god of fire can differentiate a part of its Source Power and shape it into a fire god orb.

Naturally, you can integrate the Vulcan Orb into yourself again and turn it into your own power.

Chu Fengmian can now directly swallow the Vulcan Orb. Because of this, the Vulcan Orb, as an Extreme Dao Immortal Weapon, the Supreme Treasure, may be more formidable in the hands of the Fire Sorcerer. power come.

But Chu Fengmian was essentially cultivation by Human Race鈥檚 Sword Dao. He just incorporated Martial Dao from the witch clan into his Sword Dao.

But Chu Fengmian’s real Martial Dao is still his Sword Dao. The Vulcan Orb is in the hands of Chu Fengmian, and the power that can be exerted is far from being directly integrated into the power improvement brought by the Chu Fengmian wizard god.

So Chu Fengmian deliberately guided this Vulcan Orb and incorporated it into Chu Fengmian鈥檚 own Sorceress Real Body, even he did not expect that the Vulcan Orb is so closely related to the Sorceress Real Body. Contact, it is necessary to fuse together, almost making Chu Fengmian into danger.

Now that the Vulcan Orb is finally completely refining, Chu Fengmian can finally breathe a sigh of relief. The movement caused in this underground has not been discovered by the four supervisors of the four major inheritance forces.

Otherwise, it would be even more troublesome. At least Chu Fengmian’s purpose of entering the Nether Nether World this time was completely wiped out. His efforts in the Nether War were all in vain.

“Nether Warfare!”

Chu Fengmian suddenly complexion changed.

He was refining the Vulcan Orb this time. It can be said that he tried his best, but he didn’t even notice how much time had passed.

Netherworld War, there are only seven days in total. After seven days, a Transmission Array will reappear on the sky of the ancient battlefield.

All Martial Artists who enter the ancient battlefield to participate in the Nether Warfare must leave through the Transmission Array, otherwise they may be trapped in the ancient battlefield.

After that, the powerhouse of the four major inheritance forces will enter it and clean up all traces of it. All Martial Artists who want to hide in the ancient battlefield will be killed on the spot.

Chu Fengmian is also not sure, now the Nether War is over.

However, even if Chu Fengmian noticed this, he was also powerless. When Chu Fengmian was refining the Vulcan Orb, he put all his power into it. Impossible to stop because of the Nether War, Chu Fengmian did the same. Can’t do it.

Chu Fengmian took out the jade talisman after condensing the breath on his body, and a date emerged on the jade talisman.

“Is it the seventh day?”

Seeing this date, Chu Fengmian temporarily sighed in relief.

At least the Nether War is not over yet.

Otherwise, you will be trapped in the ancient battlefield, but it is also a troublesome thing.

This ancient battlefield is a small world that has been blocked by the four major inheritance forces.

With Chu Fengmian’s strength, it is not difficult to break through this blockade, but the movement caused is too great, but it will be noticed by the powerhouse of the four major inheritance forces.

In this Nine Nether World, Chu Fengmian must be extremely careful.

The Nether War is not over yet, which is good news for Chu Fengmian, but this date shows that it is now the seventh day of the Nether War.

Compared with Chu Fengmian, he found the Vulcan Orb in the Rift Valley.

It’s been three days now, and it’s the seventh day of Nether Warfare, and this seventh day has already passed for a long time.

In another half day, this Nether Warfare is over.

At the end of the day, according to the ranking displayed on jade talisman, it is the ranking of the Nether Warfare that can be settled this time.

Chu Fengmian looked towards jade talisman again, looked towards his ranking.

Originally, Chu Fengmian’s ranking has always been at the top of the list, but now, the number on the ranking has become six.

This also means that the jade talisman owned by Chu Fengmian ranks sixth among all Martial Artists participating in the Nether War in this ancient battlefield.

Seeing this result, Chu Fengmian is not surprised. After the 3rd day of the Nether Warfare, the giants who lead this army will really gather their strength.

Especially on the seventh day, almost all the jade talisman in this ancient battlefield fell into the hands of the giants.

Chu Fengmian now has 135,000 jade talisman in his hands, but it is not enough. As Chu Fengmian expected, he has fallen to sixth place.

Nether War Ranked 6th, although they are also eligible to enter the Nether Nether sea, they are not eligible to enter the inner sea.

The true goal of Chu Fengmian is also the qualification to enter the Inland Sea.

“There is still half a day, for me, there is still time.”

Chu Fengmian said silently.

Although in the last half of the day, the rankings will hardly change, but there may not be a final reversal. For Chu Fengmian, he now only needs to win the top five, any jade talisman, he himself can occupy the top five.

As long as you squeeze into the first five of the Nether War, you can enter the inner sea of 鈥嬧€媡he Nether Sea.


In the end, only half a day was left.

Chu Fengmian can’t continue to waste time now. He stepped out and flew towards the sky above the soil layer. Leaving from the ground, Chu Fengmian took a full hour.

The time left for Chu Fengmian is less.

From the bottom of the earth, back to the rift valley, Chu Fengmian discovered that there were fewer Martial Artists in the rift valley, and only five Martial Artists remained.

And it seems that in this rift valley, there are still traces of battles.

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