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Chu Fengmian’s own jade talisman, the ranking number that emerged is still a big “one”.

It proves that now Chu Fengmian is still at the top of the Nether Wars Ranking List.

Seeing this result, Chu Fengmian was not surprised.

With the speed at which Chu Fengmian plundered Jade Talisman so fast, it would be strange if he could not become the top spot in the Nether Wars.

After all, it is still the first day of Nether Warfare. For characters like the Prince of the State of Xi, their armies have not yet fully converged, and they have not yet been able to exert their truly terrifying strength.

Wait two or three days after the start of the Nether War, when the 10,000 guards under the prince of the state of Xi gathered together, it was the time when the prince of the state of Xi really broke out.

What Chu Fengmian has to do now is to plunder jade talisman a lot in the first few days, plundering enough to support Chu Fengmian into the top five jade talisman in the Nether War, he can stop.

“Sure enough, it is still hunting the lonely Heavenly Venerate powerhouse, the most efficient.”

Chu Fengmian said to himself.

Heavenly Venerate powerhouse generally has plans to hit the top 20, so when the Nether Warfare has just started and just entered the ancient battlefield, it will use all means to collect a large number of jade talisman.

Especially the solo Heavenly Venerate powerhouse. If they want to enter the top 20, they must have accumulated a lot of jade talisman in the previous few days.

This is exactly what Chu Fengmian is focusing on, and in the face of this solo Heavenly Venerate, one-on-one, Chu Fengmian has this absolute advantage.

On Chu Fengmian Martial Dao, the leader in the movement technique can exert the strongest effect in the face of solo Heavenly Venerate and one-on-one.

If there are multiple enemies, Chu Fengmian Martial Dao, the lead on the movement technique, it would be so obvious.

Chu Fengmian has already decided to solve all the lone Heavenly Venerate in the stone forest first. Besides, if the number of jade talisman is not enough, he is going to other areas.

There should be four lone Heavenly Venerates in this stone forest under Chu Fengmian Spiritual Consciousness.

When Chu Fengmian’s gaze again chose the next goal, he suddenly discovered that the two lone Heavenly Venerates had joined together and fled towards the depths of the bone stone forest.

Two solo Heavenly Venerate, choose to join forces.

This is also because they saw that Chu Fengmian had just destroyed the Array of Heavenly Venerate in the Sky Mountain, and at the same time beheaded the Heavenly Venerate, so everyone was in danger and planned to unite to deal with Chu Fengmian.

However, even if the two Heavenly Venerates joined forces, Chu Fengmian was not afraid. Before Chu Fengmian comprehend this ancient battlefield rule, he had a horrible record of one against two against the two Heavenly Venerates of the Dark Night Sect.

even more how now Chu Fengmian comprehend Heaven and Earth Law in the ancient battlefield, and condense a dragon bloodline, which made him a lot stronger. Against two Heavenly Venerates, one against two, with no difficulty.

However, when Chu Fengmian turned into a ray of light and flew toward the depths of the bone stone forest, he discovered that these two lone heavenly races had actually come to a bone tower in the depths of the bone stone forest. Ahead.

This bone tower is the most central place in the bone stone forest, and only the most powerhouse in the bone stone forest can be occupied here.

Soon at the moment when these two lone Heavenly Venerates arrived, the door of the bone tower suddenly opened. Countless martial artists walked out of the bone tower, neatly arranged on both sides, In the tower, there are thousands of martial artists unexpectedly.

At the same time, surrounded by thousands of martial artists, a young man walked out slowly.

This young man is dressed in gorgeous clothes and looks like a person of high status. The martial artists standing on both sides of this ossuary are all very respectful looking towards this young martial artist.

This young man came out and talked with the two lone Heavenly Venerates. He lifts the head, and his eyes met Chu Fengmian standing above the sky.

At this moment of looking at each other.

Chu Fengmian also recognized the identity of this young man.

Dangping Hou!

Nine Nether World The peace of the ancient kingdom.

Swire Nether Kingdom is the largest country in Nine Nether World, and it is dozens of times, hundreds of times larger than the stream country.

In this Nine Nether World, the second only to the four major inheritance forces, vaguely, this Primordial Nether Kingdom all has the same capital as the four major inheritance forces.

Dangping Hou was one of the genius martial artists. He was less than a hundred years old and he became Heavenly Venerate. He was given the title of “This Dangping Hou, Dang Ping Hou”.

Dangping Hou is a prince of one party, and his subordinate is also a powerhouse as clouds. He entered the ancient battlefield this time. According to legend, he also brought an army of thousands of martial artists into it.

Although there are fewer guards than the prince of the kingdom of Xi, it is also a terrifying number.

Among the giants of this Nether Warfare, Dangping Hou also has a place, and even countless people are speculating that Dangping Hou even has a chance to hit the Nether War Ranking List, which is among the top five.

The most powerhouse in this bone stone forest is in peace.

Of course the horror of Dangping Hou is not only his own strength, but also because of his army. Now Dangping Hou’s army, although not fully assembled, there are thousands of martial artists. .

Thousands of martial artists, if they are besieged together, let alone a Heavenly Venerate or several Heavenly Venerates, they may be besieged.

In this ancient battlefield, the human sea tactics are the strongest tactics among them. With limited power, one person can never compete with the army.

The two lone Heavenly Venerates, under the threat of Chu Fengmian, they chose to join the party.

At this point, Chu Fengmian’s attention is no longer on the two lone Heavenly Venerates. His gaze is opposite to that of Dang Pinghou.

Whether it is Chu Fengmian or Dang Pinghou, they all see absolute confidence in the eyes of the other person.

Chu Fengmian, Dangping Hou, is an extremely confident person. Under such circumstances, no one is willing to step back.

“If you dare to enter my territory, you must abide by my rules and hand over half of the jade talisman.”

Dangping Hou suddenly opened the mouth and said.

His tone is extremely cold.

This tone is an unquestionable command.

Dang Pinghou occupies this bone stone forest, there is a rule, as long as he is willing to pay the ordinary jade talisman in his hands, he can get shelter under his command.

Of course, any martial artist who dares to enter his territory is deemed to have come to accept his asylum, and must surrender the jade talisman, otherwise it is a dead end.

So a character like Dang Pinghou doesn’t need to fight hard outside to capture jade talisman. As long as he is in one place, there will be a continuously jade talisman, delivered to the door.

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