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“Yes, if it wasn’t for Elder who underestimated the enemy, he would take the initiative to attack, and he would not be defeated so miserably. If he stays in his Cave Mansion and fights against the dark sword, the one to emerge Victorious, it’s hard to say…”

Most of the martial artists participating in the nether warfare will choose one area as their Cave Mansion, and they will also arrange countless array restrictions in their Cave Mansion to improve defense.

The first is that you can take this to have a place to rest, and the second is that you can stay in your own lair when you encounter a strong enemy, and rely on the prohibition Array in your Cave Mansion. Fighting can increase the strength of several.

In this nether warfare, the power is completely suppressed, and the prohibition of external forces like Array may have a very good effect.

For example, some Heavenly Venerate powerhouses, before entering the ancient battlefields and participating in the Nether Wars, they all have to be outside, learning some Array prohibitions, and operating their own Cave Mansion in the ancient battlefields are of great use.

“Come here.”

In the bone stone forest, a martial artist’s gaze was to see Chu Fengmian, descending over an area. Below Chu Fengmian, there are a total of seven huge bone stone pillars, showing a seven-star trend. Vaguely became an Array.

On a bone stone pillar in the center, a silhouette of a middle-aged man, sitting cross-legged on the ground, felt the arrival of Chu Fengmian above, and slowly opened his eyes, looking towards Chu Fengmian.

This middle-aged man is Empty Mountain Heavenly Venerate, a Loose Cultivator Heavenly Venerate of Nine Nether World.

It is also the target of Chu Fengmian this time.

“Hand over jade talisman, I will not kill you.”

Chu Fengmian looked towards Heavenly Venerate, the empty mountain below, calmly opened the mouth and said.

“Dark Sword, I know your strength is terrifying. Outside, I am indeed not your opponent, but here, you are impossible to surpass me. Take the initiative to retreat.”

Empty Mountain Heavenly Venerate lifts the head looked towards Chu Fengmian opened the mouth and said.

At the moment when Heavenly Venerate opened the mouth of the empty mountain, the arrays arranged by the seven bone stone pillars all appeared next to Heavenly Venerate in the empty mountain. Above the array, a terrifying force was exuding.

This is a threat to Heavenly Venerate.

“If you can beat you, try and know.”

Chu Fengmian doesn’t care at all.

Although this Array is good, Chu Fengmian is also confident that in this Array, he killed the empty mountain Heavenly Venerate.

“Then it’s up to you.”

Heavenly Venerate’s face is extremely calm.

But in this empty mountain Heavenly Venerate, a force has already been accumulated, ready to explode at any time.

This sentence is his answer, let him hand over jade talisman, absolutely impossible.


Spirit Sword fell into Chu Fengmian’s palm. The moment he held the Spirit Sword, he stepped out and rushed directly into the Array below.

“War is on.”

“This dark sword is really arrogant enough to rush into the Array of Heavenly Venerate in the sky.”

“The empty mountain Heavenly Venerate is the Array master. The Array he arranged can not be broken by a Heavenly Venerate in this ancient battlefield. With the addition of the empty mountain Heavenly Venerate itself can be a powerhouse, this dark sword is actually true Dare to do it.”

“Dare to underestimate the Array of Heavenly Venerate in this empty mountain, this dark sword will have to suffer a bit…”

In this one after another discussion, Chu Fengmian’s figure has already rushed into the Array. The moment he just entered the Array, he felt several spatial sharp edges, Chu Fengmian came from beheading.

This empty mountain Heavenly Venerate, although it is also a Heavenly Venerate powerhouse of the Law of Darkness, it is different from most of the Heavenly Venerates of Nine Nether World. His Law of Space is also close to Great Accomplishment.

This Array is the Law of Space integrated into Heavenly Venerate. These space blades are invisible and colorless. Quietly, they are enough to kill opponents.

On the Chu Fengmian Law of Space, this sky mountain Heavenly Venerate’s little attainments in Law of Space is fundamentally impossible to withstand a single blow. These spatial sharp edges were clearly seen by Chu Fengmian.

Chu Fengmian slashed out with a single sword, and a lacquered Black Sword light swept through everything. All the spatial blades were under this sword and were destroyed by Chu Fengmian with one sword.

Crack, click!

Even on the seven bone stone pillars, the Array arranged by Heavenly Venerate from the empty mountain was due to the Chu Fengmian sword. Numerous cracks appeared and the next moment broke directly.

Array, broken!

Many martial artists around this bone stone forest thought that Chu Fengmian would suffer a lot from this array.

Unexpectedly, Chu Fengmian would destroy the Array so quickly.

One sword breaking the formation.

Even Heavenly Venerate in Nakong Mountain did not have time to make a move. His carefully arranged Array was just shattered.


Kongshan Heavenly Venerate’s eyes fixed on Chu Fengmian.

But even if he didn’t believe it, Array was broken in front of his eyes. Watching Chu Fengmian holding the Spirit Sword and rushing towards him, Heavenly Venerate felt a sense of danger in his heart.

“jade talisman here for you.”

Heavenly Venerate made a prompt decision, took out a space ring, threw it to Chu Fengmian, and then he turned into a light and flew away.

Heavenly Venerate, the empty mountain, actively chose to hand over Jade Talisman and gave up this session of the Nether War.

After taking the space ring, Chu Fengmian didn’t have the idea of ​​chasing it. His purpose was just for jade talisman, even more how this sky mountain Heavenly Venerate, comprehend the Law of Space, and compared to other Heavenly Venerates, the escape A lot faster.

It takes a lot of effort to chase down the empty mountain Heavenly Venerate, and there is no benefit. Chu Fengmian simply let the empty mountain Heavenly Venerate go.


“Array was broken, this sky mountain Heavenly Venerate is absolutely impossible to be the opponent of Dark Sword. It is not strange to escape.”

“With the strength of Sky Mountain Heavenly Venerate, sooner or later there is a chance to enter the top ten of the Nether War. He is waiting for the next Nether War. He does not need this time to fight hard.”

“The strength of this dark sword is really terrifying…”

Many of these martial artists near the bone stone forest were originally waiting. Chu Fengmian had a fierce battle with Heavenly Venerate in Nakong Mountain. It is best to suffer from both sides. In this way, they have a chance to pick up the bargain.

Now Kongshantian Venerable Lord has surrendered jade talisman and fled. Chu Fengmian doesn’t seem to have the intention of chasing him down. This battle is over.

Chu Fengmian picked up the space ring of Heavenly Venerate in the empty mountain, and injected a Spiritual Force into it. In the space ring of Heavenly Venerate in this empty mountain, there are also about 10,000 jade talisman.

As easy as blowing off dust, and got another 10,000 jade talisman, Chu Fengmian is also in a good mood.

Of course, it seems that it is easy to win, but this empty mountain Heavenly Venerate Array, if it is replaced with another Heavenly Venerate to break, it is very likely that it will not be broken, but it may fall into it by itself.

Only Chu Fengmian is so confident in his strength that he dares to directly enter the Array of others.

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